
zhu xian 019

Kevern and Issa saw Shaw Danon was here, they more or less smiled and greeted him. Only Anan was still indifferent, but her eyes still glanced at him. There seemed to be some unknown emotion flashed in her eyes, but it disappeared immediately.

Master Doyal Shen looked at the four people, smiled: "Today I let you four here, is to let you leave the mountain and gain some experience."

Kevern and others were all moved.

Master Doyal Shen told them about "Cave of Fangs" at Kongsang Mountain, then said: "This matter is very important. You four are the elites of my faction, so I sent you to investigate. But the Felkin heretics are cunning and cruel, you must be careful. "

The four said together: "Yes."

Reverend DaoXuan nodded his head and said, "Other than that, other than our Qing Yun Sect, FenXiang Valley and TianYin Temple have also sent out outstanding disciples to investigate together. You all must not be disrespectful in front of others but you must not ruin our Qing Yun Sect's imposing manner. Besides, Xiao Shixiong Xiao YiCai has already gone to Kongsang Mountain to investigate. If you can find him, you can discuss with him. "

The four looked at each other, then agreed.

Master Doyal Shen carefully looked at the four young disciples, then his eyes landed on Kevern. He waved his hand: "Kevern, come here."

Kevern startled, then walked forward. Master Doyal Shen looked at him, then turned to Master Vasp Caelo, smiled: "Shidi, your Dragon Head Peak has a successor!"

Master Vasp Caelo's face was not good from the beginning. Now he finally smiled: "Shixiong is joking."

Master Doyal Shen smiled and took out something from his pocket, gave it to Kevern, said: "Take it."

Kevern took a look. It was a small mirror, simple shape, bronze edge, dragon on top, tiger on bottom. Eight trigrams were carved on the mirror. The middle part of the mirror was not a normal bronze mirror, it was misty yellow and could not be seen clearly.

Before Kevern could react, Master Vasp Caelo was already beaming with joy, shouted: "Silly boy, what are you waiting for, kneel down and thank me."

Kevern immediately realized that this inconspicuous object in his hand was most likely the magical treasure "Union Mirror". He quickly kneeled down and said: "Thank you Sect Leader Shibo."

Reverend DaoXuan smiled and said, "No need, no need, get up." Then he turned to the others and said, "All of you go out first."

Everyone knew that he was going to teach Kevern the secret of the Six Harmonies Mirror, so they left together.

Shaw Danon walked to the side with Tian Bolis. Tian Bolis looked at him, said lightly: "You have a heavy responsibility now, don't go back to Bamboo Peak. Go down the mountain with the three of them, I will talk to Bamboo Peak for you."

Shaw Danon was surprised, then lowered his head, whispered: "Yes, master."

Tian Bolis said: "In this month of your recuperation, I heard that your Shi niang taught you some Imperial Sword techniques and Dao techniques, have you memorized them?"

Shaw Danon nodded: "Yes, disciple will remember."

Tian Bolis turned around, said slowly: "That's good. Although your talent is not good, but you are still a disciple of Bamboo Peak. Don't embarrass me when you go out."

Shaw Danon immediately said: "Yes, master, disciple will not embarrass you."

Tian Bolis snorted. Shaw Danon could not see his face. He did not know what his expression was. But from his voice, there was no anger. After a while, Tian Bolis sighed, turned around and looked at Shaw Danon. He did not say anything, waved his hand as a greeting, then summoned his sword and flew away.

Shaw Danon stared at his master's figure turned into a beam of red light and disappeared into the sky. Then someone patted his shoulder. He was surprised and quickly turned around. It was the smiling Issa. Then he looked around. The heads of other houses had already left. Only two of them and Anan, who was standing alone at a distance.

Zeng Shushu laughed and said, "Count yourself lucky. I was worried that you wouldn't be able to pass this time!"

Shaw Danon felt much more relaxed when he was with him. He smiled: "Yeah, I was also scared to death."

Zeng ShuShu patted his shoulder, looked around him and quietly said, "Why didn't you bring Xiao Hui along?"

Shaw Danon said with a bitter face: "I was brought by master early in the morning. I did not expect to leave the mountain immediately. I did not bring anything, how could I bring Ashh?"

Zeng Shushu smiled and said, "It's okay, I can lend you the clothes, or we can buy them when we go down the mountain to HeYang City." Then he winked at Shaw Danon, whispered: "Hehe, anyway we are going to earn this time."

Shaw Danon did not understand, said: "What?"

Issa's eyebrows twitched, peeked behind him, laughed: "There is a beauty with you!"

Shaw Danon was angry and funny at the same time, but he still looked at Anan. At the same time, it seemed Anan also felt it and looked at him. They looked at each other from far away. Shaw Danon felt her eyes were like frost. He was surprised and quickly moved his eyes away.

They talked and laughed for a while. When Issa was whispering to him about traveling with Anan, he suddenly found Shaw Danon's smiling face stiffened. His eyes became straight, staring behind him.

