
NAGA:The Lost Dynasty

A kingdom forgotten in the course of history; ripped out of time with a single stroke. A young girl taken back into history, come along with Naga as she tries to find her way, in a foreign land filled with unfamiliar people.

Ruth_Robert_17 · History
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4 Chs

In the beginning, there was?

Growing up in a broken home, is now a trend in most homes on planet Earth. It's either the father got selfish, or the mother wanted to find herself, I don't know about other families but that was my mom's excuse for leaving us, not that I cared anyway.

     Let me introduce myself, I'm Osasenaga Osadolor but I prefer to go by "Naga" my name means "praise" funny cause whenever I sing, I sound like a dying whale. An eighteen year female and the second child from the family of three, I've got two brothers, one older and the other younger, thereby making me the only girl.

  Myself and my brothers were raised single handedly by my dad for the past ten years. My big brother Michael, he's twenty three and currently studying civil engineering in the university of Abuja. My annoying younger brother Osahon is sixteen and still in secondary school.

    I finished secondary school last year, and I got admission into the university of Benin this year to study foreign languages. Now let's go back to why I'm very angry with the broken home trend.

  At about two months back, we had an August visitor and guess who it was, it was my mom, apparently she finally found herself and my dad actually let her in, like who does that. Whenever I think back to that day I always feel so irritated.

I clear my thoughts and focus on my room, well the sight leaves me crying, a sigh escapes my lips as I stare at my dump of a room, my room is supposed to be a normal teenage girl room, with a nice bed, reading table and chair, a wardrobe and a bathroom, well basically my room has all these characteristics but I have a habit of never folding my clothes, I'm currently sitting on my reading chair, looking at my room from here, makes me feel mentally exhausted.

"Naga!!!!!"..... I hear my younger brother scream my name from downstairs, I hold my head, I might strangle that kid someday.

" Whattt!!!!!"....I screamed back, getting up from the chair, I walk towards my room door, I open the door and walk out, I walked down the hall before I got to the stairs "Naga!!!!" I heard him scream again, I didn't answer him, if I did it will be a slap to his face, I walk down the stairs and I saw the little devil standing at the foot of the stairs looking at me. " Osahon if I slap you, your father won't recognize you" I said to him and because I spoke to this devil, I didn't watch my steps

"Ouch" I screamed "Ha, ha, ha, please come and slap me" the devil spoke and I'm sure he was feeling so smug, I sat on the floor and stared at the last stair, all my life that particular stair has never liked me, it keeps tripping me every time it had the chance to, I got up and faced the devil of a brother "ha, ha, ha, why were you calling me" I asked him with a sarcastic tone

"Daddy us calling you, next time answer your name on time" and with that he left me standing there, if looks could kill my brother should have died a thousand times, please someone should buy him from me.

   I turned and walked towards the parlour, at the foot of the stairs there is a glass door which leads to the parlour and three other doors, which were the kitchen, store and toilet respectively. I got into the parlour, in the parlour there were two doors, one was at the dinning area which linked the parlour to the kitchen and the other door was my dad's study, I knocked on the door

" come in" I opened the door and got in, my dad's study was very simple, it consisted of a big table and a office chair. A sofa thats close to the door, With two book stands on both sides of the wall

" you called me" I said as I sat down on the sofa, he looked at me and chuckled "you fell down again" he said after a while

" I don't know why that stair doesn't like me, but I'm happy that I'm going to school" I said while rolling my eyes, my dad laughed " you are never careful" he said  and I shrugged

He placed a five hundred naira note on the table "go buy a bag of water" my dad said "Why did Osahon not go and why weren't we supplied water" I asked

"Osahon is helping your mother in the kitchen and the sachet water company is on a break" my dad said and gave me a knowing look, I took the money and walked out, not uttering a single word as I closed the door I heard my dad say " you will not understand Naga, you won't at all" well I didn't want to understand.

I walked away from the door as I got to the middle of the parlour I looked towards the dinning and saw my mom, she was setting the table, I froze, she turned to me and smiled " Naga be fast, so we can eat" I looked at her before hissing and walking away, I slammed the door shut and looked at the sky, it was already six in the evening, tears threatened to fall out of my eyes but I didn't let it fall, crying was for the weak.

I walked out of the compound, looking back at our house I sighed, and began my walk to the next street, which wasn't too far.

I know I was rude but that is how we have been since she came back, I don't want to talk to her. At first when she got back I wasn't eating her food, until my dad got angry and gave me two choices, 1. Stay under his roof and eat what he eats or 2. Move out and do what I like. And I choose number one but that quarrel between my dad and I made me hate her more, she just came and she wants to tear my family apart, a family she isn't part of.

I don't know why Osahon forgave her, but to me he is a fool for doing so, I finally got to the shop, or should I say it's a caravan shop but anyway, the lady who owns the shop is someone I love, she is a stout light complexioned woman and we normally called her mummy Tessa. I put on a fake smile "mummy Tessa good evening"

" good evening dear, what do you want to buy" she asked me with a smile " ehhnnn, one bag of water" I replied " cold one?" She asked me "yes" I replied

She brought the bag of water and placed it by me, I paid her and she gave me my change " thank you ma" I said and picked up the bag " good night" she replied. I began my walk home.

When I was close to my house, I stopped and dropped the bag beside my leg, the bag was heavy, I put the change into my pocket and massaged my palms, I felt so angry

"Leave the road" I heard someone shouting and I rolled my eyes, turning around to see who was dumb enough to stand in the middle of the road, I couldn't find out who it was because all I felt was something hard crushing me before everything went dark.