
Mythlandia Origins : Colors [Draft]

When Norman Valor just finished his daily routine (of studying, exercising, etc.) of his College life. Before going home he noticed someone was walking near the street. it was a little girl chasing her doll that dropped in the middle of the road. When Suddenly he heard a loud beep. He noticed that a vehicle was dashing from the direction to where the little girl was. So, he dashed to carry the girl with the doll & swiftly (Safely) threw her to someone who seemed to be her mother. When He was about to return to the other side. That Vehicle hit him. Alas, when he woke up. He woke up in a strange place. A forest, as he tries to recall how he got here. Unfortunately, He only remembered the name "Nova", strangely this name he recalled was a bit familiar. Like someone called him that way before. To understand where he was. He suddenly heard a loud noise nearby that seemed to be the sound of a person using his pickaxe to mine some minerals. Nova followed the sound...Hoping someone could guide him on who he was.

Mystic_Magnificous · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Interconnected Revelation Between Worlds

Nova was becoming increasingly engrossed in the intricate details of Chocola's story. The struggle between Chocola, the incomplete goddess in a mortal vessel, and the Equinox, the Anti-Goddess, painted a vivid picture of the complex web of intrigue and power struggles within this world.

He nodded as Chocola explained how she had sealed herself away in an inaccessible dimension to evade the Equinox's grasp and had been working in the shadows to prepare for the Anti-Goddess's downfall.

"It's a fascinating and intricate tale of divine politics and power," Nova remarked. "Chocola, what are your plans now? How can we assist you in your mission to overthrow the Equinox and restore balance to this world?"


Chocola "well first off this dimension has no sense of time so no rush….yet tell me Nova about your family as an outlander can you recall in your childhood why you felt different from the modern world?"

Nova thought for a moment, reflecting on his memories as he replied, "I always felt different from my family. They were wonderful, loving people, but I had a sense that I didn't quite belong. My earliest memories were filled with dreams of otherworldly places and beings, almost as if I had a connection to a world beyond our own."

He continued, "As I grew older, I became increasingly interested in the unknown, myths, and legends. I spent a lot of time reading about ancient civilizations, magical realms, and the mysteries of the universe. It was as if I was searching for something that was missing in my life, something I couldn't quite put into words."

Nova paused, deep in thought, before adding, "And then, one day, I had a strange dream, a vision of another world, perhaps a parallel universe, filled with magic and wonder. It was as if that world was calling out to me, urging me to discover its secrets."

Chocola listened intently, nodding as she absorbed his words. "Your story resonates with many individuals who are connected to the mystical and the unknown," she said. "It's possible that your unique connection to another world may be more significant than you realize. It could be the key to unraveling the mysteries of this world and assisting me in my mission."

Nova's curiosity was piqued. "How do you suggest we use this connection to our advantage?"

Chocola smiled gently. "We will need to explore this further. Your affinity for the unknown and your ability to perceive different mana types could prove invaluable. Together, we may uncover hidden truths, gather allies, and eventually confront the Equinox. But for now, let's take things one step at a time and continue to learn about each other and this world."

Nova nodded in agreement. It seemed that his journey in this mysterious world was just beginning, and he was determined to embrace it wholeheartedly, armed with his curiosity and newfound ally, Chocola, the Indigo Goddess.


Nova then added "also I had a sister that also said she experience the same thing but move on and embrace the so called modern world while our parents it felt like they had a secret like…why can't they discuss we had a 3rd sibling that were actually triplets so.." he says melancholic "when Tao Yusha spoke in my dreams there are connections between this fantasy world of the secret past of my family and the modern world..tell me what happened to my brother?" Chocola sighs "I am not permitted to inform divine plans so…sorry yet rest assured he isn't dead or rather sad to admit he might be one of the faction knights you might encounter in the future..there you may have your answers."

Nova nodded, though his heart was heavy with the uncertainty surrounding his missing brother. He understood that Chocola couldn't reveal everything, but at least he had a lead now. "Thank you for sharing what you could," he said to the goddess.

