
Mythological Simulation System

What is the most awsome thing you have ever experienced in your life? Some say finding money, love, again money... But for Alex, his unluckiest thing became the luckiest. Transmigrated into a different universe ruled by the pantheon of Gods, Alex someone that hates to be in danger, was thrown here with just one cheat. Mythological Simulation System. System that lets him to simulate his future lives, moments and abilities. "Wait, there is a 8 % chance i am gonna get attacked when i go out, lets stay inside for few more years." "Awsome i just got Zeus'es thunderbolt from the system, he must be angry right now" "Zeus has been fighting Poseidon for few years now, lets simulate how this fight ends and get the rewards from the end." "YOOO, POSAIDON'S TRIDENT" "Oh no!!! Artemis noticed me and now he wants to kill me, lets stay inside for 1000 years and get stronger from simulating." Will Alex be able to defeat all those gods that wish to kill him. Will Alex get his one mission done, to return to Earth. Or will his cowardn--- "HEY I AM NOT A COWARD, I AM JUST CAUtious.." Cough... or will his cautiosness be the one that will finally end his mission. -- Sorry for my english, i am not english. Cover: AI. Text On Cover: AI Cover Art: AI.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasy
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61 Chs


"You managed to appear in a strange world you didn't know. You started to explore and realized there was a lot more to do before even attempting to return to your previous world."

"At age 28, you and your friends went back to the capital. You discovered that you had a home here and that magic existed in this world."

"At age 28, you decided to undergo a magical test at the Cathedral. You successfully awakened the magical powers of Fire, but suddenly, a battle in the sky annihilated you in an instant."


[You died at age 28.

You can keep 1 thing from the simulation:

The strength you had at age 28

The experience you had at age 28

The knowledge you had at age 28]


"What... the fc,..." Alex nearly shouted a curse word. He couldn't believe it... he saw his future... FUTURE...

"This... is insane!!! I can actually see what happens in the future, and what I do there I can gain here. This is an incredibly overpowered ability... THIS CAN KEEP ME SAFE SO EASILY!" Alex's first thought was to stay in his home, simulate, and get stronger by doing so.

He could become more powerful by doing nothing. How could he be so lucky to have such an overpowered ability in another world?

"Let's go with strength..." Alex clicked on "strength."

"Hm??? Nothing?" He felt nothing around him. He punched the air, but it remained the same.

"Don't tell me I got scammed... damnit..." Alex grumbled in frustration.

"Whatever, I'll discover more in the future. For now, let's sleep..." He decided to go to bed.

3 AM.

"Aghhh..." Alex got out of the shack; he needed to relieve himself.

"You too, huh?" a soldier with tired eyes said with a smile.

"Yeah..." Alex walked deep into the woods near their camp.

He started to urinate...


He looked around and thought he was seeing things.

"What's this..." Alex noticed red dots flying around him.

"Some weird fireflies from this world?" Alex touched one, and—

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!" He felt like his entire body was on fire, as though he was being transformed into a fire element.

"AGHHGGHGHGH!!!" The pain was excruciating.

His eyes glowed with red light, his veins shone with a pure red hue, and his fingernails emitted a red glow. It felt like he was struck by a red lightning bolt.

"SHHIGHGGHHG!!!" Alex screamed with all his might. Luckily, he was far from the camp.

3 Minutes Later.

"GAAAHHHH!!!" After several minutes, he calmed down, and his body returned to normal.


[Congratulations, you've awakened the Fire Element Core.

You are now connected to Patron God—Hephaestus]


"WHAT WAS THAT!!!" Alex bellowed, his voice echoing through the night.

"ALEX!!!" Soldiers rushed out, brandishing their swords and spears, their faces filled with fear.

"Are you alright???!!" One of the soldiers asked, pulling Alex up.

"What happened?" The Captain also emerged, concerned about a potential beast attack.

"I just felt incredibly hot all of a sudden... what..." Alex struggled to explain but then it hit him.

"(The fire element the prompt mentioned!!! IT ACTIVATED NOW???!!!)" Alex wanted to curse out loud.

"Come, let's get you inside. Drink some water. It's very late," the Captain said, and the men guided Alex back.


Inside, Alex lay on his bed, drinking water and taking a shower with a bucket. It was just one hour before they had to wake up, and he needed some rest.

"Fire... element..." Alex turned his hand over and over, trying to use his new power.

"How do I... does this system have something like stats?" Alex inquired.


[Name: Alex.

Rank: 0

Element: Fire

Patron God: Hephaestus

Power: Apprentice Mage.]


"I see, so magic is real... magic is real... magic is real..." Alex repeated this three times, then sighed and closed his eyes. He was too exhausted to be confused or excited; he just wanted to sleep.

5 AM.


"Rise and shine, SLEEPYHEADS!!!" The Captain yelled, banging on some pans to wake everyone up.

"Ughhh... shut up, Captain..." Everyone grumbled as they got up.

Alex was among them.

"How did you sleep, Alex?" Zack asked. Their beds and drawers were next to each other.

"Good... I think," Alex replied, looking around. It was still very early; the sun had just risen and was brightening the world.

"That's good. Today we leave," Zack said.

Alex nodded.

He went outside with everyone.

"Damn... I'm in another world, right?" Alex finally said, smiling. From now on, he would try to find a way back, and nothing would stop him.


"Looks like we were right; we've been called back," the Captain said as they rode in a carriage-like vehicle pulled by horses and donkeys.

Alex sat in the open carriage, which was usually used for hay but was repurposed for their travel. As he looked outside, the beauty of the landscape unfolded before him. Fields of rice, fruit, and vegetables stretched out, with colorful grounds and an incredible sunrise. It was something he would never forget.

"Wow... so pretty." Alex took a deep breath, soaking in the beauty of the world he had just entered.

"Where are we going now?" Alex asked.

Gard looked over and said, "We're heading to Maplewood City nearby. It has the southern army stationed there. We'll get the orders to return to the Capital." Gard looked happy and excited; they were finally going back to the Capital.

"I see..." Alex responded, wondering what the city would be like.

After a day of travel, they finally reached Maplewood City.

Alex understood the kind of world he was in.

Maplewood City was protected by moderate walls with many watchtowers. Soldiers kept a vigilant eye, ensuring no imposters entered. People with carriages, animals, and goods streamed in and out, while soldiers checked them and collected a fee.

"Please step back; we need to inspect the open carriage," the soldiers said as they reached the city.

"Here you go." The Captain and others disembarked. After a thorough search of them and the carriage, they were allowed inside.


80 drachma was paid to the soldier.

"Wait, that... wow..." Alex's eyes widened as he entered the city. His gaze swept over the bustling streets filled with people, stone roads, wooden houses, and grand pantheon buildings in the center.

"You look stunned, Alex. What's wrong?" Zachary punched him on the back.

"Yeah... hahaha... sorry, I just got lost in thought about that building," Alex said awkwardly.

"(I'm in a Greek city... this is a Greek city... with I recognize the soldiers' armor, this is indeed a Greek city...)" Alex recalled Hephaestus. He was in ancient Greece, no doubt about it.

"Let's go---" the Captain said, leading them down one of the roads and towards the building.

But Alex looked around, his gaze drawn to the Pantheon. He felt a strange pull towards it...

End of Chapter.