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Outside the valley, Meng Shushu kept staring at the movements in the valley. When Meng Chong made his move, he couldn't help but exclaim, "How much time has passed? Meng Chong has become so powerful!"

"A single person against a grandmaster."

And not just one grandmaster.

"Hiss! Three grandmasters, none of them are a match for Meng Chong. His strength has increased too quickly. How did he cultivate? Could it be because of elixirs?"

Meng Shushu was deeply impressed.

Then he became excited: "Spiritual herbs, I must collect more spiritual herbs, exchange them for the elixirs needed for cultivation. With elixirs for cultivation, I can also quickly break through to become a grandmaster!"

Xu Yan and Meng Chong are definitely the big players; he must stick close to them.

Suddenly, above the valley, the wind and clouds changed, stirring up the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, as if a mighty force was descending!

Peak Grandmaster!

Meng Shushu felt a chill in his heart. Although Xu Yan was very strong, this was a Peak Grandmaster, the true peak existence in the Inner Domain.

Throughout history, there has been a saying about Peak Grandmasters: once they reach the peak, they can make the heavens and earth change color!

From this, one can see the strength of a Peak Grandmaster.

It is rumored that a Peak Grandmaster, with a single movement, can stir up the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around them, turning it into a terrifying force.

"Senior Brother Xu, must be invincible!"

Meng Shushu felt a little worried.

As soon as Bai, the guardian, appeared, his aura was so strong that it seemed to stir up the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around him. The terrifying power continuously gathered, surging around him like layers of raging waves.

Meng Chong felt a chill in his heart. This was the Peak Grandmaster of the Inner Domain.

He could already to some extent manipulate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around him, turning it into powerful force.

"A Peak Grandmaster, is nothing but this!"

Meng Chong smiled coldly.

His gaze fell on the stone wall behind Bai, where each chamber was filled with spiritual herbs, especially the one from which Bai emerged.

A grayish little grass, seemingly a fifth-grade spiritual herb!


Bai snorted coldly, raising his palm. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth converged, forming a huge palm carrying terrifying power, pressing down towards Meng Chong.

Golden light burst from Meng Chong's body, his figure suddenly enlarged, his loose clothes torn apart by the expansion.

With a vigorous aura, he stood proudly, his dominant blade intent soaring into the air, a terrifying blade light slashing towards the descending palm.


With a terrifying blow, the giant palm was directly split apart.

Bai's expression changed. This person's strength was not to be underestimated.

Moreover, his cultivation technique seemed somewhat unusual.

It seemed to be only at the Grandmaster level, yet his aura was far from comparable to a Grandmaster's, and also significantly different from a Martial Grandmaster, indicating a great disparity.

It was as if he practiced a different martial path!

"A trivial skill!"

Bai snorted coldly, about to make another move.

Suddenly, a figure appeared, holding a long sword, the gentle breeze blowing, but with a sharp killing intent. Even his Peak Grandmaster's power seemed to be shattered.

Bai's expression changed drastically as he looked towards the sudden appearance of the youth.

Xu Yan confirmed that there was no second Peak Grandmaster in the valley and no one escaped, so he came out.

His gaze swept past Bai and looked towards the mountain wall.

Excited in his heart, the man in black was indeed wealthy. This time, he was about to make another fortune.

As for Bai, the Peak Grandmaster, although to some extent he could manipulate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around him to become a powerful force, it was still too superficial.

Compared to the True Element Realm, where one's true element merges with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, comprehending the profound mysteries of heaven and earth, it was far too far behind.

It seemed as if he had only learned a little bit about the True Element Realm, only mastered superficial methods, without understanding its true essence.

"A pseudo martial path is indeed too weak. The higher the realm, the greater the disparity."

Xu Yan sighed.

When comparing the Martial Realm with the Innate Realm, although there was a considerable difference, it wasn't as huge as this. Xu Yan considered himself to have extraordinary talent and foundation, hence his formidable strength.

In normal martial arts, when comparing the Innate Realm to the Grandmaster Realm, it was only a small realm difference in strength.

But the disparity between martial geniuses at the same level was very large. For example, Xu Yan and Xie Lingfeng were both top martial geniuses, but the gap between them was enough to make Xie Lingfeng despair.

The gap widened further once they reached the True Element Realm. Upon reaching this realm, one could control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, possessing the power of a Peak Grandmaster.

Of course, perhaps breaking through to the True Element Realm was more difficult than becoming a Grandmaster, but that was unknown.

Xu Yan looked indifferently at Bai the guardian and said, "Even a Peak Grandmaster behaves so sneakily, isn't it embarrassing? You don't even dare to reveal the name of your faction. Are you like rats in the gutter?"

Faced with Xu Yan's mockery, Bai the guardian remained silent.

