
NAARA: Blind Sword (English)

Love, peace, happiness, warmth. What's all that? He had forgotten all those feelings or maybe, he never really felt them. I don't know ... he hesitated but it was clear to him that life had stopped when he was eight years old. * "Useless child, why don't you just die!" "I am very unlucky to have a child like you. It would have been better if you had never been born!" Yes. Those were just a few of the curses his father always uttered. If only before being born, he was asked by God whether he wanted to be born or not then he would never want to. If he could choose where he wanted to be born, he wouldn't choose his parents. Will never. pop pop pop! The man kept hitting and kicking him even when his body was bleeding, he didn't care. Even if he fainted, dying or died, he wouldn't care either. Even the man would be very happy because the child he had considered trash for so long was gone. What wrong have I done? After being ruthlessly tortured, he would curl up crying under the bed. His body hurts but his heart hurts more. Why? Why? Why?!!! He wanted to scream, scream as loud as he could. If only his mother came and hugged him maybe the pain would be less but forget it. The woman didn't even want to touch him. Even though she did not participate in the torture, the woman was always cold and indifferent. "Naara...." A hand reached out to him. "Brother...." He raised his head and saw someone smiling warmly and looking at him lovingly. The only person he had was Isura, his older brother. Isura pulled him out of the darkness and hugged him. To him, Isura's embrace was heaven. Where he can feel calm, peaceful and forget the pain. Despite the way their parents treat them otherwise, they still love each other. To him Isura was everything but once again fate was unfair. One night the incident happened, an incident in which he lost everything. "Na-Naara... promise me that you will live ..." Isura died shortly after receiving their father's deadly attack aimed at him. "Y-brother... sob... sob...." Since that night, he had become an empty and very empty person. There was nothing left in his heart but a strong ambition to take revenge against his father. Then... will he succeed? Will he stay on the path of revenge even though the author has sent a girl who will bring him out of the darkness and fill his heart with feelings he once forgot? Does he still want to immerse himself in empty darkness even though the author has sent people who consider him a friend and appreciate his existence? Who knows. No one knows even the author himself. So let's leave it all to the universe.

Ogi_457 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

5:Naara vs Dang

Silence. The atmosphere became very quiet between Dangcaw who had become a cow man and Naara who was still silent behind his hood.

Every eye that saw seemed unable to blink.

Niin who witnessed Dangcaw's change began to worry about Naara. She could feel a murderous aura moving wildly around Dangcaw.

Dangcaw started to square off like an angry cow after that he immediately ran to attack Naara.

Realizing the enemy attack was coming, Naara did not stay silent. He immediately dodged and put up a fight but he realized that the enemy's strength and speed had doubled from before. He felt Dang could potentially break the bones of an untrained human in one hit.

Dangcaw continued to attack him without giving him the slightest time to catch his breath. As time went on he began to feel pain in the bones of his hands and feet every time he warded off Dangcaw's attacks.

Niin, Alma and all the citizens watching were worried about Naara. They really hope that Naara can defeat Dangcaw and liberate their village from the Animan.

"Ah." Naara took one hit that made him feel like all contents of his stomach will come out

but he didn't have time to mourn. He had to keep moving to avoid another Dangcaw's deadly attack.

"Damn, troublesome," he thought, dodging Dang's fist then delivering a kick to make some distance then jumping backwards to widen the distance.

His breath panting and sweat started pouring down his body. In some parts he felt pain from the scratch caused by Dang's horn. Before he could catch his breath, Dang attacked him again, fortunately he was still able to dodge.

"Die you!!" Dang continued to increase his speed and made Naara take various blows.

"Master!!" Niin flinched when Naara fell and Dang tried to hit him from above. However she was relieved when Naara quickly rolled over, got up and jumped back so that he survived Dang's fatal attack. You can see that the ground that was hit by Dang is cracked.

Naara's chest heaved up and down, he felt his breath coming out.

"What's wrong? Looks like you're going to faint," Dang sneered. His face showed that he was pretty sure he could beat Naara.

Naara took a deep breath and then smiled under his hood. "Hoh. Don't be happy just yet. It's just a warm-up," he said making Dang's teeth chatter, annoyed that he felt belittled.

Dang reassembled his position to attack. In his mind he said that he would destroy Naara.

On the other hand, Naara was prepare for Dang's attack. "I hope ten isn't too flashy," he thought.

A faint look of surprise appeared on Niin's face as she sensed the aura of Naara's power surge.

"What happened?" asked Alma who noticed Niin's expression.

"Ah? T-that's... nothing," answered Niin with a small smile and then looked back at Dang and Naara who had returned to fighting while Alma could only stare in confusion.

A fierce battle took place between Naara and Dang. They took turns repelling and exchanging threats. Over time, their speed continued to increase until they could barely be followed by the eye.

The people who witnessed them were so mesmerized that they subconsciously started to come out of hiding. Of course this did not go unnoticed by Niin, Alma and her mother.

Without realizing that seven minutes had passed, Naara and Dang who had been exchanging blows jumped back to make some distance. Both of them gasped for air, sweat dripping down their bodies.

Dang's face was covered in bruises, and blood was pouring from his nose and eyes. "I must admit that you are one of the strongest opponents I have ever met," Dang said after his breathing calmed down a bit.

"And you are one of the weakest opponents I've ever met," Naara said again, much to Dang's annoyance.

"Tch. You're arrogant," Dang cursed. Gradually a thin smoke came out of his body and along with that his muscle size increased again until it tore the black sleeveless shirt he was wearing. Not only that, each horn was getting longer. In addition, the entire surface of his skin slowly turned black and shiny. It was as if he had evolved from a cow to a bull. "We'll see if you can handle this." Dang bowed while staring intently. He actually acts like a real bull.

