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Xu Yan directly crossed the first level of the martial arts platform, completely ignoring the students of the Seven Star Academy on the platform. The martial artists present were all stunned.

"Is he that arrogant?"

"Perhaps he thinks his strength surpasses the third-grade realm, so he wants to challenge across levels. It's just like me back then, thinking I could challenge even the first level, but in the end, couldn't even pass it."

A martial artist sighed.

Youthful arrogance is understandable. Which prodigy isn't proud and ambitious?

"Someone else is going to be disheartened by this."

"Haha, indeed, it's been a while since I've seen a prodigy so shattered by defeat."

Some martial artists gloated.


The students from the Seven Star Academy on the martial arts platform were bewildered. Why was there another person disobeying the rules?

Every student recruited by the Seven Star Academy was a prodigy, gifted with extraordinary talent. And those who challenged on the martial arts platform were the cream of the crop among the Seven Star Academy.

"Is there something you need?"

Xu Yan glanced and asked.

The student on the martial arts platform was almost dazed. Who was this person who didn't even know the rules of the Seven Star Academy and dared to challenge? And he even ignored him!

"Do you come here to enter the academy's collection pavilion and peruse the martial arts classics?"

Qiao Zongye asked solemnly.

"That's right!"

Xu Yan nodded.

"In that case, you must defeat me to continue upwards."

Qiao Zongye spoke.

"You're too weak. I can just go up and challenge directly."

Xu Yan shook his head.

Qiao Zongye's face flushed with anger. "I'm too weak? Are you a grandmaster martial artist? Even if you are, you still have to challenge each level step by step."

"I'm not a grandmaster martial artist."

Xu Yan shook his head. "I'm a Pre-Natal Realm martial artist."

Qiao Zongye was bewildered, and so were all the martial artists present. Pre-Natal Realm martial artist? What realm is that? Why have we never heard of it?

"What Pre-Natal Realm? I've never heard of it. Don't spout nonsense to deceive people. If you want to continue upwards, you have to defeat me."

Qiao Zongye said angrily.

He suspected that the other party didn't just come to challenge and gain the opportunity to peruse the classics but came to provoke the Seven Star Academy!

"In that case, prepare yourself."

Xu Yan pondered for a moment. Defeating him wouldn't take much effort, just a casual move.


Qiao Zongye's long knife swung horizontally, his voice cold.

"Watch closely."

Xu Yan didn't even bother to step onto the martial arts platform; he simply flicked his finger, and a burst of true energy shot out.

After making his move, he continued ascending the steps.

Qiao Zongye was enraged, about to speak, but his expression changed drastically. He hurriedly placed his long knife in front of him. With a loud bang, the knife vibrated, flew out of his hand, and he was sent flying backward, crashing to the ground.

The scene fell silent! A flick of the finger defeated Qiao Zongye? A grandmaster martial artist?!

No wonder he's so audacious. He's already a grandmaster martial artist at such a young age, indeed worthy of arrogance.

"Where did this prodigy come from? A grandmaster already?"

"So audacious, so formidable. I take back what I said earlier!"

The onlookers were astonished.

Xu Yan continued ascending the steps, while Qiao Zongye lay on the ground, his face red with anger. "Even if you're a grandmaster, it's useless. You must ascend the martial arts platform and defeat me to count!"

Seeing Xu Yan completely ignore him, Qiao Zongye was furious, "Are you looking down on my Seven Star Academy!"

Xu Yan couldn't be bothered to deal with him. The rage of the weak was useless; rules were always made for the weak. Strong ones existed to break them.


The students on the second level of the martial arts platform were also stunned. This guy was really arrogant, not even giving him a glance.

Xu Yan flicked his finger, and a burst of true energy shot out, causing the second-level student to hastily defend himself and fly backward instantly.

"You're defeated."

Xu Yan glanced at the opponent and continued upward.

On the third level, Xu Yan didn't even wait for the opponent to speak; he just flicked his finger and defeated him.

Then, on the fourth level, the same flick of his finger resulted in victory.

He didn't even step onto the martial arts platform.

"The fifth level requires a grandmaster martial artist. Now let's see how he defeats a grandmaster."

"We have a show to watch. It's been years since anyone passed the fifth level. I wonder if he has a chance."

"No chance at all. Even if he's a grandmaster martial artist, he's too young. The grandmasters of the Seven Star Academy, which one isn't top-notch?"

The martial artists watching the excitement discussed.

As Xu Yan ascended, a figure descended from the sky and landed on the fifth level's platform. It was a man in his thirties, dressed as a scholar, with a gentle demeanor.