His eyes were extremely solemn, his aura continuously strengthening, and a curved knife appeared in his hand.

Around him, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth seemed to transform into curved knives, swirling around him. The wind and clouds changed, and the majestic pressure made the sky above the valley seem stagnant.


Bai the guardian felt a strong sense of crisis emanating from the youth.

Xu Yan sneered, "Today, I'll slay you, this Peak Grandmaster, just like killing a gutter rat!"

The gentle breeze turned into sword intent, and mountains and rivers emerged. A golden dragon coiled within the mountains and rivers.

"Younger brother, I'll leave those three to you!"

Xu Yan looked towards the other three black-robed figures.

"Elder brother, rest assured, I'll go and kill them!"

Meng Chong grinned and ignored Bai the guardian, charging towards the other three.

After displaying his martial arts secret technique, the Grandmaster's aura had weakened. Killing him would be a matter of one or two strikes.

As for the other two, it was the same.

Bai the guardian's expression slightly changed, but he dared not move a muscle. Instead, he remained vigilant, staring at Xu Yan, not daring to be careless.

The crisis grew stronger, and the breath of death seemed to rush into his chest.

This was a feeling Bai the guardian had never experienced since becoming a Peak Grandmaster.


Bai the guardian said in a low voice.

"Can you escape?"

Meng Chong sneered, his blade radiating light, cutting off the escape route of the three who were trying to flee.

One strike sealed their retreat.

"Three swords! If three swords can't kill you, I'll spare your life!"

Sword intent surged from Xu Yan's body, a strand of sword light shining. Mountains and rivers appeared, as if the valley had turned into a landscape of mountains and rivers.


Bai the guardian snorted coldly.

Three swords could kill him?

Even Sword Sovereign Xie Tianheng couldn't do that!

Moreover, even though he might not be weak, as a Peak Grandmaster, could he not escape?


Bai the guardian made his move, using all his strength, displaying the power of a Peak Grandmaster to the extreme.

And Xu Yan, with a single sword strike!


The roar of the mountain and river dragon!

Then the second sword strike, the mountains and rivers transformed into myriad forms, the dragon leaping among them, turning into a sword of world destruction.

The third sword strike, the myriad forms of mountains and rivers, the shadow of all living beings, wielding the sword to strike down!

Xu Yan's understanding of the Mountain and River Sword Technique was no longer what it used to be. From the roar of the mountain and river dragon to the second move, extending from the roar of the mountain and river to the world-destroying dragon might, and then to the third move, the myriad forms of mountains and rivers, the sword of all living beings.

Three sword strikes.

The immense power that stirred up the spiritual energy of heaven and earth had long been buried in the mountains and rivers.

Bai the guardian's eyes widened, his face filled with disbelief, his body crumbling into pieces, disintegrating into dust in the air.

A Peak Grandmaster fell!

On the other side, two of the three Grandmasters trying to escape had already been slain by Meng Chong. Before the last Grandmaster of the Great Perfection could die, he saw in horror that the youth had killed Bai the guardian with three sword strikes!

Three sword strikes killing a Peak Grandmaster, what terrifying strength! 

Even scarier, how old was he?

"At most twenty years old!"

Puff! As the body disintegrated under the blade light, it turned into powder.

In the last moment, he didn't feel unjust in his death. After all, even the Peak Grandmaster Bai the guardian had been killed by three sword strikes.

What about him?

With that, there were no more black-robed figures in the valley.

This place wasn't the stronghold of the black-robed figures, but with a Peak Grandmaster and a Grandmaster, plus two other Grandmasters, there were four Grandmasters presiding here.

It showed the importance of this place.

"Elder brother, is that a fifth-grade spiritual herb?"

Meng Chong excitedly looked at one of the secret rooms on the mountain wall.

"It's very likely."

Xu Yan was also thrilled.

The two didn't rush in but waited for Meng Shushu. Naturally, Meng Shushu was more familiar with spiritual herbs.

Soon, Meng Shushu arrived.

He was extremely excited.

Senior Brother Xu, invincible as always. A Peak Grandmaster was killed just like that. His strength is too outrageous.

"Let's go, take a look inside."

As soon as Meng Shushu arrived, Xu Yan led the way into Bai the guardian's secret room.

As they entered, the first thing they saw was a gray grass growing in a crack in the stone.

"It's a fifth-grade spiritual herb!"

Meng Shushu was extremely excited.

"What kind of herb is this?"

Xu Yan asked curiously.

For some reason, when he approached the gray grass, there was a feeling of tranquility.

Meng Shushu cautiously approached and observed the gray grass for a long time before frowning and saying, "I don't know either."

"But you're a scout for spiritual herbs in your family, how do you not know?"

Meng Chong was surprised.