Chocola gave him a reassuring smile. "We have much to discover together, Nova, and perhaps along the way, we will find answers to the questions that trouble you."

As they continued their conversation, Nova felt a sense of purpose and a newfound determination to explore this fantastical world, uncover its secrets, and reunite with his missing brother. The journey ahead was filled with mystery and adventure, and he was ready to embrace it.

Then Tim returned from his bath and new casual medieval clothing as he spoke "woah now I feel much better ahem , so Nova what's this mage like?" Nova summarize something without revealing the secret of both his and Chocola's identity "basically she is the original Equinox and she need her role back with our help…plus she may know a way to free Dorothy from being a faction knight-" as Tim smiles and turn to the loli sized mageresss "really?" Chocola nods "in the condition both of you help me agreed?"

Tim nodded enthusiastically. "Of course, if it means helping Dorothy and taking down this Equinox. We're in!"

Chocola smiled warmly at them. "Excellent. Together, we will strive to restore peace and unity to this world, and perhaps uncover the mysteries that bind our destinies."

Chocola then spoke "now , take these small sheets of paper filled with rare spells only exclusive for members of the Order I manage to dissect" Nova spoke "Ohh right since Faction Knight are great at both magic and combat" she nods and added "memorize them pls-" whispers to Nova "plus hide your paper because it's related to a lost magical practice centuries ago about magicians called Cultivators and invented Spiritual arts that is a magic exclusive to help Ecto-born mana people like you"

Nova nodded and discreetly stored the sheet of paper with the rare spells in a hidden pocket. He then whispered back, "Thanks for the information. We'll be careful and make good use of these spells."

Tim spoke "what about me? What are the Elite Arcana arts?" She giggles "that's are a variation of what the academy came from taught you but only taught to faction knights so you can match their power and Ohh…" she lend them 6 daggers , 3 to share between the boys "these magical daggers are not harmful but it's pierce can immobilize the enemy and summon them in this dimension in my care so be careful since they only work once so that's why I made more than one as their magical effect is one for each dagger"

The boys accepted the magical daggers and the knowledge of the Elite Arcana arts, grateful for Chocola's assistance. Tim asked, "Is there anything else we should know before we set out on our mission to help you and regain Equinox's true role?"

Chocola smiled gently, "For now, that's all you need to know. Remember, be cautious, and trust each other. Together, you can make a difference."

Nova spoke "there is something missing like how can our weapons if we can find them soon to match our faction knight foes" Chocola smiles "smart as always stay still I shall cast an Arcana art that is the Silent Arcana (Non-verbal magic) sort to blessed you both to BIND your souls to your weapons and unlock Perfect Holy Weaponry , the term use for a special magical technique to manipulate Celestial Regalia that the faction Knight has and you can match up with them"

Chocola performed the Arcana art, and Nova and Tim felt a surge of power as their souls became bound to their weapons. They could sense the potential within their weapons, ready to be unleashed when the time came.

With newfound confidence, Nova said, "Thank you, Chocola. We're ready to face the challenges ahead and help you restore Equinox's true role."

Tim nodded in agreement, his determination shining in his eyes. "We won't let you down."

Chocola smiled warmly. "I believe in both of you. Now, go and do what you must. I'll be watching over you and providing guidance when needed."

With their preparations complete, Nova and Tim were ready to embark on their mission to help Chocola and restore Equinox's true role in the world.


Chocola "May the 7 color deities of Coloria bless you both" they nod as she use her staff to summon a warp gate somewhere inside the Sacred Emerald Palace somewhere in the armoury area as Nova uttered a Vocal Sorcery (Verbal magic) to chant Light-based mana to brighten the room as they are in awe of how many unused weapons and armour here as Nova spoke to Tim "come now , pretty sure the ORDER doesn't intend to give away to train the citizens at all.." Tim sighs "you maybe right thanks to you I am starting to see a flaw in the laws of Sacred Context…" before they finally found their weapons (all unstained and safe , Tim get his dual shield while Nova his special anti-magic based sword)

With their weapons in hand, Nova and Tim were ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. They could feel the power of their newly bound celestial weapons coursing through them, and it filled them with a sense of purpose.

