
The Power of Destiny


The body of the terrifying Demogorgon exploded as chunks of flesh flew apart. At the same time, gray flames appeared on Dark Silhouette's wounds that instantly healed him and opened an eye on his crown.

"Well, well, if you want to eat my soul, you should at least be as strong as the Dragon Progenitor!" The Dark Silhouette exclaimed in a thunderous voice as waves rippled across the sand because of how loud it was.


Parts of flesh instantly joined together in place as Demogorgon was reborn, however, now its aura was not as terrifying as before, for the monster that was facing death for the first time experienced what fear is.

"What...? How is it possible...?" The skeleton in dark armor muttered in a dazed voice, "No... It can't be... Are you really on that level to know about this technique?!"