
Mythologies: A Devil Prince's Revenge

DEAR READERS, ALL CHAPTERS ARE COMPLETELY FREE "Who am I?" That's what he keeps asking himself, Haruki Hotaru has lived his entire life knowing that he was just an ordinary student on Earth. Haruki Hotaru is a college student living in Japan, he was an adopted child, he never knew who his true parents are but he wants answers about their identities. For all he knows, the supernatural such as Gods and magic is nothing but a fairytale for him, but are they really mere fiction? Haruki who's just an ordinary student soon met an unfortunate accident, he died in the process and found himself wandering in a place he thought didn't exist. He soon then met a mysterious man after waking up in this suspicious world. He has many questions about this mysterious world and who the man is, and the man answered all of those questions of his. Haruki Hotaru, a normal human being discovered that he is in a place where sinners go, a place where the devils lives, and where sinners are punished. He was in Hell. But Haruki Hotaru will then soon find the answers that he was looking for in his entire childhood in this wretched place. "Who are my parents? Who am I? And why did they leave me?"

SabergKeys · Fantasy
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144 Chs

Chapter 6: Future Plans part (I)

[Sora Belohegor POV]

"Report: From Elena, My lord, this is Elena, the agent you sent in Hell, the Prince of Hell, Haruki has finally returned."

"Oh Elena, there you are, Princess Millie has been looking for you, come on, let's get the Queen to dress."

"Sure be right there."

Elena, one of the trusted and the head of the maids in the castle.

She's very quick at her work and hardworking, The King and Queen have rewarded her many times due to being one of their excellent maids.

Elena is popular among the workers in the castle, her leadership to them; helping her fellow workers when needed, and a beauty that every knight and butler in the castle would lust for.

She gained the trust of everyone in the castle including the King, Queen, and Princess, so her only goal is to gain the trust of Haruki.

Knowing that Haruki is sociable, Elena has already planned a way to be acquainted with him.

While she was walking to where the Queen was when all of a sudden Sora stopped Elena from going to the Queen and asked her "Hey Elena, what were you doing?" Sora asked her.

This is one of the problems of Elena too, because every Archduke of Hell recognizes her talent, except for one, Sora.

Sora has always thought of her to be suspicious, and hiding a secret from them that'll cause a problem to Hell.

Day and night, if Sora feels like doing it and doesn't have a thing to do that'll entertain him, Sora is stalking her to make sure that his suspicion of her is true.

"What do you mean Lord Sora?"

"*Sigh* Nothing, just do your work"

Elena bowed down and quickly ran to do the work that Millie ordered her.

Sora thought with ill intent about what could possibly Elena is doing, and what her actions would possibly do to the future of Hell.

Sora has always been loyal to the King and Queen, and he promised himself that he'll do everything in his power to protect his beloved home.

Even if he knows that he has no evidence proving that Elena is a traitor, his gut is instead of telling Sora that she is.

"*Groan* Tired, d*mn it!" Sora laid on the couch in anger and started to have a fit of rage. "How could that old hag beat me?! I thought she's already rusty from her sword skills, but she beat me ten freaking times, and what's worse I never beat her once!"

Sora wanted to get more stronger in the future, but for him, training is a bother, and he's always tired from Millie's extreme discipline.

Every day when Millie got home, she has to teach Sora basic knowledge and information, but every time she starts teaching him, Sora would just fall asleep during a lesson.

Out of all the Archdukes of Hell: Sora, the slowest among all of them at running, and the one with the lowest IQ.

The full name of Sora is Sora Belphegor, one of the Demonic Generals of Hell, which makes him a colleague of Akemi, Lucas, and Satanael; which means he represents a deadly sin like them, which is the Sin of Sloth.

Being always lazy is the main reason that he doesn't want to learn and train, but despite all of that he became one of the strongest demons ever, even not training to fight once in his entire life, he became strong and became the symbol of sloth.

He shoved his face deep on the pillow in agony. "*Groan* So tired..! I guess I'll get some sleep..."

"Sora, why are you slacking at this time? The Queen is about to do her entrance." Coming from behind him was Akemi, she noticed that Sora wasn't at the party, so she decided to check on him.

And upon seeing Sora laying on the couch with no sign of care of what's happening right now, Akemi wasn't surprised at all.

"Akemi... Sorry, can you give me 10 minutes; the old hag reduced my energy for today." Sora replied, and got back from trying to sleep.

Her veins on her forehead appeared, due to the anger from Sora's reply. "Prowess of winter, activate-" Ice appeared on her hand and it was forming a large thorn.

"Stop! I'll go now!" trembling in fear, Sora stood up and started running to the party immediately.

Both Sora and Akemi are already at the party talking to the other Generals, while Haruki and the King are still at the changing room talking to each other.


[Lucas Asmodeus POV]

"What's this about? Suddenly throwing a party, and why are we Generals the only ones here? Where're the others?" A young lad confusingly asked Lucas.

