
Chapter 10


I stared at the glowing red eyes and they stared right back at me, first I thought it was some illusion of mine but I got certain after a few moments that it was not my imagination playing tricks on me. There was someone in the woods who was watching me with those glowing red orbs. A shiver of fright passed down my spine and I felt like the world stopped rotating on its axis. There was just me and those red eyes piercing deep into my soul. I couldn't see anything other than the eyes because of the darkness that enveloped the woods.

"Freya, are you listening?" Dora asked.

"Can you see those eyes?" I asked Dora, tearing my gaze from the red orbs which had locked mine and looking at Dora.

"What eyes?" Dora asked surprised.

"There," I looked back at the spot in the woods where I had spotted the red eyes.

The eyes were gone, there was nobody present there. Were they a figment of my imagination?

"Which eyes Freya? What are you talking about?" Dora sounded panicked.

"Maybe I was just imagining them," I shook my head trying to get rid of the image of those red eyes.

"Let's go inside, you are scaring me," Dora said getting up from the stairs.

I got up after her and we both head inside the house through the backdoor and into the kitchen. Our omega was busy setting the food on the dining table in the dining room adjoining the kitchen. My hunger kicked in from the aromas of the delicious dishes she had prepared. I had been on intravenous fluids for nearly four days. The doctor had only allowed me soup in the afternoon to get my body to adjust to the food.

"Did you get Titus's phone number?" Dora asked.

"I didn't," I replied regretting.

"Did he ask for yours?"

"No, we didn't know he will have to leave without me," I replied honestly.

We would have exchanged our phone numbers if we would have known something like this could happen. According to the customs, I would have to leave my pack and go and live with Titus, in his pack after we found out that we were mates.

"He can try to call Alpha's office and take your number if he wants," Dora said.

The point was if he wanted to, I was not sure what Titus wanted. He had been gone for four days and had made no attempt to contact me. I was doubting if he even wanted me, maybe he would have thought about his father's advice that I was not worthy of being his Luna and he could get anyone better than me and with a wolf.

There were so many questions and no answers. I still, had the prophecy to discuss with my parents. I hadn't told them about it yet. I was worried about how they might react after knowing it. Dad might send for the witch who had been helping our pack for years and was an ally. Maybe I should not think about it much. It was a weird Prophecy after all. Then there was the dream I had where Titus was there. What did he mean about me being the fire? Was he indicating that making me his Luna would prove fatal to him and might cause destruction to his pack?

What other explanation there could be other than this? Why was my life getting so complicated with each passing day? Why couldn't my life be like other girls? Why can't I have a normal life? Why didn't I had a wolf-like everyone else?


Why me, why me and not anyone else?

I started to feel the urge to burn down everything again. What was wrong with me? Why was I feeling like this? Was being away from my mate driving me crazy? I couldn't understand what was happening to me, but I was feeling like I was falling into an abyss deeper and deeper.

There were still those red eyes watching me from the woods and the chill that spread through my body under their piercing gaze. Who could that be and why were they stalking me? I had felt that sensation of being watched many times in the past months and now I had just found out the eye color of that being.

Who could that be and why was he stalking me? Was he one of Dad's enemy? Why was I calling it, him? They could be female as well, but I was getting this feeling that whoever or whatever creature it was, it had to be a male.

"Freya, you are not eating anything," Mom said from across the table.

"I dont feel like eating," I replied.

Though I had felt hungry from the aromas of the food, my hunger had vanished the moment I took the first bite of my food. I was going through so much at the same time that it had started to take a toll on my health.

If only I had my mate to discuss my problems with. How good it had felt in Titus's arms like I belonged there. Like it was my home, his rainy saint was so addictive and intoxicating. I wish Titus was here with me at the moment. Loving me, consoling me and taking care of me.

There couldn't be a bigger fool than me in this whole world. How can I be so stupid? I knew I didn't have a wolf, still, I was dreaming of becoming the Luna of one of the strongest packs in the world.

Oh, Titus.

What have you done to me?

I just sat at the dinner table picking at my food and trying to answer whatever Dora was asking me. Dora was really annoying at sometimes, she didn't know when to shut up. I knew she cared about me but right now at this moment, she was annoying the fuck out of me.

I wanted nothing more than to be left alone, but it didn't look like anyone else including my parents shared my sentiments.

"Did Alpha Xander contact?" Dora's father asked.

Silence enveloped the whole table, the clatter of the cutlery on the plates stopped and everyone held their breath.

"He didn't," Dad replied.

"Can we talk about something other than this?" Beta Greg's wife Jenny gave words to my thoughts.

"Freya, you should start going to college from Monday," Mom suggested.

"There is no use sitting at home," Jenny agreed with mom.

"I think we should let Freya take rest for some time," Dad interrupted.

"She needs to be busy to not think about him," Mom addressed Dad.

I was getting sick of the conversation about me. I knew they all loved me and wanted the best for me, but I just wanted everyone to shut up for now and let me get drown in my misery.

"Xander had always been an asshole," Beta Greg said.

"I agree that man has no morals what so ever," Delta Samuel agreed to what Greg said.

"How can he forbid his son to mate with his destined mate?" Dora's mother Emily asked in astonishment.

" If only we could make that man suffer for what he had done to our Freya," Greg said.

I have, had enough of the conversation so I got up from my seat and stormed out of the dining room and up through the stairs and into my room. I locked the door after me and slumped on the bed burying my face in the pillow and crying out loud.

I hated them, hated each and everyone including myself. I didn't want their pity, I had lived without a wolf and I was sure I could live without my mate. I need to be strong for myself. I couldn't let anyone win this. I couldn't give them the satisfaction of breaking me.

Yes, I was hurt but I was going to forget Titus. I was going to forget I had a mate. I would move on with my life. I may don't have a wolf that meant I could easily go and live in the human world. I could study medicine and become a doctor and practice. Maybe I could get a second chance mate if Titus agreed to reject me.

Titus hadn't officially rejected me nor marked me and this was draining me down. Damn, this mate bond. If I was not supposed to have a wolf, Why was I not made to born in a human family? Why had I been born as the first child of an Alpha and Luna?

I sleep engulfed me, while I cried my eyes out in the pillow. I dreamt about Sabre and how he had licked all my make up out by his tongue. Sabre was such a wonderful wolf, I wish I could get more time to spend with Sabre.

I was in a heavy sleep when I felt someone had traced a line on my face and then I felt someone tracing their thumb on my lower lip. I opened my eyes and my gaze feel onto the sight in front of me.