
NAARA: Blind Sword (English)

Love, peace, happiness, warmth. What's all that? He had forgotten all those feelings or maybe, he never really felt them. I don't know ... he hesitated but it was clear to him that life had stopped when he was eight years old. * "Useless child, why don't you just die!" "I am very unlucky to have a child like you. It would have been better if you had never been born!" Yes. Those were just a few of the curses his father always uttered. If only before being born, he was asked by God whether he wanted to be born or not then he would never want to. If he could choose where he wanted to be born, he wouldn't choose his parents. Will never. pop pop pop! The man kept hitting and kicking him even when his body was bleeding, he didn't care. Even if he fainted, dying or died, he wouldn't care either. Even the man would be very happy because the child he had considered trash for so long was gone. What wrong have I done? After being ruthlessly tortured, he would curl up crying under the bed. His body hurts but his heart hurts more. Why? Why? Why?!!! He wanted to scream, scream as loud as he could. If only his mother came and hugged him maybe the pain would be less but forget it. The woman didn't even want to touch him. Even though she did not participate in the torture, the woman was always cold and indifferent. "Naara...." A hand reached out to him. "Brother...." He raised his head and saw someone smiling warmly and looking at him lovingly. The only person he had was Isura, his older brother. Isura pulled him out of the darkness and hugged him. To him, Isura's embrace was heaven. Where he can feel calm, peaceful and forget the pain. Despite the way their parents treat them otherwise, they still love each other. To him Isura was everything but once again fate was unfair. One night the incident happened, an incident in which he lost everything. "Na-Naara... promise me that you will live ..." Isura died shortly after receiving their father's deadly attack aimed at him. "Y-brother... sob... sob...." Since that night, he had become an empty and very empty person. There was nothing left in his heart but a strong ambition to take revenge against his father. Then... will he succeed? Will he stay on the path of revenge even though the author has sent a girl who will bring him out of the darkness and fill his heart with feelings he once forgot? Does he still want to immerse himself in empty darkness even though the author has sent people who consider him a friend and appreciate his existence? Who knows. No one knows even the author himself. So let's leave it all to the universe.

Ogi_457 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


The blue light that had encircled her had disappeared. She quickly stood up and walked to the edge of the hole. She was astonished to see the phenomenon in front of her, an hour ago the area was a wilderness where trees and vines grew thickly but now everything was spacious, nothing was left but a big hole that stretched out with all the chaos around it.

Not long after, she looked down and saw two men at the bottom of the hole. There Levi seems to be lying helpless even so the aura of life is still in him while Naara, he seems to be still standing but looks like something is wrong. His head was bowed and his style looked powerless could be likened to a rose withering from not being watered.

She felt a strange aura emanating from Naara's body, what aura, she had never felt such an aura before. After a while, she closed her eyes and turned around, intended to leave but a moment later she imagined the barrer that Naara had made for her. Not. She not too selfish that she could just leave Naara after what Naara did to protect her from the twins.

She turned again then began to carefully descend the hole but due to a technical error, she slipped, rolled down and unfortunately again she landed right on Levi's side, leaving an inch between her face and Levi's.

Hmpt. Suddenly her face turned blue. As fast as she could she got up, looked at the man for a moment then walked away and started to approach Naara.

Her eyes narrowed, fixing her focus on Naara who didn't seem to move at all. The closer she got, the clearer the strange aura she had felt for a long time, even though she heard a low roar from the man.

"M-Master." Now she was standing a step in front of the man but there was no response. Hesitantly she leaned her index finger to touch the man's head. "Ma— mha!" Her breath hitched, she was wide as the head lifted.

The left side of Naara's face was covered by black scaly skin. His left eye looks twice as big as his right eye, apart from being bigger the white eye also looks sharp. Then the fangs, he has one fang sticking out 3 cm long. Rows of pointed teeth were visible throughout its roar.

Not only his face but half of his left hand also experienced the same changes both in terms of skin and size. Each finger has long sharp nails.

Wordlessly Niin could only retreat slowly with trembling legs as the half-monster-faced man stared at her with an intimidating expression.

"Master, y-what happened?" This was the first time she had seen Naara like this. What, what, what, she really couldn't think. She had only been two minutes relieved now to be in such a tense situation again.

All of her nerves were at maximum tension as the creature began to step forward, making her survival instincts immediately work, she turned and tried to run but the creature quickly jumped up and lunged at her with hooves ready to smash.