"Fifth-grade spiritual herbs are rare in the Inner Domain, almost extinct. The records in my family's classics are also limited. It's not strange that I don't know."

Meng Shushu shook his head.

"Quick, harvest it. Since it's a fifth-grade spiritual herb, it must have remarkable effects, and being guarded by a Peak Grandmaster, it must have extraordinary efficacy."

Xu Yan said.

"Leave it to me."

Meng Shushu excitedly began to dig up the gray grass.

Meanwhile, Xu Yan and Meng Chong began to search the secret room, especially Bai the guardian's belongings.

The secret room was simple. Near the spiritual herb, there was a stone bed with some envelopes and a bag placed somewhat messily on it.

Xu Yan picked up the bag. Inside were pills, two seventh-grade spiritual herbs, and a bag of spiritual crystals.

"It's a bit poor for a Peak Grandmaster."

Xu Yan couldn't help feeling disappointed.

The spiritual crystals were only tens of thousands. It seemed like a lot, but it was not enough for a Peak Grandmaster.

Moreover, there were no storage bags.

The first time he killed a Peak Grandmaster, he didn't find a storage bag, indicating how rare they were.

"Senior Brother, Peak Grandmasters are top figures. They have privileges at the Heaven's Treasure Pavilion, where they can put things on credit or even get what they need directly. So they usually don't carry too many spiritual crystals with them."

Meng Shushu explained as he dug up the spiritual herb.

"I see."

Xu Yan suddenly realized.

Meng Chong was looking at the envelopes, trying to find clues about the faction to which the black-robed figures belonged.

However, to his disappointment, there was no mention of their faction in the letters. Some even used coded language, making it difficult to understand their contents completely.

But on one of the letters, it mentioned the killing of a Grandmaster and the investigation into Su Lingshow, which had not yet yielded results.

It was clear that Bai the guardian was a core figure in the black-robed faction.

Which wasn't surprising. After all, he was a Peak Grandmaster.


Meng Shushu dug up the spiritual herb and sealed it with a spiritual herb foil.

Then, the three went to another secret room.

In each secret room, there was a gray grass growing.

Two of them were seventh-grade, and one was sixth-grade. They obtained more spiritual crystals and other items compared to that Peak Grandmaster.

"They're cultivating spiritual herbs here!"

Meng Shushu said solemnly.

Xu Yan nodded.

After coming out of the secret rooms, Xu Yan wielded his sword to cut off a layer of the mountain wall, revealing no other secret rooms.

Looking around the valley, it was indeed a treasure land. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth converged here, especially on the mountain walls, where the spiritual energy lingered, explaining why spiritual herbs grew here.

There were also many spiritual herbs growing around the valley, mostly ninth-grade and some eighth-grade, all of which had been picked clean.

After searching everything, Xu Yan pondered, "Should we stay here for a few days? If anyone comes, we kill them."

Meng Shushu said, "Senior Brother Xu, with a Peak Grandmaster presiding here, the black-robed faction shouldn't come here often. Most of the time, they rely on flying kites for communication."

"Now that the flying kites are gone and the communication is cut off, it will take them who knows how many days to send someone when they discover the problem. There's no need to wait here."

Xu Yan thought about it and agreed. There was indeed a commotion on Canglan Island, where Fire Slaughter Demon Lord was making noise. It was time to deal with him.

"In that case, let's go."

The three left the valley.

"Elder Brother, are we going to Canglan Island to kill the Demon Lord?"

Meng Chong asked excitedly.

Xu Yan smiled and said, "Not in a hurry. If he wants me to fight him, he has to offer something. Although I'm going to kill him, I can't do it for free."

"That makes sense!"

Meng Chong nodded.

"Send a message to Fire Slaughter Demon Lord. If he wants me to fight him, he should prepare a million spiritual crystals. That's the price for my intervention, plus all his assets, which I can collect conveniently after killing him."

Xu Yan said cheerfully.

Someone sending money to his doorstep, how could he refuse?

Fire Slaughter Demon Lord was a good person. He was not only sending money but also offering his life. Such people were hard to come by, so he had to cherish them.

Meng Shushu's mouth twitched. He mourned in his heart for Fire Slaughter Demon Lord. Why did he have to provoke Xu Yan? If he wanted Xu Yan to fight, he had to pay a million spiritual crystals. Would Fire Slaughter Demon Lord agree to Xu Yan's conditions?

He would definitely agree!

If Xu Yan refused to fight, he had no way to force him. Since he wanted to kill Xu Yan, how could he refuse to pay?

"I wonder how many Grandmasters are waiting for me on Canglan Island."

Xu Yan smiled brightly, feeling as if it were a walk in the park.

The end of the month is coming, please vote for me^_^

(End of this