
Mythlandia Origins : Colors [Draft]

When Norman Valor just finished his daily routine (of studying, exercising, etc.) of his College life. Before going home he noticed someone was walking near the street. it was a little girl chasing her doll that dropped in the middle of the road. When Suddenly he heard a loud beep. He noticed that a vehicle was dashing from the direction to where the little girl was. So, he dashed to carry the girl with the doll & swiftly (Safely) threw her to someone who seemed to be her mother. When He was about to return to the other side. That Vehicle hit him. Alas, when he woke up. He woke up in a strange place. A forest, as he tries to recall how he got here. Unfortunately, He only remembered the name "Nova", strangely this name he recalled was a bit familiar. Like someone called him that way before. To understand where he was. He suddenly heard a loud noise nearby that seemed to be the sound of a person using his pickaxe to mine some minerals. Nova followed the sound...Hoping someone could guide him on who he was.

Mystic_Magnificous · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

The Veil of Destiny

Back in the present of the real-world. Nova's parents, worried about their son's worsening condition in the real world, rush to the hospital where his comatose body lies. Tao Yusha's guidance has been instrumental in Cosmos' training, but now the focus shifts to understanding the mysterious ailment that has befallen Nova.

At the hospital, the medical team conducts thorough examinations, including brain scans and monitoring of vital signs. Cosmos, still in her training attire, waits anxiously with Nova's parents for any updates. Tao Yusha's spiritual presence lingers, providing moral support and a sense of guidance.

The doctors express concern over Nova's unusual brainwaves, which seem to defy medical explanation. The pulse remains weak, and there's an enigmatic quality to Nova's condition that baffles even the most seasoned medical professionals.

Tao Yusha, through the spiritual link, offers insights that suggest the ailment may be connected to Nova's adventures in Mythlandia. The link between his experiences in the fantasy realm and his comatose state in the real world becomes more apparent.

As the medical team explores potential causes, Tao Yusha suggests delving into the connection between Nova's soul and his real-world body. The hospital room becomes a nexus of spiritual and medical investigation, blending the boundaries of science and magic.

Cosmos, torn between her responsibilities in the fantasy realm and her concern for her brother, listens intently to Tao Yusha's guidance. The realization dawns that the prophecy and the impending conflict in Mythlandia might be intrinsically linked to Nova's condition in the real world.

The narrative weaves between the hospital room and Mythlandia, creating a parallel between the mystical events in Nova's unconscious mind and the efforts to unravel the mystery in the hospital. The stakes rise as both worlds converge, setting the stage for the next chapter in Nova's extraordinary journey.

Cosmos asks Tao Yusha "What do I do?" Tao Yusha spoke, "First off, are you willing to hold off all your real-world affairs here before I instruct you what to do and remember what we've been training for?" Cosmos nodded

Tao Yusha, with a serene expression, continues to guide Cosmos. "Good. Now, let us delve into the essence of your training. Reach deep within yourself, channel the Ecto-mana, and extend your consciousness to where your brother resides. You must establish a spiritual link, a bridge between your two worlds."

Cosmos closes her eyes, focusing on the ethereal energy that surrounds her. She envisions a connection, a shimmering thread of light that spans the gap between her and Nova. The hospital room fades away, replaced by the mystical landscape of their shared dreams and experiences.

In Mythlandia, the ongoing events pause momentarily as the narrative shifts focus to the spiritual realm. Astra, Dorothy, Tim, and Chocola sense a subtle shift in the air, an acknowledgment that something significant is happening.

Tao Yusha instructs Cosmos to navigate this realm of spirits and magic, urging her to locate the core of Nova's being. "Your brother's soul is resilient, but it is entangled in a complex web. Unravel the threads gently, and let your essence intertwine with his. Forge a connection that transcends both time and space."

As Cosmos follows the guidance, the spiritual bridge strengthens. In the real world, Nova's parents observe the monitors with a mix of hope and trepidation. The medical team, unaware of the mystical events unfolding, continues their examinations.

Back in the fantasy realm, the characters sense the subtle shifts in the magical currents. Astra, with his keen instincts, looks around, wondering if this could be the key to awakening Nova from his comatose state.

The spiritual journey intensifies as Cosmos, with newfound determination, approaches the heart of Nova's soul. Tao Yusha's presence remains a guiding beacon in this ethereal landscape, providing insights and encouragement to traverse the intricate paths of the spiritual realm.

The narrative dances between the two worlds, blending the mystical and the medical, creating a tapestry of interconnected destinies. As the spiritual link between Cosmos and Nova strengthens, the hospital room seems to resonate with otherworldly energy, hinting at the profound impact this connection might have on Nova's fate.


