
The Rainbow Serpent (Part 2)


Some people dislike the machi pairing, as it is unrealistic, even i feel that, so currently f*ck the relationship, mc gonna be single! Until i change my mind at least.


The Hunter X Hunter World had quite a few similarities to Earth. The languages were similar, though a universal language was spoken in Hunter X Hunter, in some aspects, the technology was also similar.

Religion was also similar. Though not as prevalent as Earth's religions. Religions did exist. Netero's Bodhisattva had a direct connection to Buddhism.

Chrollo Lucifler had some connections to Christianity, though he was definitely not a religious figure, Chrollo seemed to be a philosophical person.

The Indigenous Community of Begerosse was also quite religious or spiritual. Though they did not worship a single deity, they instead worshipped many different deities. The target of their belief varied across each tribe/community.

The Anangu Region People of Begerosse also worshipped different deities, however their main deity was the Rainbow Serpent.


[A/N: Story Time, ps there are different variations of this Dreamtime Story, this is one of many, also Dreamtime is way way back when the world had just been created according to Indigenous Australian beliefs]

In the old days, there were only people and they roamed a flat world.

But one day, the Rainbow Serpent awoke from its slumber and began a journey to find its tribe.

Throughout his journey across the world, he created mountains and hills, valleys and cliffs.

The other people followed after the Rainbow Serpent.

Soon it found his tribe, it danced with the people and his Tribe.

During the night when everyone was asleep, it approached two wandering boys who were looking for a sheltered place to sleep.

It invited them into his mouth...

After that The Rainbow Serpent quietly snuck off, in fear that he would be caught.

The next morning the tribe soon discovered the boys and The Rainbow Serpent missing.

In anger they chased after his tracks.

When they found it sleeping, they cut the boys of out the Serpent's belly.

But instead of boys. Two parakeets flew out.

When the Serpent woke up to find his belly cut open, it became enraged.

It started causing havoc wrecking mountains and the terrain.

Soon large amounts of rocks and debris began flying at people.

As the people tried to escape, they began turning into birds, trees, animals.

Eventually, The Rainbow Serpent grew tired of this, and went into the seas.

Leaving the people with their brothers, the plants and animals to look after.


Anangu Region, Central Begerosse

'Damn, that's pretty big.' Amon thought while staring at the 2 km high rock oval monolith.

[A/N: Just google Uluru Australia, it's like that but like twice as big]

This was the restricted region, the Anangu region Amon was visiting. Apparently, there was an entrance to a small village inside the structure. Though most common people had no access, and unless you were a Hunter, entry was highly forbidden.

The area he was in was extremely barren. It was basically a desert, though there were a few shrubs or trees every hundred metres or so. There were many different creatures as well. From dinosaur-like lizards, to small land-burrowers.

The sun was hot. Like really, really hot. Though there was no obvious source of water, the air was incredibly humid. It was a strange combination, hot temperature with high humidity. Amon found it difficult to believe people that people lived in these conditions.

Another interesting facts that he found on the website was that there was almost no descriptions on what the inside of the rock looked like, with most people that visited the place having said it would 'spoil the surprise'.

Though now, Amon was pretty excited, and it would be very disappointing for him if the inside of the structure was lame.


a/n: lmao, only like 600 words or something, bye cya later.

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