
Myths: Adira's diary

Mistakes will be made both as an author and in the book. Along with; revenge, schemes, friendship, betrayal and love. Eh? Love? Nah-ah. Adira Yukimura is cold when in front of people she doesn't know or hate. Well it's either that or she's in a playful mood and will anger you to death. Either way stand in her way and you will bear the consequences. She is sent to a high school for the very first in her life (she is not happy about it). She meets a lot of different people. Some are old friends and enemies, some are new. Adira faces a lot of things during a span of one year, a year that will forever be on her and her friends minds. Will everything work out? Will Adira survive and protect the people she loves or will she die trying? (Adira has a large family which majority is men not to mention that she has loads of brothers hence her being closer to males than females) There will be some scenes that include murder or can make some feel uncomfortable so if you are one I wouldn't suggest you read this book This is my first novel so please forgive me for mistakes. This will also be in first person (I, me, my) but there will be a reason. Find out at the end. Enjoy!

Rae_B31 · Fantasy
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174 Chs

chapter 62. Vision (1)

"Adira doesn't need to date and who are you to decide Adi's boyfriend?" Killian asks.

"But Ren is single and lives next door" Kaelynn joins in despite Kaena telling her not to.

I look at Ren to see how he feels about all this and just as I thought-


Why is he blushing??!

I nudge Killian beside me. "What's up with him?" I ask.

Killian looks over at the blushing Ren. "Who knows? Read his mind" Killian suggests.

"I respect privacy" I retort.

"You respect privacy? Huh? That's new" Killian says not believing.

"Okay. I promised Oreo that I won't read anyone's mind unless I have to" I admit under Killian suspicious gaze.

"That's more like it" Killian says before changing the topic to the assassin leader board. Killian pulls out his phone and connects it to the TV.

"6th place is someone called Dreamy" I point at the white masked person on the TV. "Everyone knows that Dreamy is always in white clothes and has covered it's face. Weapon: whip with hidden blades. Ability: light element so the person is an Angel. Gender: unknown. Family: unknown. Height: unknown" I sum up.

"How do people know what she wears and he weapon?" Ren asks.

I stop myself from facepalming at the second part of his question. "Torn pieces of her clothes has been found at the scene. The victim's who fall under Dreamy has all had rope marks around their necks and arms but upon closer look they found small blade wounds" I answer.

"Okay" Ren nods in understanding.

"Okay. 5th place is a male named Timberwolf" The picture changes to a blue male at 6'1 feet tall. "Is always wearing something blue and also has covered his face. Weapon: has recently changed to a metal boomerang. Ability: can shapeshift into a wolf so is clearly a wolf. Gender: male. Family: unknown. Height: 6'1 feet" I say. "Unlike Dreamy he shows up for meetings and selections."


The picture changes to show a woman in green. "4th place is Flaura. Wears green and covers her face. Weapon: mace. Abilty: Wood witch which can control both earth and animals. Gender: female. Family: unknown. Height: 5'9 feet. Like Timberwolf shows up for meetings and selections."

"So there is currently a male and female and an unknown?" Ren asks.

"Yes" Killian snaps.

"3rd place is Kendro. Wears black and also covers it's face. Weapon: Flail. Ability: is a Demon so has shadow, hell fire and portals. Gender unknown. Family: unknown. Height: unknown. Like Dreamy is only known from what's at the scene."

"Oh how I love him" Killian sits back on the couch looking relaxed.

I scoff before continuing explaining. "2nd is Long. Wears red and covers his face. Weapon: sword. Ability: shield and elements. Gender: male although some claim that he's female. Family: unknown. Height: 5'11. Appears quite often for higher ups meetings." The image changes to a completely black shadow with a 1 over it's head. "And in 1st place is Dark Phoenix. What it wears is unknown. Weapon: are mainly daggers. Ability: unknown. Gender: unknown. Family: unknown. Height: unknown. No one has a faintest idea who or what this person is but since 7 and a half years ago has been ranking 1st." I explain with a bit of proudness in my voice.

"So 3 hide in the dark while 3 are in the light?" Ren asks.

"Yup" Killian responds.

