
Nameless Wanderer Paradox

Ace thought that his life would end that night—a night of cold air and a star-filled sky. He had accepted that his life would end there, and he bid the world his final goodbye.   But fate, or some other entity, decided to play with him. He woke up in the body of a "Character" named Castileo, and this guy was not some simple, frail, and weak young master, no!   Without his knowledge, schemes and plots were going on behind the scenes. As he acted as Castileo, he became tangled with these events that he had no idea of: mysterious connections, complicated family affairs, and even Gods!   But Ace didn't have the time for that! As he looked through the notification in front of him, he instantly knew his days were counted—he had approximately 150 left before "Fading" out of existence!   With steeled resolve, he ventured deeper into this "Story" he was in. But the simple name /Nameless/ isn't just a decorative name for flashiness.   As Ace dug deeper into the mysteries of this "Story" and the "Character" he was possessing, he discovered this name isn't as simple as it appears.... *** TAGS #MYSTERY #R18 #ACTION #GODS #Magic #Transmigration #System WARNING +Parental Guidance is Adviced +Rookie Author +En is not my first language +May contain grammar mistakes From the Author Hello! I'm a rookie Author and this is my very first book. I would like to say that this novel is far from perfect and probably is below average, (Atleast from my humble opinion) I would really appreciate it if you read this story and provide some feedback (Positive and Negative are welcome) so I can improve my writing. Happy reading.

Razed · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 16: The Proud Knight

The night before, Cavell had already sent half of the Knights to the church.

He wasn't particularly keen on participating in the Necromancer hunt, especially if the church of Holy Mother was involved. It wasn't a simple like and dislike, he saw it on his own eyes how ruthless the church can be back in kingdom's capital.

He had also fought a Necromancer once, although in the sidelines, it left a deep impression on him.

A Necromancer never fights personally but send its army of dead to do so. This dead army might look terrifying and easy to kill, but that was a fatally wrong assumption. The dead army also carries plague, diseases, rotting, etc. A simple scratch could send a human to the grave.

But he knew his young master was keen on encountering the Necromancer. He didn't know why, but he saw the determination when he spoke about the Necromancer, like it was a mission.

Normal people might not notice it, but he wasn't one of them. He was dubbed as the Blue Knight. This title was granted to him by the King himself after he defended the Trion household alone.

He felt strange at the sudden change of his young master's demeanor. He was there since the young master was birthed, so he knew the young master like a the back of his hand.

He wanted to ask the young master, but he thought it wasn't necessary.

He still saw the young master despite his change: The unwavering resolve to survive, and the resolve to prove himself. So, he didn't ask further when he saw the change.

It was a good change, after all.

Just as he was walking around the Coliseum. A lady in white exiting a white car caught his attention.

The lady wore a long white dress and and had a hood covering her face. Cavell knew this was from the church. His expression hardened as he began walking towards the lady.

"Greeting to the lady of Holy Mother." He bowed slightly.

The woman wore a more luxurious clothing, her white dress was slightly adorn in golden embroidery. Cavell knew she wasn't a priest, but a Church lady.

They held a much higher authority than priest and only lower to the bishop. Their task is to take care of the bishop.

Looking at the bowing knight. The church lady smiled softly gestured: "May the Holy Mother embrace you."

"May the Holy Mother embrace you." Cavell followed.

"The church will commence the Purge of Evil, Blue Knight. As per request, the young master of Trion will participate." She muttered in a very alluring voice.

"I shall inform the young master, Lady of Holy Mother." Without saying anything else, he left. The church lady also went back to the white car.


Finished reading the well organised information, he was inwardly surprised by Silvena's ability.

Thanks to her properly structured report, he obtained information easily. Now, he had some target villages that he suspects to house a Necromancer.

Just as he and Trixton was walking, they saw the blue armoured Cavell closing in them with haste steps. The knight wore a hard expression that seemed worried.

"Has the envoy from the church arrived?" Ace began to walk towards the knight.

Cavell nodded. Although he was obviously disapproved of his young master participating, he couldn't possible convince him seeing the young man's determined expression.

Sighing, he followed the young man that began to walk towards the area where the car is parked.

"Trixton, get the chauffeur." Ace said.

Trixton left with haste steps. He was aware of the purge going to happen as announced by Cavell the night before, so he fastened his steps.

"Cavell, the knights are already there correct?" He asked. Although he knew the answer, he simply wanted to do a check up.

Cavell of course nodded.

In an area that looked much like a garage, a clean blue-painted car was parked. Ace eyed the car from top to bottom. When he saw the inexistence of guts and blood, he nodded in approval.

It didn't take long for the chauffeur to arrive. The old man had tired eyes, but despite so, he smiled towards the young master.

The chauffeur opened the car door and gestured them to get inside.

They nodded.

But before he got on the car, Ace looked at Trixton. "Trixton, you will stay here."

Trixton nodded his head. Although a bit saddened and worried for the young master despite the presence of the Blue Knight, he was inwardly relieved when he heard that.

He wasn't really a fighter person and could mostly swing a knife.