Meanwhile, Nova wakes up in the modern world in a surreal dream (forgotten his identity both in Mythlandia and the modern life he has) then he jumps a bit his green eyes shimmer, and his fair skin seen in this weird light, along with his fine black hair with dark blue shade/highlights as he muttered: "What am I doing here?" [context no one reached out yet to his unconscious world] Then he felt an echo, as he walked about casually leaving middle school in this setting of his memories at least and smiled as he noticed a girl with nice dark brown hair with neutral skin tone, her crimson eyes shimmer to gaze at him for he blushed "Sa-Sachiko? I-umm….did I miss schoolwork today?" [in this surreal unconscious world, this is the time for context when Nova and Sachiko used to date each other]

In the dreamlike setting, Sachiko smiles warmly, her eyes reflecting a mix of familiarity and affection. "Silly, you didn't miss anything. We have the whole day ahead of us," she replies, linking her arm with Nova's.

As they stroll through the familiar streets, echoes of laughter and shared memories resurface. The sun casts a gentle glow, creating a nostalgic ambiance. Nova, caught in the enchantment of this subconscious realm, feels a sense of tranquility.

Sachiko leads him to a serene park where cherry blossoms gently fall. A picnic blanket is spread under a blooming sakura tree, and a homemade bento awaits. "I thought we could enjoy lunch together," she says, her gaze filled with affection.

As they share the meal, Nova's forgotten memories begin to weave together. The scenes transition between the dreamworld and fragments of his past life, creating a tapestry of emotions and experiences. The connection between the two worlds, the surreal dream, and the unconscious reality merge into a delicate dance.

Yet, in the deeper recesses of his mind, Nova senses an unresolved tension, a yearning for something more. The dream offers solace, but the echoes of Mythlandia linger beneath the surface, waiting for the right moment to surface.

In the real world, his parents watch the monitors as Nova's vital signs show subtle improvements. The mysterious link forged by Cosmos begins to manifest in the subtle shifts of his unconscious state, bridging the gap between the realms. The intricate dance of dreams and reality unfolds, hinting at the profound journey ahead.

However, it is not enough yet as Cosmos stops her meditative state and has tears in her eyes for Tao Yusha ask "Would you let me process traveling to the world of Mythlandia? Although due to you not comatose or in an inanimate state I may have made an exception. And only YOU CAN DO SO.." as his astral figure of an avatar Pat her head, as the parents of Cosmos and Nova (the De Valor parents) Aloe Vera (Mother) and Litmus (Father). Transitions to Timotheus Richmond/Tim visits the hillside home away from the main area of Amerite where Dorothy and Nova reside. He got worried for a moment yet relieved when he noticed Dorothy help Nova eat as he seemed immobile and dazed in such a unique condition "Morning Dorothy, umm.." (still weird why she insists I safe keep her original memories…then again I and Nova almost lost both versions of Dorothy if we're unsure what happens to return and May wipe off her experience as a faction knight to protect us) "Nova still can't move or speak? I heard from Oz some woodcutters bully or almost bully for his condition?"

Dorothy glances at Tim with a mix of concern and determination. "Yes, Tim. The incident with the woodcutters wasn't pleasant, but Nova seems to be recovering. His current state is quite perplexing, and I've been doing my best to assist him. We're not entirely sure what caused this condition, but there's a sense that it's connected to his outlander status."

She continues, "I've been trying to piece together information from our recent encounters and the events after Estella's defeat. Nova's soul appears to be in a state of flux, perhaps trying to reconcile his existence in both worlds. And about the woodcutters, I dealt with them; they won't bother Nova again."

Tim nods, grateful for Dorothy's protective stance. "I see. It's just strange, you know? Nova's always been so full of life and energy. To see him like this... it's unsettling."

Dorothy pats Tim's shoulder reassuringly. "We'll figure it out. I've been thinking, perhaps there's a connection between Nova's condition and that altar in the palace. It seemed to be a focal point for his link to the other world."

Tim frowns, deep in thought. "You think he's trying to communicate with someone from his world?"

Dorothy nods, "It's a possibility. Whatever it is, we need to help Nova find his way back, or at least understand what's happening. For now, let's focus on supporting him."

As they continue their conversation, the mystery surrounding Nova's condition deepens, echoing in the shadows of Mythlandia.

Tim before Dorothy prepares to feed him. He moms like an obedient puppet as Tim spoke "anyways, when I mean…back then when I assume at the time me and Nova's were outlaws and knowing the truth that you aren't just a faction knight summoned by the former Equinox Estella….How do you feel about me? Is it alienating to realize as you Favor me not to return your original soul's memories yet to stay a faction knight despite the truth it's a punishment for your original self of an accident from our childhood?" (Rather MY version of Dorothy….and Nova there I can't share with her yet..)

Dorothy pauses for a moment, considering Tim's question. She looks into Tim's eyes with a mix of sincerity and affection. "Tim, our connection goes beyond the titles and roles we play. I-No my body, mind, and soul remember the moments we spent together, the bond we forged in our childhood. Even though I am now a faction knight, that doesn't change the essence of our friendship."