Seeing this, she could only close her eyes with her hands moving spontaneously to protect her head.

One second… she had resigned himself to whatever was to come.

Two seconds... nothing happens.

Three seconds... still nothing.

Wanting to know what was going on, she slowly opened her eyes again and was surprised by the existence of the creature's sharp fingernails being three fingers away from her face.

For a while the wind blew, neither she nor Naara moved until finally Naara lowered his hand and retreated in zigzag steps.

Here Naara is seen fighting against himself. He gripped his head tightly without stopping to let out a roar that sounded scary but at the same time also sounded pathetic.

"Master...." Niin began to worry about the man's state. Although she had doubts she tried to come closer again. There is a feeling from within that pushes her to do this.

"Master y—"

"Get away from me! Argh ..." Naara snapped while still clutching his head. He looked very tormented. It was clear that he was facing a very insane pain.

For a while, Niin was silent again watching the man put up a fight against himself. She didn't know why either, but she felt that Naara's roar sounded like a pitiful groan.

Sounds like, stop it! I beg you to stop! Please stop it!

What? What's this?

She didn't understand but suddenly her heart ached for no reason. No, not without reason, she remembered again her little self was in the tube, there she felt she was in hell and wanted to die, she asked for help, screamed, cried but there was no one.

Her eyes stared blankly at the figure in front of her.

Her hands clenched. Slowly her feet moved closer to Naara but Naara with an uncontrollable consciousness pushed her and asked her to stay away but she did not give up even though she had to fall up she really wanted to help the man.

"I don't know what you are going through but if you are suffering, you are in pain then you are looking for someone, I am here. I may not be as strong as you but I want to help relieve your pain." She walked over and stretched out her hand to Naara who was now kneeling with his hands still clutching his head.

Naara's monster eyes widened for a few seconds, on the verge of realizing that it was difficult to distinguish between dreams and reality, from behind the large lens, he saw Niin as Isura who was reaching out with a smile and looking lovingly at him.

Excessive emotions such as love can always make someone do anything without realizing, Your goal is only one. He/she ....

That feeling pushed his human hand moving slowly to reach the hand that was outstretched for him and when their hands intertwined time seemed to stop, warmth was allowed to flow in the heart.

"Isura ... ahk." Suddenly Naara felt another attack on his head but a hug suddenly stopped him.


Niin didn't answer, she just tightened his hug. She knew that what she was doing was reckless but her heart told her that it was the right thing to do.

'When your mind doesn't work, let your heart take over'

The concept is actually not too bad. The surprise embrace managed to pull Naara's human soul back.

"W-what are you doing...?" Slowly Naara's eyes narrowed and started to return to normal as well as the other part of him that was undergoing changes gradually returning to normal but instead the skin on half of his hand and left side of his face peeled off.

After the process was cqomplete he remained motionless with his breath slowly exhaled for a few seconds then his eyes slowly closed.

Niin herself, who was still hugging Naara and was carried away by the atmosphere, suddenly felt very weak, there was something stinging on her neck but she didn't know what it was. Within seconds consciousness began to leave her.

Meanwhile, from the edge of the hole stood five people in pink robes looking at them. The five people consisted of three men and two women.

"Yyug, you and Jeki take the Aceblue leader, we share the task," said the dark silver haired man to the man with glasses and the man with a maroon mini hat standing on his left.

While the two people standing on his right, the woman with the pink hair and the woman with the blonde hair tied to a horse were listening without taking their eyes off the three people below.

"Hm," replied the bespectacled man.

"Okay, let's hurry," said the dark silver jumping into the hole and followed by his four companions.


"Master Naara, Master Naara, where are you, here I am waiting… Master Naara, Master Naara…."

On top of a boulder, an object—

Oh, wrong. It's not an object.

It was… it was a tiny goat with an unusual shape. It's unusual because he sits like a human, just look at how his two front legs turn into hands that are now holding a stick twice his height while his two hind legs are swinging alternately and what's even more unusual is that he can talk.

As he still sings, his white fur coat glows in the darkness, Now he looks up at the sky, his yellow-green eyes staring at the clouds that partially cover the moon. Here you can see one striking thing that catches the eye, namely the presence of the pink number 28 emblazoned in the center of his forehead. The pink color is not paint but the surface of the skin that is not covered with fur.