Despite his body, it is safe to say that he didn't belong in a battlefield.

"I will inform young master if something happens here, or a new information is obtained." He bowed. Although he couldn't be in the battle, he still wanted to be useful.

Ace nodded approvingly and dismissed him. He got on the car with Cavell. The driver checked on their comfort before speeding towards the church.


Ace stepped out off the vehicle and looked at the massive entrance of the church that was more beautiful than this manor.

He was greeted with knights and priest that urged him to get inside. He followed and Cavell followed behind while the driver drove the car somewhere.

Inside the church, Ace spotted the old bishop at the top of a platform, seated in a throne. Behind him was several beautiful ladies that possess milky white skin. They stood unmoving.

In the lines of the worship chairs, seated people wearing white robes, in the sides, stood knights wearing white armours and some occasional blue wearing one. The blue was from the Trion family, Ace's knights. While the white ones were Paladins.

Gazing at the display with hidden awe, Ace walked on the nave. Walking in the center of rows of seating, it obviously attracted many eyes.

But being a master actor, he put a proud expression with chin held high. Proud but not arrogant, he walked towards the empty seat in front. The seat was reserved for him.

Sitting on the chair, he glanced at Cavell standing among the Paladins. He then looked at the bishop in the raised platform.

The bishop—Lancaster— smiled at him. He of course smiled back.

The bishop then shifted his attention to the people seated and the ones standing.

"May Mother Embrace Us." He wrapped his arm around himself and slowly rocketed.

The seated people all stood up, including Ace, and performed similar gesture while repeating the words. After that, the bishop gestured the priests and Ace to sit down.

Bishop Lancaster looked at the people present and muttered in a saddened tone, "Children of Holy Mother. Since the dawn of time, the vile darkness has continued to erode the land. Robbing it with its children."

He then raised his voice. "But, in that darkness, a being much worse resides. Instead of sending the children to the Holy Land, the being instead makes them slaves!"

"Necromancers! The vile creatures that turns flesh to rotten. They are in this town! They could be roaming the streets, looking for a helpless child to turn into slaves! Children loved by Holy Mother, fight for light and vanquish these vile despicable creatures!" Bishop Lancaster sermoned.

From what he said, Ace confirmed that the woman was indeed connected to the Necromancer. The church also confirmed the existence of the Necromancer as being in the town.

"Today, we shall spread the name of Holy Mother and vanquish the servants of death!" The bishop stated.

Ace glanced at the people seated beside him. They all wore fully white robes and had a determined expression after hearing the bishop. Unknowingly, a barely visible smirk surfaced on his lips.

'With the help of the church, the hunt for the Necromancer will undoubtedly succeed. The only way to evade this kind of force was for the Necromancer to flee the town. But that would take several days. Plus, the route would be problem.'

"Children of Holy Mother. March Forward! Find the Necromancer and burn it with the sacred flames!" The bishop commanded.

The priests seated simultaneously stood up. The Paladins started to march towards the church's exit.

Ace was in inwardly in awe at the display of organization, the Paladins would break into a team of twelve and follow one priest. With this strategy, no doubt every nook and cranny of the town will be searched.

'Good thing I'm not the enemy...' He couldn't help but thank.

Although the church in this town was considered small compared to one in the Fiefdom capital, it still numbered to thousands.

The church is has more people than him!

Ace only had approximately a thousand knights under his command. Although they are well trained, they are only somewhat comparable to the Paladins.

Although the church has more military power they do not use this for politics, they use this to spread belief.

"Knights of Trion."

The Knights who stood in the side all looked into Ace's direction as he called out.

The knights were Knights of Trion and thus they did not follow the church. They waited for their commander to tell them to proceed.

The Knights of Trion were surprised by the appearance of the rumoured young master of the Trion household. For the majority, this was the first time they actually him in person, and only heard rumours of him.

"The Necromancer shall no longer spread ills and death. March forth! Bring the vile creature to me. We shall burn it with the flames of Holy Mother!" Announced Ace with noble righteousness.

Cavell gazed at him with a proud expression.

This was his young master's first ever time actually leading a battalion to battle, although it was more like a hunt, it was the noblest honor to lead troops in battle.

The knights who heard his announcement were surprised and then inspired. The bishop who was still seated in the throne looked at Ace with a smile.

"All of you, split into teams of five. The highest in knight rank shall be the leader. In every one hour, one person from each team shall report the situation. Now go! Charge forward!" He spoke with aura of confidence.

The knights followed the command in every word and began to march towards the exit.

Ace gazed proudly at the knights exiting the church. Cavell closed up on him with expression of awe.

To think his greenhouse master was capable of exerting such a command. He gazed at Ace with teary eyes.

"The young master has grown." A smile of pure happiness surfaced on his lips.

Looking at him, he saw Ace nod. This was a signal that they would also join the hunt. The two of them together.

Although Cavell was a bit worried earlier, all that worry was now gone seeing him now. He began to tremble in excitement.

'I shall not disappoint.' He inwardly thought.