
Nameless Despair ( The True Void )

In a world steeped in cruelty, where the sole imperative is the law of the strongest, we will tread the path of devotees venerating not deities, but rather entities embodying a purity that challenges all conception...

TheEndlessStories · History
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25 Chs


Through the smoke emitted by the explosion a silhouette covered with blood slowly emerged from the smoke, revealing a familiar figure to Alice. Her heart was racing as she recognized the enigmatic and sinister individual she had seen for a short time at the top of the house, when they were at the inn.

A shiver ran through Alice as she realized that this person was connected to the explosion that had nearly destroyed them. But what troubled her most was the glimmer of madness shining in the eyes of the stranger, a glimmer that seemed to herald imminent danger.

The group remained on guard, watching with suspicion the bloodied individual standing before them. Words seemed superfluous in this moment charged with urgency and tension. Alice felt her heart pounding

Alice saw nothing through these vetements, just red tentacles that came out of her silhouette, suddenly he said in a voice so heavy and sinister that the atmosphere was appropriated involuntarily kneeling Alice and her group "I have long watched you Alice in your journey, thank you for the key... I have been looking for it for so long if you knew, the other followers who venerated my master were only pawns among the billions I used in this planet and universe to find this unique key.

Alice opresser by this monstrous aura shouted

"Who are you really extinguishing? And why are you all doing this, what is your purpose to do all this evil!"

The individual, still enveloped in this dark and mysterious aura, stared at Alice with an intense gaze. His eyes seemed to shine with a sinister red glow, reflecting an unwavering determination.

"I am much more than you can imagine, Alice," he replied in a deep, sinuous voice." My name doesn't have an iportance, but they call me the Croc-Mitaine, know that I am bound to forces far beyond mere human comprehension. '

He stepped forward, his tentacles waving in the air, creating an oppressive atmosphere. As for my goal, it is simple: get the key of Yamir and access not to his power that it contains but rather to what it can open. A key capable of changing the course of the chronology, even of this world where we are all contained.

Alice felt a shiver of terror running through her body. She knew this individual was a very real threat, a dark force that would do anything to achieve its goals. But she refused to give in to fear. His determination was rooted in the belief that the key should be protected at all costs, for the good of all.

Out of nowhere Alice's pet cat, Lucie, stood in front of her, bristling hairs, emitting a threatening roar. His eyes shone with fierce determination, ready to defend his mistress to the end.

Alice, drawing on the strength of her memories with Arion and those ancient moments of joy with these companions and in the conviction of her heart, rose with difficulty, her body sore with the aura emanating from this thing. She grabs a sparkly blue sword from her bag, a legacy of her true father, a symbol of courage and determination.

Alice shouted "No matter what darkness may surround us, hope still shines in brave hearts!" "We will not let you win, no matter what power you claim to have." We are ready to fight until the last breath to protect what is right and true!"

The group of stolen companions having listened to these words full of determinations, shouted in turn this rising with ferocity shouting with all their strength "We too have followed you Alice whatever 

Alice looked at these moved companions, by their determination and their loyalty, she was supported by emotions that gave her such great strength, conferring on her a golden aura surrounding her sword distorting the space around her

Alice's companions were captivated by this manifestation of power thinking that it was the work of their goddess, feeling the energy of hope flowing into the room, driving away the darkness that had insinuated itself there.

The tentacles of the man stirred. His mocking laughter turned into silence as he retreated from Alice's growing strength.

"Impossible..." he murmured. "What is this energy? Where does it come from?"

Alice, carried by the power of hope and the bond that connected her to her companions, advanced with determination. His sword shone brightly, ready to face the darkness that threatened to overwhelm them. She felt a new force in her, fueled by the conviction that even in the darkest moments, light could triumph.

"We are stronger together," she said with a voice of confidence." And with the light of hope to guide us to give through our goddess and my friends, we cannot be defeated!"

Suddenly Alice ran and jumped on the individual in a split second, the sword in those hands near to slice it...

But she was suddenly stopped by a hand clad in a red breastplate. Alice found herself frozen, unable to move her sword an inch. At the same time, she felt a wave pass through it. Instinctively, she cast a worried look behind her to make sure her friends were okay.

She saw none of these companions, nor Lucia, but a pools of blood scattered on the walls and platform. Alice, in this short scene where all these memories collapse, was caught violently by the throat by the thing.

Undoing Alice looked with those eyes filled with sorrow and despair 

"Why! Why! Why! WHY ! WHY ! WHY !"

The individual holding Alice by his hand, laughed gently restoring an atmosphere of agony and pain

"But you thought hope would be enough to succeed ?..."

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