"Young friend, not even stepping onto the martial arts platform, do you think that the students of my Seven Star Academy are beneath your notice?"

Cheng Yuanhong smiled.

Xu Yan nodded. "That's right, the strength is too poor. I don't even have the interest to step onto the platform."

All the martial artists and students of the Seven Star Academy were stunned. Wasn't this too direct? He was completely disregarding the Seven Star Academy.

Who in the world doesn't know that the students guarding the platform of the Seven Star Academy are all top-notch within their realms?

Cheng Yuanhong also put away his smile, his expression becoming serious as he said, "According to the rules, even if a grandmaster comes, they must step onto the platform for a spar, using the same realm strength to defeat the platform guardian."

"Young friend, I understand youthful arrogance. Since you're already here, as long as you defeat me, any breach of the rules will be forgiven!"

Xu Yan halted and glanced at him, saying, "Your strength is decent among grandmasters, but there's no difficulty in defeating you."

"Rules are always made for the weak. True strong ones exist to break them. I consider myself a strong one, so I don't need to abide by them."

So audacious!

Everyone present couldn't help but exclaim.

Even the students of the Seven Star Academy felt the same. Since entering the academy, it was the first time they had encountered someone so arrogant.

To actually say at the Seven Star Academy that rules were made for the weak and he was exempt because he was strong!

Cheng Yuanhong smiled. He had never encountered such arrogance in the Seven Star Academy. Even if a grandmaster came, they wouldn't dare be so presumptuous!

"What you say has some truth, but you must know that breaking rules isn't something an ordinary strong one can do, especially the rules of my Seven Star Academy!"

Cheng Yuanhong said solemnly.

Xu Yan thought for a moment and asked, "If I defeat you with just one palm, can I disregard the rules? If I fail to defeat you with one palm, I'll kneel and apologize for three days!"

Everyone was shocked. They already thought he was audacious, but suddenly realized he could be even more so!

Defeat a grandmaster with one palm?

And it's the platform guardian of the Seven Star Academy, even if a peak grandmaster came, they couldn't achieve such a feat with one palm.

Are you a grandmaster then?

Clearly, the youth was not a grandmaster.

"Heh, ignorant arrogance. Do you really think Instructor Cheng is just a third-rate grandmaster?"

"Young and arrogant, this is too much!"

"We've got a good show to watch. Instructor Cheng is enraged."

The surrounding students of the Seven Star Academy were excitedly discussing.

It had been a long time since the Seven Star Academy had been this lively.

"Good, good, good. I want to see how you defeat me with one palm. If you can do it, you won't need to follow the rules!"

Cheng Yuanhong said with a laugh.

"I'm going to make my move, are you ready?" Xu Yan raised a palm and asked.

Damn it!

Cheng Yuanhong was so angry he was almost jumping. Did this guy think he was soft?

"Go ahead!"

His aura surged, powerful grandmaster aura rippling around the martial arts platform.

"I'm going to make my move, be careful!"

Xu Yan said seriously.

He assessed Cheng Yuanhong's strength. How much force should he put into this palm? If it was too strong, it wouldn't be good if he killed him. After all, they had no enmity between them.

If the strength of this palm was too weak and couldn't defeat Cheng Yuanhong, would he have to kneel for three days?

So he had to control the strength of this palm well.


Cheng Yuanhong was almost exploding with anger.


Suddenly, Xu Yan's palm pushed out, and a golden dragon rushed out, roaring towards Cheng Yuanhong, terrifying pressure rippling out in all directions.

Weak martial artists suddenly felt a tightness in their chests. Under the terrifying pressure, it felt like they were suffocating.

Cheng Yuanhong widened his eyes in shock. What kind of palm technique was this?

To summon a golden dragon with one palm!

The Seven Star Academy had countless martial arts techniques stored, various lost martial arts and secret techniques, but to summon such a powerful golden dragon was unheard of!

The terrifying pressure descended instantly. The incomparably fierce golden dragon gave him a feeling of suffocation.

"No good!"

Cheng Yuanhong's heart jolted. His aura exploded, and both palms pushed out forcefully, displaying a powerful martial art technique, also his last resort.

The heavy palm force, as heavy as a mountain, piled up layer upon layer, intending to block the golden dragon outside, intending to suppress the golden dragon!


Just as his palms were pushed out, and the layers of force were about to burst out, the golden dragon that had been charging down suddenly changed direction, and its tail whipped down.

This sudden change caught him off guard. He couldn't even think about resisting.

He was even more shocked. What kind of palm technique was this? Could the golden dragon still be alive?


