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On the tranquil Canglan Island, the evening sun cast its gentle rays upon the Cang River, creating a captivating scene.

Li Xuan returned in a boat, sitting leisurely in a chair, savoring spirit tea and enjoying spirit cakes.

The Crimson Cat lay sprawled amidst the spirit fruit trees on the island, sound asleep. Lately, it had been sleeping more than usual, seemingly undergoing a transformation.

Xu Yan remained seated cross-legged on a mountain peak, contemplating the essence of swordsmanship.

Xie Lingfeng continued to strengthen the Heaven and Earth Bridge, expanding and enhancing it while accumulating his own foundation. He also delved into the way of the sword, aiming to achieve enlightenment and clarity in swordsmanship.

Hu Shan and several martial arts masters had already begun refining the Heaven and Earth Bridge, currently in the process of consolidation.

Su Lingshu continued to study the art of alchemy and martial arts, summarizing her insights. According to her, she intended to compile a new manual on the art of alchemy and martial arts.

Zhou Ying was making final preparations to break through to the Innate Realm.

It was at this moment that a storm seemed to approach, sweeping across the Cang River towards Canglan Island with overwhelming force, even more astonishing than the momentum of the hundreds of grandmasters who had attacked previously!

Li Xuan looked up with indifference, his face devoid of any disturbance. He had reached the Grandmaster realm of Xuan, his strength far surpassing his previous self. With just a snap of his fingers, he could extinguish a half-step celestial being. Dealing with merely four half-step celestial beings would be as easy as flicking his fingers.

"Right on time," Li Xuan smiled.

Xu Yan, still contemplating swordsmanship, welcomed the incoming enemies, knowing that among them were half-step celestial beings. It would provide him with the opportunity to sharpen his understanding of swordsmanship.

Everyone on Canglan Island looked up in astonishment as dozens of powerful individuals crossed the Cang River, heading directly towards them without concealment.

"What's this?" Everyone was shocked. The last time, over fifty peak grandmasters were all killed. Yet, there were still people daring enough to come and die?

All eyes fell on the four figures leading the group.

Even the sleeping Crimson Cat was startled, its gaze shifting towards the approaching crowd, emitting a low growl. If its strength allowed, it would have attacked long ago. How dare they disturb its sleep!

"Master, who are these people?" Su Lingshu came out of the house, expressing surprise.

Could it be they came for the elixirs of Changqing Pavilion? Last time's battle didn't deter them enough?

The imposing group of figures, all wearing cloaks, hid their identities, covering their faces.

"Surrender Su Lingshu, and this can end peacefully!" a voice rang out from the crowd.

Su Lingshu was taken aback. Was it for her?

The master of Hidden Pavilion was already dead. Who else would want to capture her?

At this moment, a sword light flashed across, aiming at the speaker.



The peak grandmasters' faces changed as they all moved to defend against the attack.

Xu Yan stepped forward, standing proudly, facing the group of attackers alone without fear.

"Either leave or die!" Xu Yan's voice was cold.

He looked at the person who spoke earlier, dressed in a red robe and wearing a blue mask, accompanied by nine others dressed similarly. In front of these ten, there was another person in a white robe and a blue mask.

They all belonged to the same force.

Xu Yan thought of the black-robed master of Hidden Pavilion, whose purpose was also to capture his junior sister.

"Half-step celestial beings?" Xu Yan's gaze fell on the four people in white robes and blue masks, his eyes narrowing slightly. Four half-step celestial beings.

The person in the white robe and blue mask had a cold gaze, looking at the young man standing proudly. He said indifferently, "Xu Yan, you have outstanding talent. There's no need for you to perish here. Hand over Su Lingshu, and we'll leave."

"Humph, I, Xu Yan, have never succumbed to threats. You half-step celestial beings are so arrogant. It's just right for me to use you to sharpen my swordsmanship!" Xu Yan was fearless, his smile cold.

"If that's the case, don't blame us." The person in the white robe and blue mask spoke coldly.


A chill swept out, and sword lights, like ice, directly attacked Xu Yan.

Xu Yan released two sword lights in front of him, forming a wheel of life and death, constantly attacking. A faint breeze-like aura surrounded him, integrating into the sword lights, seeming to penetrate everything, extinguishing all mental consciousness.

Xu Yan fought fiercely against the two half-step celestial beings and the ten peak grandmasters. In the air, thunderous sounds echoed, and even the water of the Cang River was suppressed.

On Canglan Island, Su Lingshu bit her lip, looking at her master, her eyes slightly red.

"Master, I've caused trouble for you and Senior Brother."

Not only did Hidden Pavilion want to capture her, but this unknown force also wanted her!


"Practice diligently. As long as your strength is strong enough, none of this will be a problem," Li Xuan said calmly and unperturbed.

It was probably related to Su Lingshu's background.

"The Blue Masked People!" Xie Lingfeng said solemnly.

"What Blue Masked People?" Su Lingshu asked curiously.

"One of the three most mysterious forces in the Inner Domain. They all wear blue masks, and each one of them is at least a grandmaster." Xie Lingfeng said gravely.

The person in the white robe and blue mask was obviously very powerful, far beyond the mere peak grandmaster level.

"Little girl, come with me. Rest assured, we won't kill you. If you refuse, everyone here will die!" The person in the white robe and blue mask looked at Su Lingshu calmly.

Then, his gaze shifted to Li Xuan, saying calmly, "No matter who you are, you cannot stand alone. If you hand over the person, we can discuss peacefully."

