
Mythical King

Donate: https://ko-fi.com/courtcamp He lived his days out on a snowy mountain, unaware of the disasters that he would have to unfold in his future. Wanting to live out his days enjoying the company of beast and solitude, was ruined. One of his daily strolls through the ice forest was the biggest factor to that change, the body of a human in a icy slope. From then on, the big bully and the affairs of the realm flock to him. Thinking that he would mainly play the role of a cannon fodder in fate of the realm. Sadly destiny had another

Fallingsky · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 29

I am back. I am working on trying to edit the previous chapters. And its hard.. 


Since we are no able to return home, I advised Elliot to follow me as we trudged back home while I levitate all 6 lazy beast of my house.

I didn't take long before we got home, it was only a few minutes walk from where we were. After reaching the cabin, I left the Shou Beast in-front of the house and proceeded to enter the house with Elliot.

I motioned him to have a seat in one of the many couches that decorated the room. I serve him some juice that was made from the Snow Orchid.

I advised him to make himself at home before attending to the kitchen, seeing as we had company today I made way more than I normally do.

I also added a few different varieties just in case Elliot taste is different. In an hour the dishes were served and all 6 beast were present at the table.

After taking a few pieces of roasted meat I was full, but the same couldn't be said about the other 7 attendants at dinner, it seem to be a battle also for the food on the table, their was no talking only the sound of crunching and chewing made it into my ear.

I watched as they all sat back after clearing the table of everything, even the bones were swallowed.

I also felt honored that Elliot appreciated my cooking, I cleared the table and move to clean the tableware while they entertained themselves.

While handling the dishes it came to my attention that I have never seen Elliot and the Shou Beast communicate.

I understand that I am able to understand then and speak with them but can he do the same. The Shou beast understand the words that come out of his mouth but does he understand them was the question.

After finish cleaning that was the first question that I asked, Sadly, Elliot couldn't understand them when they tried to convey their thoughts mentally, he mentioned that he can get the essence of what they are saying from they way they act or from their eyes.

"I hope you join us again for dinner" I said, walking Elliot out and watched as he disappeared in the sky to make his way back home.

I went back in to see that the Shou Beast were still awake and lively, talking about their powers and the battle they experienced.

"How about you guys save this for tomorrow. How does that sound?" I mentioned but it fell on deaf ears,as the continued to recreate the moves and actions they did earlier today.

" Ok how about this. I will help you guys to train your abilities more" that seem to shut them up, even though there pipe down, I could still see the eagerness in their eyes and waging tails.

" Ok off to bed everyone" I said, hitting the light and preparing for bed. I snuggled in bed with the expectation of having a very peaceful rest, sadly we don't always get what we want.

" I don't wanna be apart of this" "I hate you humans" "You killed my family" "Help me" "Save me" " I will kill every last one of you" "Leave us be", these words echoed around the empty space that I was standing in, the constant screaming of this words from different person had my mind in shambles.

I tried my best to find where the voices came from but was of no luck. I was stuck in what seems to be a little transparent sphere, I couldn't go too far.

Minutes after I was able to confirm that the place was similar to the bottom of the mountain were I woke up.

I stood raking my brain trying to think about why I dreamed of being here and what the voices had to do with it. No matter how much I tried to force my consciousness wake, it failed. I was stuck listening the screams of torment in my dreams.

This seem to go on for hours before all sound seem to vanish, the sound of the wind and screams disappeared.

This huge change startled me in to checking my surroundings, I was able to catch a faint glimmer of a golden light before it faded away. After the disappearance of the Light, the sound of harsh breathing appeared where the light vanished.

Being curious of what was making the sound, I approached the sound to see a huge body of what appears to be a man, the skin was tinted with gold like scales with numerous bruises and cuts littering the body.

Even though this person was a canvas of bruises, his face still had a state of tranquility, eyebrows like swords, long lashes, a very prominent nose and thin lips. 


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