Tim looked at his dual shield and said, "These shields feel different now, like they're an extension of myself."

Nova nodded in agreement, gripping his anti-magic sword. "I feel it too. It's like we've become one with our weapons."

They knew that their journey wouldn't be easy, but with their newfound abilities and Chocola's guidance, they were determined to make a difference and help restore Equinox's true role in the world.

As they left the armory, Nova and Tim were ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in their quest.

Then Tim spoke "should we change since our clothes are raggy and did get scratches from last battle-should armour help?" Nova spoke "sure but our body isn't built for heavy armour even the combat style we used so.." he points at nice lightweight yet durable armour plating with new attire that reference the Colorian Empire emblem as they both were the new attires and clothing , Tim uttered a chant of Thermos element to burn their old ragged clothes to use hide evidence as it is done

With the new lightweight yet durable armor plating and attire referencing the Colorian Empire emblem, Nova and Tim felt more prepared for their journey. They knew that heavy armor would hinder their combat style, so the lightweight armor was a perfect choice.

As Tim chanted the Thermos element spell to burn their old ragged clothes, they watched as the evidence disappeared in flames. Now clad in their new attire, they felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that they were on a mission to help restore Equinox's true role and bring justice to Coloria.

They snuck about discreetly when leaving the initial backroom they were in of the place. As they dodge things quickly as they notice a familiar knight clad in forest green armour with a bow (a magical bow) as it shoots growing vines and thick plants for it was the same knight that intercept them trying to free nutcracker from his brainwash some time ago as it spoke "you PRISONERS you shall be taken into custody to be suspected as spies of the Forbidden Valley.."

The familiar forest green-clad knight with the magical bow confronted Nova and Tim, accusing them of being spies of the Forbidden Valley. Remembering their encounter with this knight before, Nova and Tim knew they had to act quickly.

Nova raised his hand, summoning a magical barrier to block the incoming vines and plants, while Tim readied his dual shields for defense. They exchanged a quick glance, silently communicating their plan. Nova whispered to Tim, "We need to disable that bow first, or we won't stand a chance."

Tim nodded, and they moved in unison. Nova used his anti-magic sword to deflect the magical arrows fired by the knight while Tim, with his dual shields, created a protective barrier around them to block the incoming projectiles.

As they focused on defense, Nova prepared a plan to close the distance and disarm the knight. They needed to act swiftly to avoid being captured and to find a way to break the brainwashing spell on the faction knights.

Then Tim memorized the Elite Arcana arts now uttered "I thou art summon thee , SkullCrest Aegis Decay!!!" As he shove both the dual shields onto the ground that decays all plant/herbal(Terra) element based attacks to rot and weaken the bones and rust the lower armour of the knight while Nova did the final blow disarming the knight.

Tim's incantation of the Elite Arcana art, "SkullCrest Aegis Decay," had a powerful effect. The dual shields created a protective aura that decayed and weakened the plant-based attacks sent their way, causing the vines and plants to rot and wither. This left the knight vulnerable.

Taking advantage of the situation, Nova closed in on the knight and used his anti-magic sword with precision. With a swift and well-aimed strike, he disarmed the knight, causing the magical bow to drop to the ground.

Now defenseless, the knight stood before them, no longer a threat. Nova and Tim had successfully neutralized the immediate danger, but they still needed to find a way to free these faction knights from the brainwashing and uncover the truth behind the Forbidden Valley.

The Knight Surrendered while Tim pick back his shield as the decay spell is on hold to its current effects (not affecting Nova and Him) as Nova got serious "well , do you think we're spies?" Yet the knight complimented "before you behead me as it's a dishonor to be defeated by mere prisoners….May I ask what is those combat style from?" Nova spoke "we both shared one combat style I invented myself Neo-Heim style Dual Piercing defense.."

