
Mythical Beasts Control Agency

In a world where Mythical Beasts have started to awaken and rampage there’s someone who decides to create an agency to tame all of them using a tool that he has invented. The road to saving the world won’t be easy but our hero will travel the world and track every mythical beast and tame it.

karim_lotfy · Fantasy
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2 Chs


I had heard reports saying that two statues have suddenly started moving in a shrine that was about a 2 hour walk from Tsurui village and that they have started attacking nearby villages so here I am sitting with the grand priest of the shrine.

"Sir, can you please explain to me what happened" I said after having introduced myself

"Yes of course, yesterday was a completely normal day up until two of the Komainu statues in front of the shrine started moving around five pm, they immediately started attacking everyone in front of them they then left the shrine and went to the nearby village where some villagers are trying to fight them right now"

"Did you notice anything important about their fighting style ?"

"Well they were capable of jumping froward around 30 meters they also had sharp claws that were capable of severing a giant rock in half and there seems to be something weird about their roar because after hearing it you lose your balance completely and you start feeling weak"

"Thank you for this valuable information grand priest" I then left the shrine and headed for the village where the two Komainu statues had been attacking the villagers.

"Were here Chie"

"Yes we are kid"

As soon as we entered the village I heard some battling noises coming from the east so I quickly sprinted towards them as we approached the noises started getting louder and louder until we saw, we saw the two Komainu fighting the villagers they were bigger than I expected, when standing on their legs they were about 190 cm in height, they also weren't the same color one of them was orange and the other was blue"

One of the villagers approached me and asked "Who are you kid ?"

"I am here to capture these mythical beasts" he was quiet for a second but then he burst out laughing and said "Do you really think that you'll be capable of capturing these monsters, even the strongest men of our village weren't capable of defeating them" So I replied confidently "Just you watch" but I probably shouldn't be that confident considering that I don't have a plan.

"Chie back me up" I said while rushing the blue Komainu with my baseball bat, but then both of them started roaring. It seems that the priest was right. The sound of their roar made me lose my balance and feel weak. I tried covering my ears but nothing happened.

"Kid, I am going to teach you you're first lesson now" I looked at Chie and it seems that there roars had no effect on him.

"I don't think that this is the right time to be taught a lesson Chie if you haven't noticed yet were in trouble"

"Just shut up and do as I say and I can assure you our victory"

"Alright" Chie then entered my body in a way similar to how ghosts would possess peoples body's in movies so I started freaking out "Chie what the hell are you doing"

"I am doing this that you could use spirit power, before being capable of using spirit power on your own you'll first have to get a feel to how spirit power feels and that's why I entered your sole, now there's no time to waste I want you to concentrate on how my energy feels inside you right now"

"I have concentrated on what I need to do now ?"

"Try covering your entire body with that energy"

This is hard, this energy it's so weird I not capable of controlling it "Hurry up kid"

"I am trying to but it's too hard"

"It seems that teaching you to cover your entire body with spirit energy will be harder than I expected, listen up kid I want you to concentrate on covering only your ears with spirit energy that should negate the effect of the Komainu's roar"

"Chie you make it sound too easy"

"Just shut up and concentrate, if you want to have any hope in winning this fight this is your only solution"

Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate.

"Chie I can't"

"Try imagining having something covering up your ear"

"Move!" I heard one of the villagers scream but I couldn't break my concentration. I was so close to doing it.

"Got it" I said while opening my eyes and as soon as I did I realised that the Komainu had leaped toward me so I quickly dodged. "That was too close for comfort, but at least now his roars will have no effect on me"

"Good job kid, you were capable of successfully harnessing the power of the spirits" Chie said as he got out of my sole.

"Thanks Chie, now for the problem at hand let's beat these Komainus"

As I attack the blue Komainu another time I notice that his movements have become slower than before.

"Chie it seems that there roar takes a great deal of energy from them they have started getting slower"

"Nice observation kid"

This means that I'll just have to make them use it a couple more times then they'll be weak enough for me to capture them with the M.B.C.T.

"Hey Komainu it seems that your roar has no effect on me your weaker than I expected, your probably the weakest mythical beast that I could think of right now"

"Hey you stop trying to aggravate them" one of the villagers yelled

"Yeah stop it you'll only make them fiercer" another villager said but I couldn't stop after coming this far I'll force those Komainus into using their roar and then I'll capture them.

"Komainu if you want to prove me wrong show me how strong your roar can get"

"Kid this isn't such a good idea"

"Why ?"

"It's too late you'll understand now" as soon as Chie said that the two Komainu started roaring.

"That's nothing show me everything that you've got" the Komainu's roar started getting louder and louder. It was so strong that the villagers started fainting. "Get out of here all of you I'll take care of this" I yelled at the villagers but they couldn't hear me. This is bad if this goes on some of the villagers might die because of the sheer force of these roars so I took the villagers who had fainted into some houses in the village and I directed the rest into the village . But as soon as I finished doing that I started getting dizzy. It seems that my spirit energy coating isn't full proof. It's now a competition of who will hold up longer. But then the unexpected happened Chie attacked both the Kimonus with a powerful blast and they were both knocked out.

"What was that Chie ?!"

"It was an attack that uses spirit energy"

"Why didn't you do that from the start ?"

"I needed some time to charge it"

"Well you could've told me atleast so that I could implement it into my plan"

"I already had a plan figured out I didn't need to tell you"

"Any I'll go capture them now"

This is going to be my first time using the M.B.C.T please work. I touched both of the Komainu with my tool and they were absorbed into the crystal as expected. Now I'll just have to wait 24 hours to see if they'll actually do as I say after I release them from the M.B.C.T.

After being thanked by the villagers me and Chie were on our way but as we left I realised something weird so I asked Chie "By the way Chie I noticed that people weren't getting surprised when they saw you"

"Well that's because I am making myself visible only to you using spirit power"

"Oh! Ok that explains it"

"But that also means that when you talk to me people think that your talking to yourself"

"Wait what ? I must look like a total moron to these villagers now, how could you do that to me Chie !?"

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