Li Xuan looked up, the jade scepter in his hand spinning. He chuckled lightly, "I don't care about your motives, but before you came here, you should have assessed your own abilities."

"Half-step celestial beings or martial arts celestial beings, to me, are like ants."

"Well then, I won't suppress you based on your realm. Today, let me show you what the power of Grandmaster realm entails."

Li Xuan stood up.

Looking at the dozens of peak grandmasters in the sky, he raised a hand.

Xie Lingfeng and the others were excited.

In the last battle of Changqing Pavilion, he wasn't present to witness the seniors' actions. Now, he was about to witness it firsthand.

Senior was truly extraordinary.

Not suppressing based on realm!

Peng Yuan and the other martial arts scholars were also excited. The power of the Grandmaster realm was the power displayed by the Great Wilderness Martial Ancestor himself. How powerful was that?

In terms of realm, Grandmaster corresponded to

 a grandmaster.

The person in the white robe and blue mask and another half-step celestial being instantly became serious. The momentum surged, already preparing to take action!

Dozens of peak grandmasters were linked together, their auras blending, forming a terrifying force, like a world-ending storm.

"You're alone, let's see what you can do!" A peak grandmaster said solemnly.


With a palm strike from Li Xuan, a golden dragon emerged in the air, stirring up wind and clouds. Beneath the dragon's claws, it seemed to control the power of thunder and wind.

The towering golden dragon, carrying immense power, swept towards the dozens of cooperating peak grandmasters.


The might of the golden dragon was unparalleled, fierce and unstoppable. Like a violent storm, it instantly killed more than a dozen peak grandmasters as it swept through them.

One after another, circling and swooping, within moments, dozens of peak grandmasters were reduced to ashes!


Xie Lingfeng and others watched in shock.

Is this the power of Grandmaster level?

Xu Yan is also a Grandmaster level, undoubtedly powerful, single-handedly facing two half-step celestial beings and ten peak grandmasters without falling behind.

But there is still a significant gap.

Is this the power of a Grandmaster level in the Great Wilderness?

The person in the white robe and blue mask, along with another half-step celestial being, was instantly shocked. What kind of formidable strength was this?


Not to mention the two working together, even if it were four, they would likely not be a match for this person!

Could it be that this person is a true Martial Arts Grandmaster?

"Here, don't leave!" Li Xuan's gaze was indifferent. He raised his hand, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the air turned into a cage, directly imprisoning the two.

Rather than killing the one in the white robe and blue mask, Li Xuan left him for Xu Yan to hone his skills.

On the other side, Xu Yan became more and more courageous as he fought, and his new sword intent became clearer and clearer. He felt that he was about to comprehend it.

A sword slashed out.

As if an invisible breeze suddenly blew into the enemy's mind.

One of the peak grandmasters suddenly felt intense pain in his mind, his vision darkened, and his consciousness swayed, as if a candle in the wind, on the verge of being extinguished.


Unable to help it, he let out a cry of despair.

With a flash of the sword, he was instantly turned into flying ash.

Xu Yan remained calm, the feeling of comprehension growing stronger. As the Wheel of Life and Death swept through, the remaining nine peak grandmasters felt intense pain in their heads, their vision darkened, and their consciousness swayed.

Both attack and defense were lost in an instant.


As the Wheel of Life and Death swept through, they were all turned into flying ash!

Cold husband and the other half-step celestial being, shocked, dared not be careless and attacked frantically.

Xu Yan countered each sword with another, feeling that he was close to comprehending the sword intent. However, he seemed to be missing something.

With a wave of his hand, Li Xuan let the imprisoned white-robed blue-faced person and the other half-step celestial being free. The two rejoiced, but were quickly sent flying by a golden dragon's tail, landing in the midst of the battle between Xu Yan and Cold husband.

"Kill him!"

The two in the white robe and blue mask attacked, aiming for Xu Yan.

Cold husband and the other half-step celestial being were fully focused on their attack, thinking they had captured Su Lingshow.

"Got her?"

Cold husband's voice was cold.

"Don't waste time, kill him quickly!"

The white-robed blue-faced person urged anxiously.

With one move, they went all out.

With the four of them working together, Xu Yan suddenly found himself at a disadvantage, seemingly unable to resist.


Xu Yan suddenly slashed with his sword.

This sword had no sharp sword light, no fierce sword intent, as if only an invisible breeze was blowing!

Facing this sword, the half-step celestial being initially just felt puzzled, wondering if Xu Yan had already lost his strength?

This sword seemed to be utterly powerless.

However, in that instant, he suddenly felt his own mental consciousness as if being blown by a breeze. The breeze wasn't strong, but it seemed to carry an extinguishing intent.

The mental consciousness he, a half-step celestial being, had condensed, was like a weak candle flame. Under this breeze, it slowly weakened and extinguished!


The half-step celestial being's expression was shocked, and he didn't even have time to condense his mental consciousness to resist this strange breeze. His mental consciousness, like a candle flame, suddenly extinguished.

The intact corpse fell from the air, just losing its mental consciousness. It was swept away by the residual battle on the battlefield and instantly turned into flying ash.

The three people in the white robe and blue mask were horrified.


The white-robed blue-faced person mistakenly thought that Li Xuan had taken action.

In utter horror, this was a Martial Arts Grandmaster, absolutely a Martial Arts Grandmaster. Otherwise, why would he have such terrifying strength? He killed someone without a sound!

At that moment, Xu Yan was extremely excited. He had finally realized it, finally comprehended this sword intent.

A sword slashed towards the white-robed blue-faced person