The knight, now disarmed and defeated, responded with a sense of admiration. "Before you decide my fate, it's only fair to know the origin of your combat style. Neo-Heim style Dual Piercing defense, you say? Impressive."

Nova and Tim exchanged a glance. It seemed like the knight had a genuine interest in their abilities. They realized that this faction knight might be a victim of the brainwashing rather than a willing participant in the Equinox's schemes.

Tim lowered his shields, keeping a watchful eye on the knight. "We're not here to behead anyone," he said cautiously. "We want to know more about what's happening, why the Equinox is doing this, and how we can help those who've been affected. Can you tell us anything?"

The knight hesitated for a moment, his loyalty to the Equinox warring with the desire to reveal the truth. Finally, he spoke in a hushed tone, "I don't know all the details, but I can tell you this much. The Equinox has been using magical artifacts to manipulate our memories and control our actions. We faction knights serve her without question, believing her to be our true ruler. But there's something not right about all of this."

Nova nodded, understanding the situation better now. "We believe there's a way to break free from this control, but we need more information. Do you know anything about the Forbidden Valley or how to access it?"

The knight's eyes widened slightly. "The Forbidden Valley? It's a place of great secrecy, guarded by the Equinox herself. I don't know how to access it, but it's rumored to hold powerful relics and secrets."

Tim added, "We need to find a way to reach the Equinox and uncover the truth. Can you help us?"

The knight looked torn, but after a moment's consideration, he nodded. "I'll aid you as best I can. But be careful, for the Equinox is a formidable opponent, and her loyal followers won't take kindly to those who question her rule."

With the knight's reluctant assistance, Nova and Tim were one step closer to unraveling the mysteries of the Forbidden Valley and freeing those who had fallen under the Equinox's control.

And he spoke "why spare me? Rather I am A Faction Name Robin Cardinal 26 , plus hey there pink head you from Amurite village" Tim paused "yes why?" The knight admit he used to be stationed there as Tim hastily ask "can you remember a little girl you taken away?" The Knight spoke "no I had no idea what are you taking about in addition I am unsure if I believe this BRAINWASHING TO fugitives of this empire that broke the law" as he was cut off Tim shaking the helmet Knight angrily "LIAR , why can't you a remember her…Her name is Dorothy Stone…she was just a little girl back then" as Nova calms Tim down and ask the Knight "can't remember? Well do you know why? It's because your eminence merely erased those memories since it would be an issue as that GIRL is a criminal as well breaking the law of the Sacred Context….plus she is the currently Faction Knight Dorothy Cardinal no.42 it would be weird for the Order making you recognize eachother like some loss of mysticism" the Knight gasp "no no , her eminence wouldn't--" Tim scoffs "let's go Nova….No before that sir Knight you genuinely forgotten being part as a citizen of this empire? Not some summon being from the divine realm" he cried as the Knight nervously chuckle as he weakly took his helmet to reveal a redhead elf with Almond eyes "well there's one thing that haunts me , having the same dream about poor people cheering for me as friends I think? So vague it's like they are calling a name that I can't recall" Nova thought (Robin Hood?) before listening to the knight as he continued "Eitherway the eminence told me dreams are just dreams , plus if it's true I taken an innocent girl accused as a criminal few years ago I am terribly sorry and pls be warned lots of Faction Knights above await you as her Eminence somehow accuse you as Spies of the enemy nation of the southern continent (Forbidden Valley) from our nation of the northern continent (Coloria)" as the boys snicker "don't worry we're ready for them..."

Robin Cardinal's revelation about his forgotten memories and vague dreams painted a picture of the insidious nature of the Equinox's control over the faction knights. Tim and Nova couldn't blame him entirely for his actions, given the brainwashing that had taken place.

Tim extended a hand toward Robin. "We don't hold you responsible for what happened. You were a victim too. We're here to uncover the truth and set things right."