With a crack, Cheng Yuanhong was sent flying backward, crashing at the edge of the martial arts platform.


The entire scene fell silent.

Numerous martial artists widened their eyes, looking at this scene in disbelief.

Many martial artists opened their mouths wide, staring at the martial arts platform in disbelief, then turning to Xu Yan, unable to speak for a long time.

To summon a golden dragon with one palm was shocking enough.

But the golden dragon actually plunged down, and its tail whipped down unexpectedly. This change was completely unexpected. After the force of the palm was pushed out, who could have expected such a huge change?

Directly changing direction?

Under such suddenness, who wouldn't be caught off guard?

Moreover, the golden dragon's speed was extremely fast, its power formidable. Ordinary grandmasters couldn't resist it at all!

No wonder the youth was so arrogant; he truly had the qualifications for arrogance!

Cheng Yuanhong lay on the ground, his whole body in pain, especially his face. He hadn't even taken a palm. It was too embarrassing!

He was shocked to his core, staring at Xu Yan. Where did this prodigy come from? What kind of technique was this, so powerful!

"Now can you prove that I'm a strong one? Can I disregard the rules now?"

Xu Yan said as if swatting away a fly.

Cheng Yuanhong opened his mouth, but for a moment, couldn't say anything.

All the martial artists remained silent.

"Strong ones never abide by rules!"

Xu Yan continued to ascend the steps, and the news of Cheng Yuanhong being defeated by a single palm spread throughout the entire Seven Star Academy like wildfire.

In no time, countless students from the Seven Star Academy were rushing over.

Where did this powerful dragon come from? Is it trying to break the rules of the Seven Star Academy?

If the Seven Star Academy can't hold the martial arts platform, then the rules will be broken.

The sixth level.

A figure descended, a mid-tier grandmaster wielding a pair of large hammers, with a burly stature and a full beard on his face.

"It's Senior Instructor Hu Biao. He won't be defeated by a single palm, right?"

The Seven Star Academy saw the platform guardian on the sixth level, instantly rejuvenating their spirits.

Senior Instructor Hu Biao, naturally gifted with divine strength, robust physique, extremely powerful, once fought against a grandmaster without falling behind.

Moreover, not just any grandmaster.

From this, one could see the strength of Senior Instructor Hu Biao.

"The rules of my Seven Star Academy are not something anyone can break. Young man, don't be arrogant, don't be complacent."

Hu Biao spoke solemnly.

"I'm never arrogant!"

Xu Yan's face was serious as he said, "My master told me that martial artists should guard against arrogance and impetuosity, not be proud and complacent. That's why I've never been arrogant!"

Everyone was stunned. You call that not being arrogant?

Haven't seen anyone more arrogant than you!

Hu Biao was momentarily at a loss for words.

"Young man, if you want to continue climbing, you have to defeat me!"

After a pause, he said in a deep voice.

"You're too weak. I'm not interested in making a move."

Xu Yan waved his hand with some disinterest.

Damn it!

This is what you call never being arrogant?!

Everyone looked at Hu Biao on the martial arts platform with sympathetic eyes. The esteemed Senior Instructor of the Seven Star Academy was now being despised.


Hu Biao's two hammers collided, producing a deafening sound. He glared angrily, "Kid, arrogant. Let's see if you have the strength to back it up, thinking so little of me!"

His figure moved, the large hammer like a mountain, suddenly slamming towards Xu Yan.

"I already said you're too weak!"

Xu Yan raised his hand and waved it. The sound of a dragon's roar erupted, and a mighty golden dragon rushed out, directly colliding with the hammer Hu Biao swung.


One hammer flew out of his hand, and Hu Biao himself was sent flying, landing in a sorry state on the ground.

The aftermath of the collision swept around.

Weak martial artists were overturned in an instant, rolling down from the steps.

The remaining martial artists were shocked once again. Another single palm had defeated Hu Biao!

"He really isn't arrogant, because he speaks with his strength!"

Some martial artists murmured in shock.

Hu Biao's hands trembled. With his robust physique and mid-tier grandmaster strength, he couldn't even withstand a single palm. What kind of monster was this?

"Tianbao Pavilion?"

Such a thought popped into his mind.

It seemed that the other party didn't come solely to peruse the treasures of the Seven Star Academy's collection but also to suppress the Seven Star Academy.

Xu Yan continued to ascend.

The guardian of the seventh-level martial arts platform was a grandmaster.

"Young friend, with extraordinary talent and great strength, indeed you have the qualification to not abide by the rules."

The guardian of the seventh level was an old man holding a long sword.

(End of this chapter)