

"Beneath the smile is a weary soul. Beneath the struggle is a dying soul. Beneath the smile is a soul in a frazzle. I desired a change. I show great perseverance in my quest to succeed, even though my inner me is in shambles. With persistent pain, I drag him along. Sometimes I want to shed him from me but then I realized he is a part of me. The inner me that is lifeless. Now I have to be it nourishment. The inner me that is weak. Now I have to be its strength. The inner me that is hopeless. Now I have to be hope Dear inner me I can't leave you alone; you are me I am you. Together we will conquer our fears, face our challenges, and comes out triumphantly." Synopsis I was in my dark until you shine me your light. Mellisa a young student nurse lost her way on the last day of completing her health campaign in a rural area of the Northern Coast. She wandered around in a mysterious wood where she was held captive by some quisling huddles, who found nothing but joy in torturing her. Rescued by Armstrong Seagull, and labeled a spy. Was she able to escape from such a traumatic experience? Who is Armstrong Seagull and what roles did Mellisa's sudden incursion in his kingdom In a world where you feel so cold, you gotta stay gold; a story about a demon Lord and an ambitious girl

Hobified_Bbensplen · Fantasy
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32 Chs

CHAPTER 15: Nightmare in the dream

She lay on the dusty ground with her tummy. She watched helplessly as they cruelly dealt with her, she could see the bruises, blood, and stripes on her body as the mark had already torn and shredded her clothes. She looked tattered with blood covering her whole body.

"You are a spy and will have to perish" The soldiers spat and cursed.

Tears kept cascading down her cheeks, and she sniffed back the mucus that came out from her nostril.

Her heart ached, she knelt and gripped the soil on the ground with both hands and screamed.

"No! Please...."

"Be quiet!" One of the soldiers threatened with a leather whip.

She couldn't endure the pain of seeing her in that condition as she whimpered at every stroke they gave her

She quivered, intensely staring in her direction.

They were so brutal and callus on her.

She wailed and screamed with much compassion, stretching forth her right hand. She tried to run to her, so she could save her from them, but she couldn't.

Likewise, she stretched out her hands towards her. She needs her help, she said as she managed to stand on her feet and strode towards the helpless figure.

Who is she, and why are they beating her up? What are her crimes, and why are they calling her a spy? She rushed to her and managed to push one of the soldiers away from her and to her surprise, they all withdrew immediately after they saw her face.

It looked as if her presence sent a dangerous warning, and they all fled. She was shocked at their actions, but that is not the reason she was there.

She turned, and her eyes too meet the poor soul. Likewise, she looked weak and lifeless. She required more answers to help her puzzled mind. Why did the men run away, and why is this lady being tortured? She bent down and examined her body, since she was laying faced own, she couldn't see her face. If she had known what she would have seen, Trust me, she wouldn't have thought of turning her over, let alone coming closer to her.

To her greatest surprise, her eyes glaring wide with her mouth agape, her heartbeat increased and her knees and hands shook uncontrollably. She let out a squeal. There she saw herself with eyes wide open, lying in the pool of my blood. At the brink of death.

She terrifyingly stepped back as the situation she saw herself was fear-gripping. "Mellisa" she screamed out my name.

Soon, a sudden strong and violent wind swept her feet and plonk her down and she found herself standing in front of a portal. She heard a continuous plopping sound, and she turned only to be met with the dying her standing weakly by her side. Her hands were dripping blood and her hair tousled and dirty.

"This can't be happening to me" She was poleaxed before gathering her strength and picking a race from herself.

As she ran, the dying her kept running after her and she didn't know where exactly she was going. Then she suddenly bumped her head into something. There was a deafening silence as she slowly lifted her eyes to see what it was, but lo and behold, she bumped into her other self.

Her eyes shot out in terror and Her knees and hands shook uncontrollably, she let out a loud scream.

Her eyes fluttered open, her vision was blurry. She can see the silhouette images hovering around her, but she can't tell what and who exactly they are.

A deafening sound everywhere, but she doesn't know what exactly is going on and who they are.

She tried to speak, but no sounds left her mouth.

