

The last time Wain improved his skills was also in this Void. Most of his skills were First Chronicle, but their Rating was quite low, and Wain wanted to fix that. 

He also still hadn't improved one of his most powerful skills, Oblivion Thunder, to First Chronicle.

Wain opened the menu and saw a surprising picture.

[You can develop the Distant Bullet skill]

[You can develop the Sigh of Lightning skill]

[You can develop the Oblivion Thunder skill]

[You can develop the Dark Sword skill]

[You can develop the Heat Resistant Flesh skill]

[You can develop the Mastery of Reading skill]

[You can develop Ghost Healing Threads skill]

[You can develop Black Thunder's Renegade soul]

"Holy shit..."

Wain was stunned. He didn't expect so many options to appear in front of him. Before, he could improve three skills at once, a record, but the previous number seemed laughable compared to this.