Small chatter from residents who had gathered some time ago into a crowd began to be heard. They said that Dangcaw was already intent on ending the fight. They say, in that form Dang can destroy anything with just one hit.

Niin who was among them again worried about Naara.

"Hmm." Naara mounted his stance and a second later he and Dang darted at each other to continue their fight.

"His speed and power have doubled again. This is troublesome," Naara thought as he continued to dodge Dang's brisk swift attacks.

Small explosions rang out every time Dang's attacks hit the ground and shattered other objects in the vicinity.

Blood started to flow from some of the wounds on Naara's hands from scratches by Dang's horn. As time went on, Naara became more and more frustrated when Dang continued to attack him without giving him the slightest pause until one moment he fell by tripping over his own feet.

Seeing an opportunity, Dang immediately took advantage of it. S

He stood like a bull putting all its weight on its feet to stomp the enemy to death but luckily Naara still had time to react by rolling over and getting up immediately. You could see that the ground hit by Dang's feet formed a fairly wide crater. It is certain that the person affected by the attack will lose his life.

The audience gets tensed whenever they see Naara cornered.

Naara ran from Dang's pursuit towards a building but when he got very close to the wall he shifted and twisted his legs, causing Dang who couldn't stop eventually crashing into the wall.

Naara thought it would be enough to make Dang in pain but he was wrong, Dang instead smashed the wall into rubble.

Realizing another attack was coming, Naara jumped high into the air. "Eleven," he thought, then drew the sword that always hung from his left thigh. As soon as it landed, it shot toward Dang. The battle in speed re-occurred until every eye could no longer keep up.

"You're finally serious," said Dang.

"Not really," replied Naara.

"Tch. Arrogant!"

Dang managed to hit Naara's chest causing him to be dragged away but Naara quickly controlled himself then attack back while doing a slash aimed at Dang's chest but the slash only made a scratch that didn't mean.

Everyone tries to follow them.

Five minutes later, Naara and Dang distanced themselves again, gasping for air.

One of Dang's horns had been cut off and some blood was dripping from the various wounds on his body. While on the other hand, Naara is seen holding his stomach and vomiting blood several times. Sometimes he also looks like he's about to lose his balance.

Feeling Naara's condition was getting worse, Dang smiled with satisfaction. "Now accept your death," he said, get ready and then running with all his might to attack Naara but all was not as he expected.

Naara surprisingly disappeared in front of him and in the split second Naara appeared behind him, a slash hit his back which quickly spurted out a lot of blood.

"W-what is this?" He grimaced as he glanced at the figure behind him and was surprised to see a smile on his half-hooded face. Realizing something was wrong he tried to run away but his tail was⁹ pulled and he was thrown against the wall so as to make the wall destroyed.

Niin and the others could only open their eyes wide at the sight.

With a trembling body, Dang struggled to rise from the rubble. His teeth clenched against the pain all over his body. "How strong is he really?" he thought. "Hah?" Reflexively, he dodged when Naara's attack came again.

"You dance like an insect," said Naara, replying to Dang's earlier words.

Within seconds, a number of fatal wounds filled Dang's body until blood dripped onto the ground. The longer Dang started getting frustrated to beat Naara, he tried to run away but Naara didn't let him.

In the midst of trying to avoid Naara, he accidentally saw a yellow-haired girl who was among the citizens. Then he had a plan.

"I don't want to die just like that. If I have to die, I will die taking your precious treasure. This is the last time." Dang gathered all the remaining strength he had in his fists then jumped back and attack back but Naara immediately jumped high to dodge it. While in the air, Naara was quite surprised to realize that Dang wasn't after him.

All the residents who saw Dang's arrival immediately scattered. Alma, who was also trying to save herself, stumbled. Niin who saw this immediately ran and pushed Alma as the shoulder-length brown haired girl stood up.

"No!!!" shouted Alma wide-eyed.

Meanwhile, Niin who saw Dang so close, can only be silent.


She was wide-eyed when she found Naara hugging her and taking Dang's punch.


Ukhuk. Naara vomited a lot of blood. "D-don't get me wrong, I did it because of Naarabo," he whispered weakly. Niin almost lost her balance because she couldn't hold Naara's weight.

Niin's heart skipped a beat as Dang grinned at her, preparing to take the final blow. "Master... don't faint just yet, we're still not safe," she whispered, her whole body shaking. While looking Dang, she tightened her hug on Naara.

"Troublesome," thought Naara, lifting his drooping eyelids.

On the other hand, Alma who saw her two savior figures in danger ran to pick up a stone and threw Dang who was ready to throw a punch. Although it didn't hurt, the throw managed to distract Dang and was enough for Naara to escape with Niin.

This automatically made Dang angry and turned to attack Alma. "Die you, damn girl!!" He attack while aiming his fist at Alma but when the distance between his head and Alma's face was only an inch, he froze.

A sword was stuck in the back of his skull. His eyes widened as if the contents were about to come out, the fist in front of Alma's face fell. The sound of cracks slowly creeping in was heard until finally…


His head was smashed into pieces, sending blood splattering in all directions. The headless body began to crumble like a fallen tree. Alma who was still frozen was pulled away by her mother just before Dang's body fell on her.

silence. The atmosphere suddenly became very quiet. Everyone seemed to freeze with blank expressions seeing Dang's bad ending.

From quite a distance. Naara and Niin just landed on the ground. "I think I'm exaggerating a bit," said Naara who looked supported by Niin.

Niin didn't answer. Her blue eyes stared stiffly at Dang's body. she remember with the warning given by Naara yesterday. Now she promised herself never to anger Naara.