"Her body is leaving and returning, Armstrong, you need to do something." That was Darshin beckoning on him to save Mellisa.

"There is nothing I can do," He nonchalantly replied.

"You can't watch her die" Boyld pled.

Everyone else turned towards Armstrong as well.

"Well! You should know, watching people die is my hobby." He picked up a dart and threw it at the dartboard.

"Where is Raiden?" He throws Samie a questioning look.

"You should know better." Samie urges him.

"That fool wants to die in my hand."

"It's straightforward, but also difficult at the same time," Samie answered with a slight smile.

The room practically developed a deafening silence as the men awaited for Armstrong to do something, but it seems he nonchalantly doesn't care.

"She needs the breath," Bolyd begged.

"And she has one in her; she hasn't died yet, or is she?" He stopped and peeked at her. "Her life is in her hands; I already stopped the poison from eating her up. Now it is left for her to choose if she wants to live. You don't make the decision for her."

He stopped the throwing of darts and walked up to where she was lying.

"Old fat Darshin... He began; tapping on the doctor's shoulder. "You clearly don't know what you are doing again, right?"

"Well! Since it's coming from you, What would you want me to say again.? Darshin replied.

"Good; Eat more veggies, drink more milk, and read more books." He said, flicking a dismissive hand at Darshin.

"Also, don't forget to get married, the Kingdom's birthrate is getting low" He scoffed.

"You are very modest, Armstrong." Samie laughed at his remarkable speech on Darshin.

"Sounds so good to me." Said Darshin with a wide grin.

He stood up and exited the room.

Armstrong stared lengthy at Boyld, the boy was seriously angry and disappointed in his actions, but he laughed at his thoughts.

"Poor Boyld what does he know about spies and their evil agenda."

Unable to withstand Boyld's persistently telepathically plead. He picked up his long black jacket and majestically walked out of the room.

He looked dapper as he entered his room, tossing his jacket on the bed and plonk himself on his chain, spinning it around and in deep thoughts.



"Sir, you asked us to park." That was one of the officers driving the truck.

"Don't you inspect your truckloads before taking off ?" McCall asked the officer, and he nodded a response to his questions.

"How smart can they be; open the back of your truck; He commanded and the officer, with a confused expression, hurried to do as he was told.

"What a clever move." McCall chuckled at the state of the truck locks.

The officers stood, mouth agape when they saw the damage to the truck lock. Before he could open his mouth to say what he really thought was a shock and surprise to him, McCall shushed him up and bring out his small pistol, taking cover immediately.

"Come out, hands up and turn around; Inspector McCall is asking nicely." McCall urges.

Ria and Jasper lay still as the voice thundered inside the truck. They know they are in big trouble.

Ria's hands already shaking, her breath increased and Jasper noticed how frightened she was. For this fearless lioness, then the pain must have eaten deep.

"Put yourself together, Ria," Jasper whispered.

"We are getting charged for vandalism and obstruction of officer's work." She said.

"We will still be fine. It's just a charge."

"And what if we get arrested and thrown in jail? My reputation at stake, and yours?" She said with a shaky voice.

"Don't worry, I have my lawyers." He trapped his tongue.

"And your father?"

"He probably won't be thrilled with it."

"Don't worry, I got this under control. You lay still, I won't blow your cover."

"What are you trying to do?" He widened his eyes at her.

"Saving our butts; you see, I'm always the super boss."

"Says the one with trembling hands a second ago." He teased.

"That's my anxiety, but look, I'm the super boss."

"Do you think we're ready for what will happen after this?" A small frown creased his brows.

"I don't know... But we have to face it; come on, what is there just Inspector Pinhead and his crew mates." Ria chuckled.

"No..... You didn't just say that right," he mutters sulkily.

She hesitates, a small frown creasing her brows.

"I'm going, do not blow your cover.okay." She gently ripped the sacks off her face so as not to expose her accomplice.

The officer driving the truck awe in, shocked as Riana emerged from one of the sacks loads. How she got into the truck is a mystery he can't understand and didn't see coming. Now this action alone can bring queries from his superior.

McCall looked after her as she nonchalantly jumped down from the truck without providing care about their presence.

