
Mythology Dungeon System

A teenage boy is suddenly thrusted to, not just a battle among mythical creators but also a war between his fellow Dungeon Masters. His goal is to save humanity from monsters and men alike.

PaperPapa · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Day Life Changed

My morning wasn't going well. The school bus is running late, and I'm still fighting the drowsiness that haunts me.

I blink once, twice and thrice. Suddenly, a sort of screen fills my tired eyes.

I try blinking again, but can't. Then I try to look somewhere else, but I can't. 

From my peripheral, I see a bird in midair. I also see a guy washing his car. The water hose in his hand spraying water that sits on the hood of the vehicle, unmoving.

The screen reads: Dungeon Master found! You have been designated as this sector's Dungeon Master or DM.

You must establish a dungeon within sector 1229B.

If you fail to do so, you will receive a severe penalty to both your character stats and Dungeon stats.

You have 24 hours to complete this quest.

At the bottom right corner there is an Ok field. I think okay, and the screen fades away.

I look left and right. The whole neighborhood is still. The other thing I notice is the silence.

I cross the street and across the yard to the guy washing his car.

The guy just moved into the area. He has an angel tattoo on his bare back. Its wings are flared out and it holds a flaming sword. 

I call out to him. "Yo!"

He doesn't move. 

I walk up and place my hand on his shoulder, but he doesn't react.

I look up at the bird. It floats there, with its wings spread eagle. Which is ironic because it's a plain old pigeon.

I drop my backpack on the ground. I tell the guy. "Hey! If you can hear me, I'm going to leave my stuff here. I'll be back with help, okay?"

I run back home, but as soon as I take a few steps; I freeze in place once more. 

A screen in vision reads: WARNING! You cannot leave your Dungeon Core unattended.

I stand there reading and re-reading it. Eventually I remember to think okay, and the screen disappears.

I fall backwards. I manage to catch myself. I look around and see that my backpack is at my feet.

I turn to glare at the guy, but he is still washing or not washing his car.

I don't see anyone else around. Picking up my bag, I head home.

My house is at the corner of the neighborhood. My dad's car is still gone. It's at that moment I regret sneaking out last night. If I didn't go hang with my buddies, I wouldn't have gotten my phone taken away.

Rushing inside, I don't see my mom down on the first floor. I go upstairs and find her in the master bedroom.

She's making the bed or was making the bed. 

I go to her and shake her by the arm. "Mom-"

Another screen appears and reads: WARNING! Attempting to interact with a Player before the allotted time is over, will cause the Player to be removed from sector 1229B.

I think okay, and reluctantly let go of my mom. "Mom…"

I find her phone on the nightstand. It's locked but luckily she has her face ID function on. I hold it up to her face, it unlocks. "I'm going to call dad."

The phone rings. I call and call. He doesn't pick up or can't pick up.

I then try the police. When the line is picked up, I get excited. Then I realize it's an automatic response. The machine tells me to hold, and I do. I wait for 10 minutes, then hang up.

I look at my mom then down at the phone. I try to call my relatives and a few of my neighbors.

Not one answer from anyone. I call my phone. I find it hidden in the living room, in a cabinet. I call my friends. When They don't pick up I send them a text telling them to stay safe and call me when they can.

I place my backpack on the kitchen table. Again once I try walking away from it, I get the same announcement from earlier. It flies at me, hitting me squarely on the back.

Frustrated, I throw the bag at the table. The same announcement fills my vision. I okay it away, and the bag slings at me.

I manage to catch it. I zip it open and find a glowing orb. 

As I take it out, it lights the kitchen with its gentle glow. The size is close to a bowling ball's and it feels just as heavy. My eyes adjust to the light. I see its translucent form. "Is this one of those crystal balls?"

I slowly place it back in my backpack.

It takes me 20 minutes to pack some clothes and other necessities, but it takes me 2 hours to finally leave my home. I hoped that my dad would come home and tell me everything will be fine. I also felt bad about leaving my mom alone. 

Stepping outside, I lock the door. "I'll be back."

I remember that the first message said something about finding or making some kind of Dungeon. I could sit in my room and ride this weird day out, the message did mention that I'd be penalized. How could it get worse? I'm all alone already, though why should I let things get worse if I can prevent it.

I walk around the street corner. Midway down the road I see the school bus. Running over, I force the doors open. 

I scan the bus for any familiar faces, but all I see are random kids in different levels of sleepiness. "Hey! Everything is going to be okay! I don't know if anyone here got a screen notification thing too. But, mine said that we have 24 hours. I think this will all be over by then. Stay safe, okay!"

I make sure to put down the windows before leaving. Hopefully they'll be fine, at least they're all together.

I wander around. Passing suburbs and eventually I wind up at the edge of some woods, about a mile and a half away from my home. I look for a trail to follow. 

As I do, a plan forms in my head. If I'm going to establish a dungeon. It'll probably involve this orb I'm lugging. If I have to do this, I'd like to do it far away from anyone. I wouldn't want to hurt innocent people, even accidentally.

It isn't long before the sunsets. My feet ache and my throat is parched.

At a split of the trail a sign indicates that a rest stop is 250 feet West. I pick up the pace due west.  

The sound of running water reaches my ear. Soon after my eyes drink in the sight of a 20 foot waterfall. Beside it, there's a small camping site. 

A stone fire pit stands next to a few wooden benches.

I flop myself on one of the benches. I stretch across the full length of it. My head resting on my arms and legs crossed one over the other at the ankles.

After relaxing, I then sit properly and have a mindful moment. This clears my racing thoughts. My body is now somewhat rested. Though, I'm still thirsty and a little hungry. 

I check the time on my phone. 10:47PM. There aren't any texts or miscalls. I half expected it, but knowing that people are frozen in place; is still concerning.

I take out the orb from my backpack, and rummage around through my things. It's now that I realize that I didn't pack any food. 

A thunk grabs my attention. I look to see that the crystal ball has rolled and fallen to the ground. I reach out to pick it up, and a screen pops above the orb. This surprises me. This is the first screen that isn't directly in my vision.

It reads: You have found a suitable location for a dungeon.

Do you wish to accept?

I okay the message.

A new screen reads: Pick a mythology -










I stare bewilderedly at it. 

What the hell is this? Some sort of game?

I ball up my hand into a fist. I punch the orb. I then wince. 

Rubbing my chest over my heart, I step back and look around. There's no one that could've hit me? I gently smack the orb with an open palm. 


I thwack the orb, and feel a slight sting in the same spot.

Will I ever get rid of this thing, if it can affect me in this way? Maybe if I pick a mythology this nightmare will end.

I read the screen over and over again. When I get to Celtic. I read it aloud.

A new screen reads: You have selected the Celtic mythology!

Do you wish to proceed?

It's no better than any other option. I okay the message.