
Mythical Hunter

[Ancient Dragon Rank: Demi-God Level: 900 HP: 200,000,000/200,000,000 State: Aggressive] [Mountain God Rank: Demi-God Level: 900 HP: 250,000,000/200,000,000 State: Furious] [Eye of Cthulhu Rank: Demi-God Level: 900 HP: 150,000,000,/150,000,000 State: Murderous] Three god-like entities face a human in a desolate land where space had been distorted. Just being near one was enough to kill any living organisms much enough to face one. This mysterious man didn't look pressured as he was enveloped in a white transparent orb that nullified the distorting space. "Let's end this madness and go home." The man summoned a steel staff in his hand. One diagonal wave, the steel staff expanded into the length of a skyscraper as it radiated the heat of the sun. The entities let out a wild roar as they fired an attack. The Ancient dragon roared an energy beam burning in purple light. The Mountain God fired a golden streak of light. The Eye of Cthulhu shot a powerful red Lazer. A single attack was enough to vaporize an entire planet and each one of them was aimed at the man. The man didn't cower nor flee from the incoming attack and simply stood as he etched a grin. "It's useless." The beams of light shot at him and as they made contact with the white barrier that encased him, it disintegrated into nothingness. Seeing that their attack didn't even work on the man, they felt angered and terrified at the man but they didn't falter as having the reputation of Demi-God, they continued to attack. They shot fires of attack but the man was completely unscathed. They began to slow down showing signs of their mana being depleted so the man immediately counterattacked. With a weave of his giant staff, the three entities were flung away into another continent, and the man chased and bombarded them with the staff. Their body was burned from the flame that enveloped the staff and beaten into chunks and mush. Their health quickly depleted as they couldn't do anything to defend against an attack that penetrates any form of defense. It was a one-sided massacre that left the demi-gods on the brink of death. A single hit from the staff was enough to kill them. Suddenly, the white barrier began to flicker as its effect duration was ending. The man was startled so, at the last second, he threw the final attack which killed the three simultaneously. Ting~ [YOU HAVE KILLED THE ANCIENT DRAGON] [YOU HAVE KILLED THE MOUNTAIN GOD] [YOU HAVE KILLED THE EYE OF CTHULHU] [+1,345,678,900 EXP] [LEVEL UP] [LEVEL UP] [LEVEL UP] . . . . . Window panels appeared on the man's vision as he lay on the ground. As the final second passed, the white orb had completely disappeared. Soon the man began to suffer excruciating pain, he quickly return his staff to his inventory as the flames had burned his arm into char. He unequipped the items he wore as the side effects of the equipment came into effect which strained his body. [HP: 610/2,450,500] He was now on the brink of death as the debuff continued to stack. He wasn't sad that he was gonna die he was happy as tears fell out of his eyes. "Finally, I can go back home." His body uncontrollably twitch as foam covered his mouth. His eyes turned white and his veins became very visibly red. He turned purple and stopped twitching as he turned cold, becoming a corpse. Ting~ [YOU HAVE DIED!] [YOUR FINAL LIFE PASS HAS BEEN USED, YOU WILL BE FORCIBLY REMOVED FROM GOD'S DOMAIN] Ting~ [YOU HAVE REVIVED!]

Lerex · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 9: Overwhelming Pressure


[Player: Xerel

Level: 402 (+60%) (+135 (+24%))

Class: None

+Title: One in a million (3 more titles)(+1 title)

Race: Human

State: Calm

HP: *22,750/22,750 (+15,000)

MP: 3160/3160 (+3000) /+1000\

STR: 1542 (+300)

AGI: 1122 (+300)

INT: 316 (+300)

DEF: 455 (+300)

Status Points: 0 (+1350)]

(Fixed the error of health point. 1 def= 50 health points)

"You know what? Let's make it balanced. Distribute 500 points in Intelligence and Defense and distribute 175 points in both Strength and Agility."



[Player: Xerel

Level: 537 (+84%)

Class: None

+Title: One in a million (4 more titles)

Race: Human

State: Calm

HP: 37,750/37,750

MP: 7160/7160 /+1000\

STR: 1842 (+175)

AGI: 1422 (+175)

INT: 616 (+500)

DEF: 755 (+500)

Status Points: 1350 (-1350)]




[Fortification-(A)(BUFF): Increases physical and magical Resistance by 500% and absorbs 80% of damage in the next 15 seconds.

Mana Cost: 500

Cooldown: 3 hours]




[Accel-(A)(BUFF): Decreases cooldown of all skills by 50% and heals 50% of mana. Durations of skill effects increase by 5 seconds.

Health Cost: 1000

Cooldown: 12 hours.]




[Overdrive-(A)(DMG/DB): Lock on to a target and deal 90% of their main health as damage while sacrificing 50% of your health and weakening you by 40% for 1 hour.