"You again; He turned back to the officer." What do you have to say about the illegal invasion of the authority truck."

"She's something else, isn't she?"

"Where is the boy?

She kept quiet.

"Can't you hear me?" McCall asked with a serious expression.

"Yes, I can," she replied. "Sadly, I came alone." She said, childishly pouting her lips.

"What a cheeky girl are you?"

"Hmm... kind of...

"Quiet..." He said authoritatively.

"Is this the way you are planning to hound the dreams? You aren't even smart enough, to begin with."

"I can't believe you remembered such a trivial talk...well, not that I'm lying because right now, I don't know when to stop." She chortled bashfully.

"You are so annoying. Everybody is working up to see to your friend's safe return and here you are obstructing the officer's work. You aren't even concerned about your safety and your family's reputation. Yet, you claimed to be a superhuman. How ridiculous." He spat.

"Go inside and bring out the boy." He commanded, and immediately the officers jumped inside the truck, the next thing they were dragging Jasper along. His face turned red in shame as they dragged him down from the truck.

"You must be Jasper Cruz, right?" He points a finger at him!

"Here you go." The officer began taking photos of the two with his camera. Ria didn't bother to hide her face. She looked at Jasper and felt pity because she knows how the Cruz valued their reputation.

"Please, can you let him go? It's all my fault I dragged him into this." She started pleading with McCall.

"You seem to always get ahead of yourself." McCall slowly shook his head, frowning deeply at her, and then take a look at Jasper.

He shut his eyes. This girl is really something else. How can she care about her friend's reputation without even bothering about hers?

Jasper's head already spinning. The thought of having his father's reputation stained. What will the society say with a headline like this" Son of a socialist, Jasper Cruz in Police Custody after he was caught obstructing officer's work." Such a criminal and offensive remark to a person of his caliber.

"Dropped all the charges....and none of what happened here to be leaked outside," McCall said and walked out.

Jasper heavy a breath at his statement, but Riana McCarthy is another species that won't give up as she chased after McCall.

"Wait! Wait!! I want to come along, please."

McCall ignored her and continued walking towards his car, but she outrun and blocked his way.

God!! She must be brave. Who exactly is her sure plug?

"Never. I don't have time to pamper babies that's a lot of work."

"I'm not going to disturb or delay your work. I just want to observe. Is that too much to ask?" She urges him.

"That's more than too much. We don't take an unarmed lady to a dangerous place. Now go back while I'm being nice." McCall countered.

"How are we going to get home? Don't tell me you expect us to trek home...yooooooooo....where is your conscience." She retorted.

"Did I bring you here? He throws her a glare.

"Jeez... That's not a gentleman of you.' she widened her eyes.

McCall winced at her statement. He won't watch them trek back home. But does it matter? They choose all this themselves.

He knows immediately he saw the two figures running across the road that something was off, judging from the way they were dragging their feet and swirling their eyes, checking if there will be any possible means of them being caught.

He laughed at their smartness and when he saw the Riana of a girl, he was able to recognize her immediately.

Who wouldn't? Especially when she is known for her blabbermouth and empty threats. So, he coldly sat in his car and watched them. He was shocked when they opened the truck with whatever tricks they put up there.

He kept quiet and allowed them to play their game. Well, he owned the game, they played the game now they are trapped in the game. He chuckled darkly. He lean towards Ria and whispered in her ear.

"Whichever means, you can find yourself home, miss."

He opened his car and drove off together with the truck driver.

Riana and Jasper stood, they were disappointed. Now they have been beaten in their game. What next.

She looked at Jasper and shook her head.

"Seems we are doing our marathon today? Jasper joked.

"I hate that pinheaded McCall." She spats and Jasper chuckled.

"At least they dropped the charges. Hey, Ria.... know when to be grateful."

She frowned with her hands akimbo.

"Who cares about the charges."

"I do, Young lady. Don't forget."

Just as they were debating. A car horn at them and the two looked up.

"Seems someone changed his mind," Jasper said, and the two ran towards the car.

"The girl in the front and the boy in the back seat," McCall said as they tried entering his car.

"Thank you so much." Ria throw him a look, and he zoomed off without minding her gratitude.