"Do you think it's by choice or are they forced?" Ren asks curiously.

"Choice" Killian and I answer confidently in unison.

"How are you so confident that it's by choice?" Ren asks.

A mysterious smile blooms acroos Killian and my faces. "Because we choose to be in the dark" we answer in the same teasing and yet mysterious voice.

"Huh?" Ren doesn't get it.

"3rd place Kendro" Killian raises his nose proudly.

"1st place Dark Phoenix" I imitate Killian's pose.

"So when you said that you're top assassin you weren't kidding?"

"I was telling the truth"

"Wow so I have an Ultimate master teaching me" Ren says in amazement.

"What about me"? Killian asks.

"You're 3rd not 1st" I snap at him.

"But still he should be grateful that the KENDROS is sitting in front of him. Eldest son of Hell's highest ranked knight." Killian whines not sounding like a noble at all.

"You should remember he's still considered a child to us" I point out.

"You're right" Killian agrees.

"What do you mean child?" Ren asks temper flaring.

"Well when you're next to anyone in this house you're considered a child" I answer truthfully.

"Shouldn't you place me above the children?"

"No the children has powers and which you don't so even the baby twins are placed above you" Killian explains.

"But I'm older" Ren whines.

"Have you seen the house caught fire?" I ask him.


"That's because at the early age of 1 a set of twins have managed to control their magic"

"Now that you've said that I have to agree that they're placed above me" Ren says in disappointment.

"Don't worry. Although you can't be stronger than Demon children you're above average in normal human" Killian pats his shoulder.

"Really?" Ren asks with new hope in his eyes.

"Unfortunately" I mumble. My eyes widen when I see the time. "Look at the time. Bye Ren see you tomorrow at school. Goodnight Killian" I walk to my room and pull out a sketch book and coloured pens. "I can just feel it happening" I whisper under my breath. I see Asra and Thunder looking at me. "Goodnight" I climb up to my loft and place the sketch book and pens beside my pillows. I lie on my back and soon fall into a deep sleep.



I stand looking at the huge grass fields surrounded by the thick forest. A gunshot rings out and I hear footsteps in the forest behind me running in our direction. I turn and grab the hand of a black smoke in the shape of a person but I can't figure out who it is. I start to pull it across the grass field away from the footsteps behind us.

I look behind to spot a group of black shadows but suddenly one morphs to Daniel. My eyes widen in horror when I see a brown wolf and many people with guns come out of the woods. I turn to face forward and race to the other side but the other side never comes.

Screams echo in my ears before they start to ring blocking everything out. I'm thrown backwards. I touch my ears and pull my hand back to find-


There's blood coming out from my ears. I feel something wet and warm run down my cheeks and chin. I touch the liquid to see that it's also blood. I have a sick feeling in my gut. I look around to see blood everywhere. A few feet away from me is a black arm of which has torn from it's body. I swivel my head to see Daniel laying on the ground clutching his stomach from the impact but nothing else is hurt. I then check some people before looking at the forest.

My heart sinks.

The wolf and the men are there with shocked faces in which they soon snap back to reality. My eyes meet with the huge 15 foot wolf. I slowly and weakly stand up in which I regret. My head starts spinning but then something warm runs through my blood and I stand straight with cold eyes.

'You have to survive' I hear a voice in my head whisper.

I look at the people with determination to get us out of here. I step back and release a horrendous scream. Some of the enemy drop to the floor ears, mouth and eyes bleeding.


"Ahhhhhhh!" I scream. I jolt awake on my bed.

"It's alright here take this" Killian voice sounds from the dark.

He hands me something in which I take. My hands open the sketch book and pulls out a coloured pen. And then like a mind of it's own the pen starts to slide across the page. It changes colours when it needs to and in seconds there are 5 pages filled with what happened in my dream.

Killian gasps when he holds the book into the light. "A vision" He gaps like a goldfish at the pages before turning to me and which I have already fell deep asleep. "You truly are a wonder Adira" Killian says with so much brotherly love, proudness and admiration.

Happy New Year's Eve (if that's a thing). Sorry for the delay in chapters.

I hope you had a lovely Christmas and have a lovely 2020

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