"Indeed, suddenly holding a party without notice is absurd, especially in the time of business."

And another man told him.

"Don't worry Shota; Mammon, I promise the both of you that it's worth your time." Lucas nervously told the two.

Trying his best to make sure the others wouldn't question more about the party, Lucas is trying his best to talk to them to make things clear for them without telling them the actual true purpose of the party.

He already admitted that it is indeed illogical to host a party without notice to the other Generals.

But... Even if the others think about that, Lucas knew that they wouldn't leave the party, because every member of the Demonic Generals is indebted to the King and Queen, and has already sworn loyalty to them.

"You look calm Milicas, is there a problem?" Lucas asked one of the Generals with him.

"Seems odd... If you throw a party for the Queen to make her happy, so why warning only you, Akemi, Sora, and Satanael?" Milicas suspiciously asked, and Lucas after hearing that started to get nervous. "Also, even Ifrit and Faust knows about the reason the party was held, and... For you to have worked hard on this, and even preparing a stage seems odd because we all know that the Queen is very introverted and doesn't like to party." Milicas continues.

"Actually that makes sense, and for you to be worked up about this is strange Lucas." Shota was confused about Lucas' reaction. "Are you hiding something from us, Lucas?"

Lucas kept answering lies to them, but for him removing the suspicion of Shota would be easy, but Mammon, and especially Milicas is a different matter.

Milicas Lucifer, the son of Lucifer. After the real Lucifer died from the last war with the angels, Milicas took the position as the General of the Sin of Pride, and became one of the first members of the Generals, along with Satanael and Mammon.

For Lucas, Milicas is the one he should not mess with, only second place in the Generals with the most intelligence, Milicas can still read the mood of the people close to him.

With Mammon alongside him, Lucas has to be careful not to get caught.

The second person is Mammon, the second member to join the Generals; representing the Sin of Greed, and the smartest among the Archdukes of Hell, and he can equally fight the most intelligent devil in Hell which is Millie in knowledge.

Unlike Lucas, Milicas, and the others; Mammon and Satanael are the original Generals, they didn't die unlike the other first Generals, and are continuing their work to this day.

And finally Shota Beelzebub, the second youngest Generals; representing the Sin of Gluttony; is one of the closest friends of Lucas, and Shota was trained alongside Lucas, Sora, and Akemi when they're still children. Which makes him easy to trick out of the three with him.

Milicas, Mammon, and Satanael are the superiors of Lucas, Akemi, Sora, and Shota, especially Mammon and Satanael.

The Generals are divided into three generations.

The first generation consists of Satanael and Mammon, the second generation is Milicas, and the last generation is the four of them.

The first generation is the original demon who represented the seven sins, but some died in the last war between angels and devils, so the next-gen succeeded in taking their names and title.

"Well better not ask anymore, Sora and Akemi are finally here, and Millie is about to start her speech." Milicas stated.


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

My father and I are talking about things like any son and father would talk about, like things I did back on Earth.

For some reason, I had the courage to tell him that I was an awkward shut-in that only relies on the help of his friends, and has dropped out of college due to my adoptive parent's death.

My father was shocked at hearing this and just laughed happily.

At first, I didn't get why he laughed, but after telling me I can see why.

He said that I'm like my mother, apparently before he met my mother, she was introverted and didn't go outside her house for a long time like me. And so, we continue to have an amazing conversation about our life.

Seeing that that I'm talking to my real father made me realize how amazing this feels; happiness was all I can feel with our conversation because this is the second time I felt something like this.

The first time I had experienced this is with my adoptive parents, because even if we're not related by blood, they still treated me like their own son, and to this day I'm still thankful for them adopting me.

Even if I can't visit and clean their urn anymore at my apartment back on Earth, I still wouldn't forget the memories we three had.

"Good evening everyone, I want to thank all of you for attending the party." Outside of our room, we heard a girl talking loudly on the mic.

Is that Millie? So she's having a speech first, I guess doing this at a party is normal.

"I'm very grateful to all of you for attending, especially the Generals. For all of you to attend and make my mother happy, brought happiness to not only me but also my father. Now; Mother can you please show yourself."

We can hear people clapping loudly in here, I guess mother came out.

"Everyone I'm also grateful for attending and making this party to ease up my mind, even for all these years, all of you are still giving us joy, and more importantly giving our people joy and hope. I thank you all for doing your best, especially the Generals. I want to reward everyone here for doing all those services they did for Hell, but I guess all of you won't accept it like last time huh?"

I can hear people laughing happily at what my mother said, but for me to hear the voice of my mother for the first time brought me to extreme happiness.

It was unnerving to know that my Mother is right there outside of the room I'm in. I was nervous about what would I do for my first impression of her.

"Also now Father can you come out now." Millie declared.

