
Nagharian and Ildrain: Genesis

In an apex of transcendence, I urge you to embark on an epic odyssey through the mists of time, towards the dawn of creation itself. A reckless expedition that will take us to the ends of reality, unraveling the ancient mysteries of the universe. This arduous but sublime journey will be the key to unlocking the enigmas contained in the Nagharian and Ildrain Chronicles.

Cosmic_Observer · Fantasy
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8 Chs


And so, amid the relentless whirlwind of time, countless years flowed away like grains of sand in an uncontrollable hourglass. On this colossal stage of existence, life was intertwined in an epic ballet of meetings and departures, loves and grudges, conquests and subjugations. Heroic figures rose into the light of glory, while others succumbed to the mists of oblivion. Civilizations flourished in radiant splendor, only to be engulfed in the flames of ruin, leaving in their wake only ashes and distant echoes of yesteryear.

Amid this melancholic symphony of existence, everything submits to the inexorable rhythm of mutation. What flourishes inevitably withers. What prevails, one day bows before the inexorable force of time. It is an eternal cycle, a cosmic ritual that, although understood by reason, never fails to tear the soul and engrave indelible scars on the memory.

The marks of time, silent witnesses of the ephemerality of life, permeate the very essence of being. Every being that breathes, every soul that beats, carries within itself the burden of finitude, the anguish of that which disappears. It is in this existential scenario, permeated by a mix of pain and beauty, that his epic journey unfolds, leaving a trail of memories and teachings that echo through the mists of time.

After narrating to you the saga of the progenitors of creation, weaving the epic of the gods and their magnanimous deeds, I am urged to unveil the purpose of my presence, in this unusual conversation that transcends time and space.

The moment Ilian took his own life, beginning the era of the Kains, an inexorable cosmic cycle was triggered, called Big Bang by you Earthlings. However, the unexpected manifested itself: in the midst of this event of such magnitude and power, a temporal bubble of extreme slowness formed around Ilian's bloodless body.

On this tiny planet that you inhabit, almost fifteen billion years have passed since the primordial event. Meanwhile, I patiently held out until the day of your birth for this dialogue to come to fruition. At the place of Ilian's death, only a few thousand years have passed, a continuous and uninterrupted process.

My mission is to lead your soul directly into the bubble frozen in time. There, you will be reborn, but I regret to inform you that I will not be able to accompany you on such a journey. My full recovery after crossing the bubble required millions of years, and I must confess, with some pride, that this feat was truly great. The unknown lies in the uncertainty of his memory: whether or not he will retain the memories of this conversation. But either way, our paths will intertwine again, at some point in the future.

Before we embark on this transcendental journey that will transport your soul to the ethereal refuge of the temporal bubble, mysteriously preserved in the womb of the cosmos, I believe it is crucial to reveal to you the details of an event that shook the pillars of Nagharian and Ildrain, forever altering the course of history.