
Myth of The Broken Throne

He was a king, with a heart. But after her, the throne was broken. So much that a man with a heart became a terror. A tyrannical terror, who walked through the paths of immortality. A path given by the one, he was loved by. A path given by the one whom he lost forever. -I closed the book and a heavy sigh left my lips. I looked out of the library and there he was standing at the door. His arms flexed as his grip on the door tightened. He felt so close yet so far. And his eyes, his beautiful honey like eyes, it held a story. A mystery that seems to pull me towards him, no matter how much I resist. You know, true love never dies. It's always there, lurking in the deepest and darkest corners of your heart. The only thing one needs is someone as bright as a star to look into your heart and read you like no one has.

Valens_Fiction · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

Astraea's POV

The classes were almost over for the day. It was the game night. The juniors were really very excited, apparently the football team is like the hot shot in the entire university.

All I heard in the corridors and classes were girls fangirling over the players and how excited were they to grab any of theirs's attention.

Typical college wannabees...

Walking out the entrance, I watched Emily laughing on Miranda's awkward expression. I was amazed that it didn't really took long for Miranda to be close with Emily and me.

But then again, considering Emily's charming smile and all time innocent intentions (note the sarcasm), it wouldn't be tough to like her.

As I reached them, their attention diverted towards me. Miranda waved at me, relieved to be at her rescue probably.

"Ready to go ?"

I shook my head.

"Well, I need to make a visit to Mr. Connor's office. He wants to speak to me about something. You guys weren't picking up your phones, so I thought to come and inform you."

Emily had a sly smirk.

"The good girl already caused trouble. How shameful!!!."

"Hey, I haven't done anything yet. Maybe it's related to the entrance assignments ... well , at least I hope it is."

Miranda frowned. "So you are joining us for the game right ?"

"Of course, I'll join you guys in the field."

Agreeing, they both settled down as the blue sedan sped off the premises.

I walked back towards the building.

Mr. Connor was our Aesthetic Arts 's Professor. A tall man with a chiseled jaw, jet-black hair. He was quite competent in terms of his job. And that man was someone you can't joke around.

His face has been so stiff throughout the lectures, that it makes people wonder if it is permanently glued or not.

Knocking on his door, I waited patiently for a reply.

However not getting any, I knocked again and waited. The office was built at the end of the second floor, since no one was there, the corridor felt really eerie and so silent.

I turned the knob and the door was open.

Should I go in ?....well he did told me to come into his office.

I entered the office and it was dark, just a table lamp glowing. As expected that grumpy man wasn't even here.

There was a large window, one could see the forest near the university. The leaves were, turned a little yellowish, all ready to fall. It was beautiful.

I walked over the window and the chilly wind blew my blonde hairs in all direction. The sensation of the cold air was really soothing. It was calming and so was the scene, very serene.

But what caught my eyes, were not only the view but the boy sitting under one of the trees. His back rested on the tree, eyes closed. The black shirt was so beautifully fitted on him, that I could almost feel those robust and rugged muscles. His skin was so pale and rough. The light wind rustled his black hairs, movement so hurried, that I feared he may woke up. The drowning sun kissed his face , those orange shade made his skin glow. A sudden rush of burn spread through my heart as, I felt stupidly jealous over the mocking gold now slowly hiding among the clouds. I wondered if my hands would feel the same on his skin.

And before I knew it, unknowingly my fingers tried to reach him, a sudden pang hit me so hard on that distance between us.

What was happening ?

Then suddenly as if everything halted when those beautiful honey-like golden eyes looked straight at me. His stare was so intense, I felt every fiber of my body burning. He didn't blink nor did I.

His eyes just stayed on me. A hidden surprise and shock coursed in them, yet he was able to mask it so well. But the most awakening thing was somehow, I was able to read him, so well and so easily.

A little cool stir in my hand, diverted my attention, they suddenly felt so cool as if I dipped them in frozen river. A chilling sensation raked my spine.

Looking over my shoulder, I caught a glimpse of a blue hue rippled around me. Like they were made up of strands, silvery white strands, just like those northern lights, moving yet still.

It was beautiful yet so scary.

Hesitantly, I touched a strand, it was the same bone chilling feel.

Very familiar yet long forgotten.

They moved with the motion of my hands. My fingers easily contorted and scattered them. It felt like a sudden power coursed through each and every pore of mine.

It felt so homely and welcoming.

Just like that, in an instant, the room was brightened and those waves disappeared. No trace, nothing.

"Ms. Kingston ?"

I looked over the door. Ms. Brendon stood their confusedly gawking at me.

"What are you doing here ?"

I looked towards the window and the guy was long gone.

Was it really some kind of stupid imagination? I mean it did felt so dreamy.

Ms. Brendon raised one of her eyebrows, clearly waiting for me to speak something. I cleared my throat and gave her an awkward smile.

"I-I was waiting for Mr. Connor. He wanted to speak to me."

The small woman frowned. "It's already 6 in the evening. Were you waiting for 2 hours ?. Well, everyone left though. You can speak to him tomorrow."

Two hours ?.....What?....How?....When?

Just now I was admiring the sun setting glow on that guy's...wait the guy....the light.

I really was imagining.

Now that I looked from the window, it was really dark.

"Ms. Kingston !!!!!!... Are you okay ?....You are spacing out a lot."

Ms. Brendon's voice brought me back. An expression of concern was laced over her face.

"I am sorry. I'll get going now."

I rushed out of the building as fast as I can.

The parking lot was completely empty.

What was happening ?

My phone buzzed, Emily's name flashed on it.


Right the game...

"Uh.. On the way. Did you guys saved me a seat ?"

"You bet we did. Now move your ass and be fast." Saying she cut the phone before even I could reply.

Since the field was just near the building, it didn't took me long to reach.

It was completely packed. Screams, cheers...It ringed my ears.

I found my two friend seated in the middle row. Emily was still yapping our university's name. While Miranda, looked anxious.

But as soon as she saw my face, a relief spread over her features.

"I thought you were going to miss it." She said holding my arm and pushing me over the seat between her and Emily.

"Well , I did promised you guys."

"So how was it? Are you okay ?" She asked. I looked at her confused. Her face was completely void of any emotion. The sudden drop of her pitch suddenly made me a bit anxious.

What is she talking about ?.. Is it about that weird -

"The Meeting with professor. How was it? "

Right, of course, the professor. Damn you Astraea!!!!... Stop overthinking.

"Um... yes it was fine. Just some assignments."

"Hey what are you talking about?. It's going to start."

Thank you Emily.

We looked over the field and indeed, both the teams were jogging their way towards the center.

Loud screams echoed around the field. The players waved at the audience.

Soon the captains of both the team joined the referee.

Our university team was indeed very calm and collected unlike the other one who were apparently busy blowing flying kisses to the girls, instead of focusing on their captain.

The toss happened and our team got the kick start.

I watched our captain moving back towards his team.

He had a great built. Neither too bulky nor too lean.

Almost perfect with ample muscles and a hard body. The blue jersey felt like a second layer on his skin.

Suddenly he stopped in the middle of the field, I watched him looking over the audience.

A gasp escape my lips.

Under the helmet, I could see those honey-pool eyes. The same ones I saw earlier.

Not imagination. He is real. As real as the a reality can be.

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