My father opened the door and went outside, I can hear people clapping the moment he went outside.

D*mn it, what am I so worked up for? This will be my first time meeting my mother, and the other Generals of Hell, so I better not screw up my introduction like last time with Millie.

I can hear my father saying his line nervously, while also messing up from here. And many people laughing at him loudly, I guess in here in Hell you can do that the King.

It's quite unexpected, I thought a King is someone people feared, but in reality, it's far more different than I thought.

A King like my father is respected by the people, but at the same time, he was treated equally with them. Not higher, but equally.

"Amazing isn't Haruki? The laugh of equality."

"I gotta agree with you–" Wait... That voice, it's the same as the guy who completely wasted my time yesterday.

"El!?" I was in shock seeing him here, how did he get here? Is he attending the party too? But isn't he a criminal now?

"Shush your mouth, or else people would hear you." El looked happy to seeing again, despite we just separated not long ago.

"Okay... But El, what are you doing here? Aren't you a criminal now?" I'm still surprised to see El having no fear at all of being caught from what he has done.

He shows no fear to anyone at all since as long as he can do things that brought him enjoyment, he won't give care to anyone higher or lower than him.

"Didn't I tell you that I'm gonna visit you sometimes? So here I am right now."

"Well, I guess you did say that... So what do you want? Also, I'm not gonna go with you to do something crazy like last time; remember that."

"Don't worry I'm not gonna invite you, yet." Yet? There he goes again, this guy is dangerous to be with. "*Cough* I'm here to congratulate you Haruki, for accomplishing your dream, not many people who were adopted got to do this."

"Yeah, I'm also lucky that they didn't leave me on purpose, I heard from my father that they brought me to Earth to keep me safe from the angels."

"*Giggle* how lucky you are, but Haruki, promise me one thing." The tone of his voice change from that of a happy one to a serious tone.

"Sure if it's something I can do."

"Your father told you about the war right?"

"We skipped talking about that, so not really." I only know a few things about the war, since that's the reason why I was brought to Earth in the first place. With the information of this war that El, Satanael, and my father, I had pieced through in what it actually is.

The war happened a long time ago, even before my birth, and due to the war many Archdukes of Hell were killed by the angels, and most of the land here on Hell was taken by the angels. That's far I know what the war is about.

"Then I guess I'll tell you on my next visit, or maybe you can ask your little sister so that you won't bother me." This guy, I don't know if he's saying that on purpose, or if he's really a child inside an adult body. "Then promise me Haruki, that you'll do your best to be a great leader someday okay?"

"That's all? Of course, I'll do it." Me being a leader? Can I even do it though? I'm not a charismatic person like my father, but if I kept on trying maybe I can be someone like him.

"Really? Then I guess worrying won't be necessary." He gave me a happy grin. "Knowing you, I know that you're not the type of person to give up easily."

"Now time for the actual reveal of what's the party for, sorry mom, but we didn't especially make this for you, but... —can you come out!"

"Now get going Haruki." With a push on my back, El gave me a joyful smile.

"Okay..." As I'm near the door, I looked back and tried to say one last thing to El, but he quickly disappeared. Again, I didn't say to him what I want to say, which is "Thank you very much."

I opened the door and went outside, and saw lots of people in here.

Father, the Archdukes that knew about me, and the workers all clapped when they saw me.

"This party is for him, welcome home big brother." Millie happily declared in front of the stage.

When I saw my mother, I was shocked that she also looks young like my father, but their devils so I guess it's normal for them.

Mother was shocked hearing this, and the Generals who didn't know me were also shocked by Millie's declaration.

After all this, all I can say to them is "I'm back everyone, I'm back mother, even if I just return I'm glad to meet all of you."

"Haruki... You've returned!" My mother cried and ran up to me to hug me tightly.

Father and Millie also came toward me and hugged me as well, and finally I can say that we're complete. This is the dream that I have wanted for a long time, and right now I have it.


[Lucas Asmodeus POV]

"You got all three of us, I can't believe that all of you planned this when the Prince returned." Shota said in defeat, but with joy. "You win this time Akemi, Sora, Lucas."

"Indeed, all of you could've told us about this." With a smile, Mammon looked at the reunited family. "This is indeed fascinating..."

"Come on, how can we surprise at least one Generals if all of us knew about this?"

The Generals looked back at the reunited family again and smiled happily to finally see this day that every demon in Hell wants to see happen.

This day, the people who are here remembered the day the Prince returned and finally meeting his family.

Joy and excitement are all they can feel to see what the future will make them do from now on.

At least for now, it is...

*Note - in the next and future chapters, many religion references in Christianity, Hinduism, and more are gonna be used, also some mythologies like greek are going to be used as well. Many things I will add in the next chapter could be true in some religions, and many things would be changed so that it would fit the story, so I you won't believe some of the references that I will use, because some are fakes and not.

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