She continues, "While I may not fully recall the specific details of my past, the feelings I have for you and Nova remain strong. It's not about punishment for me; it's a chance to protect, to make amends for whatever might have happened in the past. Titles and memories don't define us; it's our actions and choices that shape who we are."

Dorothy reaches out and gently squeezes Tim's hand. "So, no, it's not alienating. If anything, it's a reminder of the enduring connections we share. We're in this together, Tim, and I'm here to support both you and Nova, no matter what challenges come our way."

Tim smiles, grateful for Dorothy's words and the reassurance that their bond remains unbroken, transcending the complexities of their current circumstances.


As they blushed, she awkwardly let go and Tim helped wipe off the mouth stains of Nova's mouth to feed him despite his undulated eyes staring into the void, even quiet as Dorothy added "Besides, this vessel recognized at least when it was revealed I had a childhood..a past to this village through Nova himself…and I trust you're worthy to safe keep that Memory Crystal in such a crucial moment as we're aware that VERSION of me before I was a faction knight lack that sort of protection as mentioned before…Still, it's odd, right? Nova may be an outlander yet we cared so much about him before it was revealed he wasn't from this world?"

Tim nods, a thoughtful expression on his face. "It is odd, isn't it? But, I believe it's not just about where someone comes from; it's about the connections we form. Nova might be from a different world, but the moments we've shared with him in Mythlandia, the battles we fought together, and the bonds we've created, make him an integral part of our lives."

He continues, "And Dorothy, your concern and care for him, even with the memory alterations, show the depth of the relationships we've built. Maybe it's not just about the origins; it's about the journey and the people we choose to have by our side."

Dorothy smiles, appreciating Tim's understanding. "You're right, Tim. It's the shared experiences and the choices we make that define our connections. Nova, despite being an Outlander, has become a significant part of our lives, and I'm grateful for that."

As they continue to care for Nova, both Tim and Dorothy feel a sense of camaraderie and purpose, strengthened by the unique circumstances that have brought them together in this fantastical world.

Then as Tim prepared to leave he jumped and awkwardly waved at a straight detached expression Astra (lost identical twin brother, 2 loose ahoge, blue eyes, fair skin, and black hair with dark violet shade/hue/highlights) as he uttered its eerily how Ikemen alike this shadow knight (Faction Knight cardinal no.0) "Oh umm Astra right? The guy that erm… helped us last a long time ago … what are you doing here? Remember umm right did Chocola explain Nova's condition to you?"

Astra nods, his expression still somewhat detached. "Yes, Chocola filled me in. I've been keeping an eye on things, helping where I can. Nova's situation is... complicated. Chocola mentioned something about an altar, a curse glyph, and the connection between realms."

Tim scratches his head, "I'm not well-versed in magical stuff, but Chocola said you're a key figure here. Do you have any ideas on how to help Nova?"

Astra's gaze shifts, looking beyond the immediate surroundings. "I have some theories. The curse glyph on the altar might be suppressing the connection between Nova's worlds. If we can find a way to break or bypass it, we might be able to help him."

Tim nods, "Alright, so what's the plan?"

Astra hesitates, "I need more information, and I have to consult with some contacts. But, Tim, be cautious. There are forces at play here that go beyond our understanding."

Tim nods again, a determined look on his face. "We'll do whatever it takes to help Nova. Just let me know what you need."

As Tim departs, Astra remains standing, his mind filled with thoughts and calculations. The mystery surrounding Nova's condition is a puzzle he's determined to solve, for the sake of his lost brother and the bonds they've yet to fully understand.

Dorothy then turns nervously before frowning "Ohh…Astra…" Astra got awkward despite being clueless of the tension and uttered "How is my umm…lost twin brother doing? Rather he is the outlander one?" (Still, can't share about family background of Nova and mine from Chocola mentioned how it's oddly I am connected to him despite not being an outlander) he thought.

Dorothy shifts uncomfortably, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "Astra, he's... he's not doing well. We're trying our best to care for him, but it's like he's trapped in some sort of limbo. We believe it has something to do with the altar and a curse glyph I just overheard. As you implied Chocola thinks you might hold some answers. Can you help?"

Astra's expression remains stoic, but a flicker of concern passes through his eyes. "I'll do what I can. The situation is intricate, and the forces at play are beyond our understanding. I'll investigate the altar and the curse glyph. Just give me some time."

Dorothy nods, her worry evident. "Please, Astra. Whatever you can do to help him, we'd appreciate it. He means a lot to us, even if the memories are a bit... complicated."

Astra nods in acknowledgment, then fades into the shadows with a promise to return with information. Dorothy watches him go, her thoughts a swirl of uncertainty, hope, and a touch of fear for the mysteries that entangle Nova's fate.