Mana cost: 50%

Cooldown: 48 hours]

"This is crazy! The skills I got are gonna be useful but [Overdrive] is gonna be my last resort. With this skill, I could probably defeat a God even without using the invulnerability effect well that's something to discuss at another time. For now, I'm pretty much a killing machine! I still have a lot of Runestone in my inventory and also the tome of knowledge!

I'll learn those later after I deal with these flying experience sacks."

Xerel flew up in the air and began chasing down the flying monsters. With his enhanced speed, he easily caught up to the monsters and started hitting the weak point of each one of them. This caused all the monsters to aggro at Xerel. The casted barrage of attacks at him but Xerel continued flying as the attacks simply turned into nothing after it made contact with the barrier. Xerel continued to hit the weak points of the remaining monsters who weren't aggro'd yet and as 10 minutes passed, all the monsters were chasing after Kal like a swarm of birds.

Xerel increased his speed more and lured every monster into moving in a line. As soon as they aligned perfectly behind Xerel, he used [Blink] and teleported by farther to the front.

This gap would be easily overlapped by the monsters but it was enough time for Xerel to properly place himself in a perfect spot. As soon as he teleported, he averted his entire body to the face of the monsters pursuing him.

He held Rafiery and pointed it straight at the incoming monsters.

"[Exemplified],[Burn Out]."

Rafiery glowed in a golden light as its tip generated a red burning orb. This orb grew bigger in no time shot out a giant laser blast that was imbued with the golden experience of the [Exemplifier]'s effect.


Everything on the line was burned back to the shadow realm as half of the monsters pursuing him instantly died and the half who survived had all their health in a critical state as every one of them went berserk at the same time.

Every berserk was different from the others but they had one similarity. It was that every monster would lose their state of mind meaning they'd go rampant and moved by their blooded instincts.

Despite the wounds in their body tearing them apart, they all pounced at Xerel like starving lions lunging themselves on a stray gazelle.

With the protection of the barrier, Xerel was safe. Given that everyone came so close to him, he had an easier time hitting their weak point as he started to strike the monsters sticking themselves on the barrier.


[+17,589,900 EXP]

[+23,879,990 EXP]









Countless window panels appeared on his view as the sound of window alerts continued to resonate in his head.

Xerel earned 147 levels, 20 runestones, and 13 items.

"In just a few hours, I'm already level 500! I'm already way past the rank of Overlord which I assume is in the level of 200~300. I'm the strongest human in the world but let's not be satisfied with this, there are still worlds yet to be discovered and who knows if there are other people stronger than me? I'm not just talking about Mega-Earth or Super-Earth, there are still 5 other piles of earth. I can't defend my family if I'm already satisfied with just this much so I'll aim higher!"

Xerel flew up as he wanted to try and get the peak of the tree. When he arrived at the level where the ward had exploded, Xerel was completely fine as he sighed.

"Phew, I thought the invulnerability wouldn't work but I guess it was all in my head."

Xerel continued to fly up as soon as he reached the halfway mark. The surroundings began to blur, Xerel continued to fly as the blurry effect slowly cleared and he was immediately given a fright at what he saw.

"What the fuck is this place!?"

The blues sky had turned into a gloomy purple, the brown tree had changed into a grey one. He could now see branches of the tree and what surprised him a lot was the monsters he was seeing.


[Red Dragon

Rank- Primordial 2

Level- 640

HP: 100,000,000/100,000,000

State: Disturbed]

[Fallen Angel

Rank- Primordial 1

Level- 700

HP: 150,000,000/150,000,000

State: Despair, Alert]

[Air Leviathan

Rank- Mythical 3

Level- 740

HP: 500,000,000/500,000,000

State: Dormant, Evil]






There were thousands of mythical creatures which were mentioned in tales and legends. What he was surprised by was neither of them looked exactly as described in the books.

'Why the hell do they look humanoid!?'

Xerel gasped in shock. The monsters started to lock their gazes at Xerel as they revealed their teeth and fangs at him causing him to fall back a bit.

None of them dare to move from their position and simply showed threatening looks at him. Xerel sighed knowing that nobody meant to harm but suddenly, a window panel appeared in his vision as the surprised expression turned into utter shock.






Xerel quickly descended the tree. His vision gained blurred as he was suddenly inflicted by an insurmountable pain in his body.



[-28,067 HP]



Xerel puked a mouthful of blood as in an instant, his health dropped to 20%. His body had been injured badly due to the tree's overwhelming pressure as a result, he fell unconscious and crashed hard to the ground.


[-1,245 HP]

This chapter is shorter than expected since I'll be posting another chapter later on.

Thank you for the reviews! That really gives me energy to write more chapters.

Ah, crap! My phone is dead, gotta charge it first.

"Life is like a penis, it gets hard for no reason"

- Abraham Lincoln (Probably)

Lerexcreators' thoughts