

"Brother... He's the one..." Cecilia muttered with a shocked look.

"Yes. Marcus, Blade of the Abyss, he is Dark Lizards Leader." Knight of the Bloody Rose said while in disbelief.

"Boss, what shall we do?" Lucian asked as he prepared for battle.

Marcus was a dangerous opponent, he was stronger than most Royal Blades, but the mates of Knight of the Bloody Rose were not about to back down. They knew this was a momentous encounter for him.

"Knight of the Bloody Rose, what is your decision?" Marcus asked while putting a cigarette to his mouth, "Are you going to attack me like a wild beast and make a bloodbath or realize you don't have enough information to do that."

"Boss, don't let him fool you!" Baldy exclaimed, "He's got us trapped, we can't wait any longer, or more reinforcements will come here!"