
The Lake

Wain decided not to hesitate to open the Rare Rating Spiritual box. He was curious to know what was in it.

He opened the box and saw a small scroll with a red hammer on it. Wain knew what it was.

"So I got a skill scroll, not bad. It can be used to attack the enemy suddenly." Mumbled Wain and looked at the description of the item.

[Skill Scroll - Strike Hammer (Primary Chronicle, Rare Rating)

When you use this scroll, an energy hammer will be created over your chosen target. It is large and powerful enough to pierce armor and cause irreparable damage to creatures below level 10. After falling, the energy hammer explodes, creating a massive explosion destroying everything around it at a distance of two meters.

This skill can be used a limited number of times, after which the item will disappear: 3/3]