
Mythic Legends

In the year 2045 the world has been taken over by gamers. Sam, a 25 year old American man, has spent his career years as a beta tester for Infinite Games, a gaming company at the top of the gaming world. With the release of the latest and only VR game, Mythic Legends, around the corner, Sam decides to leave behind his game testing career to fully focus on making a name for himself in this new game. His goal? Being the number 1 player in the world. The problem? He has noticed something strange about the hype of this game, there have been issues with the VR technology that have been ignored. But none of that will shake his determination. Little does he know that this game will soon become very real...

Trey_Lacer · Games
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

16. Corruption

I stepped back onto the path, marveling at the feeling of weightlessness and power in my body. I casually struck out at a tree close to me and grinned as I felt the bark and wood crush and explode beneath my hand. The tree began falling as my fist passed through it and I laughed loudly before quickly quieting down and going back on alert. Even though I felt so powerful, I knew that I wasn't strong enough to handle many of the creatures in this valley.

I shook my head to clear it before continuing to walk down the path. A shiver suddenly ran down my spine. I stopped and spread my energy sense, a few hundred feet behind me, on the other side of the clearing I just came from. I felt a presence, weaker than the beasts in the valley. But it was somehow, wrong. There was a darkness in the aura being put out. I placed my hand on my sword and turned slightly to glance over my shoulder. I saw a figure standing on the other side of the clearing from me, they were staring in my direction and I could feel a very dark and dangerous aura coming off them.

[Xiao Qui (Corrupted Cultivator)] (Elite)

[Cultivation- Spirit Apprentice: 9 (Peak)]

[HP: ???]

I raised my eyebrows slightly. 'The first Cultivator I see and they're corrupted? What the fuck is this?' I thought to myself as I turned to face this person and pulled my sword from its sheath. 'Well I suppose I'll probably have to fight.' I lowered my stance as I started walking back towards the clearing. Xiao Qui walked casually into the clearing, not even pausing at the increased gravity. I furrowed my brows and tried to increase the gravity around them.

[Xiao Qui is immune to heavy gravity.]

The notification surprised me a bit. It was just enough of a distraction that I almost missed Xiao Qui rushing at me and punching at my face. I barely reacted in time, dodging quickly to the side before swiping my sword to test their defenses. Xiao Qui reacted quickly, taking a step to the side and furrowing their brows. I took some time to examine their features before they struck out again. I realized that this person was female, or used to be at least. With the corruption it was really hard to tell, at this point in time, she looked more androgenous than anything else. Something very wrong was corrupting this poor Cultivator and I wanted to find out what.

This information passed through my head quickly as Xiao Qui continued to attack. They were using strictly martial arts, which was odd, I could see the spacial ring on their finger and I knew that they had to have some sort of weapon or artifact within. 'Maybe they lost their connection with it? In that case this fight might be a bit easier.' I thought on the fly as I counter attacked, finding that they over extended some of their punches I began to make headway. I was able to deal a few wounds and eventually it became obvious that I would win this fight.

Just as I was about to end the fight I heard a scream come from Valeria.


I almost stopped my swing, but I knew, if I did that, I would be killed without mercy. The bloodlust I felt coming off this person was too thick for any good to be left. I gritted my teeth as my blade connected with Xiao Qui's throat. As the life drained from them, their appearance reverted and her eyes cleared.

"Thank....you...." The words were barely a whisper, but I heard them.

"What happened to you?" I asked, knowing I probably wouldn't get an answer.

"The...temple...demonic...pressure..." They were only a few words, but they were enough.

"Rest now, I will deal with the problem." I spoke the promise without realizing what I was saying. I felt the desperation and I wanted to ease her suffering for some reason. My words were enough and Xiao Qui faded away after I spoke, I reached out and closed her eyes before taking the spacial ring off her finger.

"I will take care of your belongings for you." I spoke softly, wondering why I felt so nostalgic and angry at this circumstance. 'I'm too weak. Even here, with this power. I'm still too weak.' The thought was unwarranted and unexpected and I was shocked. This situation reminded me of my past, a situation I couldn't control or do anything about. People getting hurt for no reason. It made me furious. I felt the rage building up inside me and there was a darkness within it that felt familiar.

'Ah I see now," I thought and quickly cleared my head. Resentments, everyone had them, no matter how strong or infallible they were. Everyone had at least one resentment. I shut out all thoughts of resentment and rose to my feet, turning to Valeria as I put the ring on my finger.

[You have acquired 1 unbound spacial ring. Would you like to bind this ring to yourself? Yes/No]

I quickly chose yes before Valeria started asking questions and quickly walked up to her.

"She was no longer your sister... There was some demonic presence in her body that corrupted her beyond her humanity." I spoke apologetically, though honestly I didn't feel remorse for the mercy I showed in helping Xiao Qui end her suffering. Valeria simply nodded and remained silent, not giving any indication of what she was thinking.

"You have completed the quest I asked of you. Though I do not have much on my person you can have this spacial ring." She spoke softly as she handed a second spacial ring to me before turning to leave.

"I must return and report this matter to my family. Please, be careful, Sam." She began walking away after speaking. Her figure disappearing quickly into the forest. I turned and continued down the path, my quest now complete. I could explored this valley to my heart's content.