Robin hesitated for a moment before taking Tim's hand. "Thank you. If you're really going up against the Equinox and the faction knights, you'll need all the help you can get."

Nova nodded. "We appreciate your assistance, Robin. Now, can you tell us anything more about the Forbidden Valley or any weaknesses the Equinox might have?"

Robin Cardinal sighed. "The Forbidden Valley is a place shrouded in mystery, but I've heard whispers among the faction knights that it holds ancient relics and powerful magic. As for the Equinox's weaknesses, I don't know much, but I've heard rumors of a hidden chamber within the Sacred Emerald Palace. It's said to contain secrets about her true nature and vulnerabilities, but it's heavily guarded."

Tim glanced at Nova. "A hidden chamber might be the key to understanding the Equinox and breaking her control over the faction knights. Robin, can you help us find a way into that chamber?"

Robin nodded. "I can lead you to the entrance, but I won't be able to go any further. The guards are too loyal to the Equinox, and they'd recognize me."

Nova placed a reassuring hand on Robin's shoulder. "Don't worry; we'll take it from here. Thank you for your help."

With their new ally's guidance, Nova and Tim were ready to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Sacred Emerald Palace and uncover the truth about the Equinox's reign. The path ahead was perilous, but they were determined to free those who had fallen under her control and restore peace to the Colorian Empire.

But Robin spoke "no I can't Join , we have a code if a rebel defeats a faction knight we're either presumed a traitor or dead so I must pretend to be dead and be punished by the PrimeEntertainer or be curse to eternal stasis.." they sadly nod and party as it took them large stairways to 3 floors as Tim sweats and Pants for Nova to stop and he is hungry for they sat down and ask why the stair is a one way up this palace' floors as Nova spoke "well that's how it was built ahem , dumplings?" As he shared his snacks he save from his pocket he magically reheat with elemental based arcana art casting [mixing aero and thermos element]

As they sat on the stairway, sharing the magically reheated dumplings, Tim and Nova discussed their next steps.

Tim munched on a dumpling and asked, "So, Nova, what's our plan once we get to that hidden chamber?"

Nova wiped his mouth and replied, "First, we need to find a way to access the chamber. Once we're inside, we'll search for any information that could help us understand the Equinox's vulnerabilities or the source of her power over the faction knights. We should also keep an eye out for any relics or artifacts that might aid us in our quest."

Tim nodded. "Sounds like a solid plan. But what about Dorothy? We can't forget about her."

Nova's expression turned determined. "You're right. Finding Dorothy is one of our top priorities. If there's any information in that chamber about her, we need to uncover it. With the truth on our side, we might be able to free her from the faction knight's control."

They finished their dumplings and stood up, ready to continue their ascent through the Sacred Emerald Palace. The challenges ahead were formidable, but they were fueled by a desire for justice and a determination to bring an end to the Equinox's oppressive reign.


As they walk they encounter weird novice kids of the palace upstairs saying they are Hansel and Gretel and is just passing by while Nova ask Tim to chat with them while he stands by and prepared a trick used for the future as they ask queries they overheard from the temple they came from was there were two rebels against the Order and Coloria Empire so who are they strangers wandering about , while Tim was busy conversing with them. Suddenly , Nova drifted off that before he calls out he fainted as well as they woke up , the duo kids help dragging their stunned paralyzed body with their weird inhuman strengths as they spoke "Ohh sorry , shall we explain who we really are? We're actually faction knights..trainees or so our eminence says it all starts during the time Equinox orders all 7 Kingdoms to lend her their Ecto-mana born children in her care in Return she gave them money (Manalics the name of the currency) they listens as Nova is unfazed , Tim shock these kids are Faction Knights as Gretel spoke "Oh don't worry , it's an honour to be chosen in her decree-" aa Hansel spoke "although it was tiring how repetitive basically she was experimenting with us short live and weak kids born with rare mana for godhood , immortality and power since some myths uttered were blessed to succeed these things if our bodies can take it..unfortunately she resort to methods for each of us to KILL eachother" Gretel smiles "I was relieved my killing partner was my dear brother…Hansel..as his sister I am relieved" then Hansel narrate "in a special chamber she revived us , we're successfully stayed Archaican (term for human) all injuries gone , but some others not so lucky….another got deformed revived bodies , were dead , some turned into amalgamate monster others mindless undead blah blah blah" then Gretel giggles as they ascend the step casually carrying the boys "Oh right , ahem Anyways we're one of the survivors so…we figured out different ways to kill eachother quickly…..until-" Hansel huffs and added "everytime we die and revive by her eminence , we keep starting to be numb to pain and fear of death" they chuckle "yet during the 9th time of this experiment on the 9th week , we're the only ones left so her eminence spared us and cancelled the experiment a failure and she bestowed us as Faction Knight trainees"