Issa was puzzled. He turned around and saw at the bottom of the stairs, a man was staggering up. He was about forty years old. His clothes were clean, but his face was blank. His eyes were dull. His mouth said something that did not follow up:

"It's raining, the sky is dark... smelly... mother... gods, gods, hehe, gods..."

Under the gaze of Issa and Anan, Shaw Danon walked toward them. He walked very slowly. After a long time, he reached the man.

Like, he came back to the past!

"Uncle Wong, are you okay?" He tried to suppress his excitement, said quietly.

That man did not seem to notice Shaw Danon at all. His mouth was still murmuring, then he left Shaw Danon and disappeared behind the hall.

"Who is he?" Zeng Shushu walked to his side and asked.

Shaw Danon looked at the place where Uncle Wong disappeared, said sadly: "A madman!"

Seeing his expression, Zeng Shushu tactfully stopped asking. After a while, a cheerful Kevern walked out of the hall and greeted the three of them.

Shaw Danon absent-mindedly walked with Issa. After a discussion (Shaw Danon was lost in thought, did not say a word), they decided to go down the mountain to Sunstream first.

Issa smiled and asked Kevern: "Qi Shixiong, is the Union Mirror that Head Shibo taught you powerful?"

Kevern smiled: "Union Mirror is our Jadeon's treasure, of course it is powerful. But my cultivation is not enough! Hehe, well, this is the top of the mountain. Except for the heads of the seven houses, other disciples cannot use sword. We will go down to Cloud Sea and fly to Sunstream from there. "

Anan was expressionless. Shaw Danon nodded blankly. Only Issa was smiling. It seemed descending the mountain was a happy thing for a fun person like him.

From Jadeon to Sunstream, along the way, Jadeon's four most "outstanding" disciples were riding on their swords. Other people were relaxed, but Shaw Danon found it a little difficult.

He had been recovering for a month. Surin seemed to have expected him to be fine. She taught him some Jadeon incantations, and also taught him how to use the esper to fly in the air. It was actually very simple. As long as his cultivation is deep enough and the esper is not too bad, he can use Jadeon incantations and telekinesis to drive the esper. But Shaw Danon's cultivation was not deep enough. His esper was not bad, but it was very strange. He was unfamiliar with the newly learned Jadeon incantations. It was very troublesome to use it.

Suru didn't expect him to leave the Peak of Tongtian immediately. She wanted him to memorize the incantation and practice it when he returned to Big Bamboo Peak. Of course, the other chiefs didn't know this weird kid's background. Seeing his performance in the Seven Peaks Tournament, they assumed that he knew the most basic sword-riding Taoist method. But they did not know Shaw Danon had secretly learned incantations and reached the level of "Actuate". How would he know any sword incantations.

Seeing the others wielding their swords, Kevern wielded the white 'Ice' sword, Lu XueQi wielded the blue 'Aeolian Firmaments' sword, Zeng Shushu wielded a purple sword – 'Xuanyuan'. Shaw Danon was nervous. He forced himself to use "fire stick". But the feeling was a bit lacking. It was not as smooth as the day of Seven Peaks Tournament.

Going through the clouds and over the mountains, this journey should have taken half a day, but the four of them only arrived at HeYang City after sunset. To avoid suspicion, Shaw Danon and the other three landed at a quiet place outside of Sunstream City. Their bodies were soaked, their faces pale. It seemed more difficult than the day of the tournament.

Along the way, he lost his grip on the firestick several times. If not for QiHao and the rest who were by his side could see that something was wrong and did not dare to stay too far away from him, he was afraid that this newly recruited Jadeon 'outstanding disciple' would have fallen from the sky and died with his body smashed into pieces. Before he could bring glory to the sect, his name would be infamous for ten thousand years and he would make Jadeon lose all its face. Kevern and others decided to stop outside of the city and enter the city on foot. Although they wanted to avoid suspicion, they were also afraid Shaw Danon would fall from the sky under the eyes of the crowd. The prestige that Jadeon had built for two thousand years would be destroyed.

After a little rest, waiting for Shaw Danon to catch his breath, the four of them walked toward the tall Sunstream City in the sunset. Shaw Danon walked at the back. He could feel Kevern and Anan were looking at him with puzzlement. Clearly they could not understand why a person who shined so brightly in Seven Peaks Tournament could not even understand how to use the sword. Issa was still smiling and walking with Shaw Danon. He did not mention anything about what just happened, but introduced Sunstream City to Shaw Danon:

"Within a radius of a hundred miles, this is the largest and most prosperous place. There are at least two or three hundred thousand people living in this city. The location is also good. There are a lot of merchants coming and going. It is very lively... "

Shaw Danon was impressed by Issa's knowledge, said: "Shushu, how do you know everything?"

Issa was proud, said: "That's nothing. I will know when I read more books." Then he smiled wickedly, whispered to Shaw Danon's ear: "Actually I have been here many times, I sneaked down the mountain."