
First Kill

In the middle of the lake, light swishing sounds could be heard from a bamboo stick slowly being paddled through the calm water.

Since it was so dark out, the people on the boat could see the moon and stars beautifully reflecting off of the ink-black lake.

Li Lian dipped her hand in the water leaving ripples as the boat moved. She then comfortably laid back on Xiao Fang's shoulder before looking up at the stars.

"This is beautiful," she said with a sparkle in her eye.

Xiao Fang put his hand on top of hers then she turned it over to hold his hand.

"I'm glad you like it, Lian'er"

Meanwhile, the man rowing the boat was growing furious.

'Enjoy it while it lasts, Da Long. Soon your woman will be mine.' The large man thought.