Nova and Tim listened intently as Hansel and Gretel explained their unusual journey from being experimental subjects to becoming Faction Knight trainees. Tim was still shocked by the revelation that these seemingly innocent children were part of the faction knights, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.

Tim cautiously asked, "So, what are you two doing here? Are you on a mission?"

Gretel shrugged, her tone nonchalant. "Not really a mission, just patrolling the palace. We're still in training, you know. Gotta learn the ropes and all that."

Nova, who had been pretending to be unconscious, decided it was time to make a move. He quickly activated the trick he had prepared earlier, creating a small illusion of himself and Tim behind the real Tim and himself. The illusionary Tim and Nova appeared to be waking up.

The real Tim and Nova continued their conversation with Hansel and Gretel, while the illusionary pair quietly and discreetly moved away from the faction knights.

Tim asked another question, "Do you two know where the hidden chamber is? We heard there's something important there."

Hansel nodded, "Yeah, we've heard about it. It's supposed to be deep within the palace, and only high-ranking faction knights are allowed access. We're not even close to that level yet."

Nova and Tim exchanged a quick glance, confirming that they needed to find the hidden chamber themselves. They continued chatting with Hansel and Gretel, trying to gather as much information as possible without revealing their true intentions. The duo knew that they had to be careful and cautious in this palace filled with faction knights, even if some of them were trainees.


They got devious "yes thanks to you both bent stunned we shall take you to the main hall of the 35th floor where other faction knights are-" as they kick large doors open to see knights on standby wiht honor as before they can be proud they fall over feeling a slice in their back that makes them paralyze as the illusion faded and Nova whispered to Tim to stay lying down until the stun effect wore of his mouth he can prepare a spell to help later as Nova got serious and he held hilt of poison daggers from the sides of the children's belts "Ohh? How did I escape no how did me and my bestfriend manage this? While you two are busy chatting rambling with Tim before using these poison stun daggers on us I prepared an immunity spell Arcana art just incase and it work even if it took awhile and cast illusion eyes base on Spiritual arts…something only you girls doesn't learn despite being Ecto-mana born people..Plus I can tell your using Redwood Scabbard the only kind of wood immune to poison base materials so of course I am cautious not to be obvious" as he prepare to scare the kids with the daggers he sneakily stole from them but he just drop them aside "and since you're paralyze until there's a spell or antidote casted stay put I mean no harm or grudge so…let me show you how someone can become an honorable fighter.." as he unsheath his sword and prepare to face off a set of faction Knights yet there's a leader as she spoke "I see , sneaky rebels…well those children are inexperience anyway..I shall let my BOHEMIAN Quartet be on standby since it's unfair multiple faction knights on you" Nova smirks "okay , so what's your name knight? My name is Nova , Elite Combatant Nova formerly from the Academy.." as the helmet golden armed knight "Well I am Goldilocks , Lady Goldilocks Cardinal no.5" as they prepare their stance "I shall warn you thought criminal that escape his prison this weapon is the Looking-reflective sword!!! Made of a thousand mirrors her eminence created"

Nova found himself facing Lady Goldilocks Cardinal, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the mention of her unique weapon. He knew that the Looking-reflective sword could be a formidable opponent in the hands of an experienced knight. However, he was determined to stand his ground.

