
Mythos: Lord Vampire

Ethan a gambling addict in debt with 10,2 million dollars, recently lost his girlfriend, friends and family because of his addictions. One day a beautiful lady gives his a deal he cannot refuse. In exchange for her paying his debts he has to help her with her little experiments. *The Pic for the thumbnail is not mine so if the original artist of the pic wants me to take it of I will happily do so*

Meowscles_KittyGod · Fantasy
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6 Chs

004 Naive

[ a week before ]

In a luxurious-looking bedroom, the Doctor can be seen standing next to a massive king-size bed, is a beautiful woman with long black hair, red eyes, and a perfect thick body with curves in all the right places. The woman seems to be naked but the Doctor seems to not be bothered by her nakedness.

" So, did you get her?" The woman asked with an alluring voice as if she is a succubus trying to seduce the Doctor.

" No, not yet, but I did find something interesting though, the boy he seems to more than meets the eye," says Doctor L with a look of excitement while thinking of Ethan.

" The boy, wasn't he supposed to be just a way to get her and what do you mean interesting." asked the woman with confusion on her face.

" I don't know yet, but I'm pretty sure he would be useful for your plan," Doctor L said stoically.

" Fine keep an eye on him and if you think he is that valuable then do what you must, just make sure you keep your end of the deal." says the woman with venom in her voice.

[ The present ]

After agreeing to go with the Doctor, we see Ethan seating in the passenger seat of a car while the Doctor is driving.

" So you haven't told me how you are going to give a do-over, " Ethan said with no emotion in his voice.

" Tell me Ethan do you believe in the supernatural." asked the Doctor while keeping his eyes on the road.

" What," answered Ethan with confusion.

" You know the supernatural like ghosts, demons, vampires, gods, angels, you know occult stuff do you believe in it." asked the Doctor with a bit of excitement in his voice.

" I have never really thought about it, but what does that have to do with giving me a do-over, wait don't tell me you're one of those cult people and you are going to convince me to make a deal with the devil," asked Ethan while looking at the Doctor like his crazy.

" Hahahahahahahaha, that's an interesting theory, firstly never compare me to cult members, secondly you are not too far of on your theory, and third I don't have to convince you to do anything." says the Doctor as he is enjoying the conversation.

There was a long silence in the car as Ethan kept looking at the Doctor like his crazy.

" Wait, so you telling me that all that fantasy bullshit is real and I'm just supposed to believe you". says Ethan with doubt.

" You don't have to believe me but just know that the life that you knew is long gone, it should be about time." says the Doctor as he looks at his watch.

" What do mean it's about time and you do know I haven't agreed to anything right," says Ethan starting to feel sleepy.

" What, wait you think you have a choice in this matter Hahahahahaha you're really amusing Ethan Hahahahahahaha." says the Doctor as he is try to focus on the road but couldn't because laughing at Ethan's naivete.

" What do you me-

Ethan tries to get answers from the Doctor but just passes out, the last thing he heard was the doctor laughing.