With his sword in hand, Nova spoke confidently, "Lady Goldilocks, I'm not here to cause trouble. We only seek answers and justice for someone wrongly accused."

Goldilocks chuckled, her voice echoing through her helmet. "Trouble, you say? Escaping capture and infiltrating the Sacred Emerald Palace is quite the trouble, young rebel. But let's see if you can back up your words with action."

The clash between Nova and Goldilocks began, and it quickly became apparent that Lady Goldilocks was a skilled fighter. Her Looking-reflective sword had the ability to create illusions and distort perception, making it challenging for Nova to anticipate her attacks.

As the battle raged on, Tim, who had recovered from the paralysis spell, began to cast his own spells to support Nova. He unleashed elemental Arcana arts to create distractions and hinder Lady Goldilocks' movements.

Nova knew that he needed to find a way to counter her illusions and land a decisive blow. He focused on his training and instincts, trying to predict Lady Goldilocks' movements despite the illusions.

The battle continued with intensity, and Nova and Tim were determined to prove their worth and uncover the truth hidden within the Sacred Emerald Palace.

Then Tim stand up and uttered "SkullCrest Aegis summon!!!" As he did the almost-same skill to weaken the other four knights labeled Bohemian Quartet as his decay created some wither texture fissures across the ground before it reach the lower armoury rotting that made it heavy and paralyze the 4 Knights to not interrupt Nova and Goldilocks as she casted her sword's Perfect Artifact Manipulation to let it start reflecting light to bounce like a direct projectile as Nova Dodge and unintentionally his blade hit her helmet that reveals her golden curly blonde hair and she got pissed , she has no make up and a baby face as she head-slam Nova that dodge again as he bounce back as she spoke "tsk , do you detest me dishonorable rebel?" Nova laughs a bit "no no-" as he went empathetic "I am just surprise why you are embarrassed…" the Knight huffs and cast a risky spell Reflective dome that reflects like a meteor shower as Nova spoke "IDIOT!!! You would kill us all" while Tim is busy using his dual shields power , So Nova prepared a stance and uttered "my sword made from the Oblivion Obsidian's boulder materials to be made thou art thee , I summon you thy no name!!" As it's darkly glow makes the sword grow its blade longer and suck out all the mana out of the knights and her weapons back to a de-activated reflective-piercing sword yet the extreme spell she casted did wound both Nova and Goldilocks especially her fatally wounded as he beg for help yet Tim ask "you felt bad for her even though her fellow faction knights tried to kill us..?" As Nova use one of the magic daggers Chocola lend them "maybe Chocola can help.." as he stab her chest plate that has a heavenly glow that the voice of Chocola echoes "it's okay I shall try to treat her fatal wounds and let her sleep until you boys mission is done she would be safe in my care and realm" as the unconscious Goldilocks envelope in golden color in a light that made her float and vanish as Chocolia's voice before fading away to usher the boys to hurry..

Nova and Tim were left with mixed feelings as Lady Goldilocks was transported away to receive medical attention from Chocola. While they couldn't ignore the fact that she was an enemy faction knight, they still couldn't help but feel empathy for her. It was a complex situation, and Nova couldn't shake the sense of honor he held as a fighter.

As they continued their journey deeper into the Sacred Emerald Palace, they knew that they were running out of time. Their mission to uncover the truth and free Dorothy was of utmost importance, and they couldn't afford to be delayed any longer.

The boys pressed on, navigating through the palace's labyrinthine corridors and facing various challenges along the way. With Tim's magical abilities and Nova's combat skills, they made a formidable team. However, they couldn't help but wonder what other surprises awaited them in the heart of the palace.

As they ventured further into the palace, they remained vigilant, knowing that the Order's forces were still on high alert, and the fate of Dorothy and their quest for justice hung in the balance.