

"Beneath the smile is a weary soul. Beneath the struggle is a dying soul. Beneath the smile is a soul in a frazzle. I desired a change. I show great perseverance in my quest to succeed, even though my inner me is in shambles. With persistent pain, I drag him along. Sometimes I want to shed him from me but then I realized he is a part of me. The inner me that is lifeless. Now I have to be it nourishment. The inner me that is weak. Now I have to be its strength. The inner me that is hopeless. Now I have to be hope Dear inner me I can't leave you alone; you are me I am you. Together we will conquer our fears, face our challenges, and comes out triumphantly." Synopsis I was in my dark until you shine me your light. Mellisa a young student nurse lost her way on the last day of completing her health campaign in a rural area of the Northern Coast. She wandered around in a mysterious wood where she was held captive by some quisling huddles, who found nothing but joy in torturing her. Rescued by Armstrong Seagull, and labeled a spy. Was she able to escape from such a traumatic experience? Who is Armstrong Seagull and what roles did Mellisa's sudden incursion in his kingdom In a world where you feel so cold, you gotta stay gold; a story about a demon Lord and an ambitious girl

Hobified_Bbensplen · Fantasy
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32 Chs

CHAPTER 12: Mysterious Dream

Riana's Room

"Welcome Ria" the housemaid greeted but grievous Riana wasn't in the mood to exchange pleasantries with anybody as she hurriedly barged inside her room, throwing herself on the bed and crying bitterly.

"Melly! Melly! Mellyyyyyyyyyyyy! Where are you? She screamed.

Standing up and rushing towards the enormous golden table, grabbing a glass cup, she watched as it shattered on the ground. Such a beautiful waste. Quickly, she grabs the wall mirror, hitting it on the wall. Angry, she starts throwing stuff all over the room. Her heart was heavy and she wailed sorrowfully.

Riana's mind is in a complete mess right now. Fears of the unknown, worry, confusion, and too many emotions bombard her. Her room was already in a total mess as she lay about herself. A knock came on the door, and she screamed at the top of her voice.

"Go away" She roared, picking up an object and throwing it at the door.

The maid stood at the door, each bringing their ears closer to the door to hear her destructive wailing. They can't hide the tears in their heart as they flinch each time a sound is heard from the room.

For Ria to be acting like this means she is passing through a lot. How a lovely girl just changed overnight due to pain. Mellisa is her sister, as they always see her. Truly, when they say" The change that comes with pain" is something one can't explain. Ria's sudden outburst is proof of that.

They bang on the door, calling out to Riana to pity her mental health and calm herself down.

Suddenly, the door cracked open, and the housemaids fell in, each onto another.

"Sorry Ria" They echoed and rushed towards her, but she screamed at them to leave her alone.

"Just go…go…go… I need to be alone."

The maid looked at one another and shrugged. With a regretful heart, they walk out. Their faces in full of disappointment.

Just as she wanted to pick up another frame, her eyes finally dawned on a frame lying carelessly on the floor. Her tears welled up, and they dropped freely down her cheeks.

For the past sixty minutes, she sat in the silence of her room, looking at the two beautiful girls in the portrait. That was her and Mellisa; the hood cat and dog. Their friendship is the most envious among their peers. Besties turn sisters like people always describe them, especially their classmates and some residential occupants. The love they share has common interests and goals. A true definition of friendship. Her heart break into tears and she said.


She stood up from the chair and staggered to her bed and lie down, the portrait being held tightly and closer to her bosom. She held on to it as if she was shedding it from getting harmed.

Not only that, but she covered herself with the blanket as she reminisces on their childhood and the sweetest moments of her life with Mellisa.

"Mellyyyyyyyyyyyy!!" She screamed as she ran towards the petrified figure standing, but as she approached closer, it looked like they were two worlds apart, and she couldn't hear her amidst all the screams and calling for her.

"Mellyyyyyyyyyyyy…" She kept chasing and running, yet she was unable to reach her.

Mellisa stood facing the portal. The porous rocks surrounded her. Is she trying to cross to the next life? She was bleeding, her shoulder dropped and her hands dropped blood. She looks different and scared. They must have messed her life up. She looks mentally ill, scared, and exhausted. Her eyes blazing with pain. She could read the meaning in those eyes as she advanced, but she couldn't reach her.

She kept running and running, yet the force kept dragging her foot and she struggled to wiggle herself free from whatever force pulling her back.

Tension crept over Ria as she approached her. Her complexion already fading away, and she's translucent now, literally looking like a ghost.

But something happened as Ria approached nearer, It seems the power tearing them apart began to release its hold, and Mellisa could hear her friend calling unto her, but immediately she tried to open her mouth and call on Ria. A gigantic, mysterious bird appeared from nowhere and flew her away."

"Noooooooooooooo..." Ria screamed, and she chased after the mysterious, but she was too late as the force acting upon her, lifted her feet and threw her off.

Mellisaaaaaaa..." her voice echoed in the entire room while her eyes fluttered open. Her hand hanging in midair as if she wanted to grip on something.

Her mom rushed to her room as soon as she heard the scream emerging from her room. She barged inside leaving the door open and there she was sitting on her bed, tears welled up as she throws her gaze here and there in fear. What she saw made her freeze. The dream is scary. Her heartbeat pounding heavily and sweats all over her body.

"Riana." She draws closer to herself in a tight hug.

"Mom, I saw Melissa, but a mysterious bird took her away." She began to sob in her arms.

"That's okay, baby, it's just a dream. You must have overthought the whole situation and ended up dreaming about it."

She consoled her, holding her for a while and when she calmed down; she tucked up on her and laid next to her.

Riana held on to her mother. She is a lover of horror movies, but having such scary dreams seems to intensify the pain in her eyes.

She blinked repeatedly, the thought of Mellisa being taken away by the mysterious bird made her heart scared and bleed for an answer.

If it were before, she would have disregarded the dream. But things aren't as before, and Mellisa is missing.

Now this dream scared the life out of her.

She lay still, her eyes still searching the whole room for any threat of danger.

She shut her eyes tightly, slightly praying for Mellisa's well-being and after some time staring at the ceiling; drove off to sleep.

Slight fever. It must be the nightmare, she thought. She stretched herself, dragging the alarm to check the time.

"7:30a.m she screamed, standing up and sluggishly walking to her en-suite bathroom to empty her bowls and cool off some thoughts. She dipped herself in the hot water and scrubs herself gently. Buried herself inside the bathtub just to get a freshener feeling of the water. Her thoughts drift back to yesterday's dream, and immediately she thought of it; MEL LISA" she screamed, picking up her towels and running inside her room.

She felt much better now after taking a warm bath mixed with lavender flowers. Such a soothing scent.

The room is already back to its normal and beautiful state. Thanks to the maids who do justice and cleared up all the mess she caused yesterday before she woke up from her sleep.

"Morning darling" Her Mother greeted. "Here I make your tea, brewed from Chamomile teapot.

"No. Thanks, Mom." She paced up and down, bringing out clothes and testing each on the dressing mirror.

She wanted to ask her about her dreams, but she wanted to wait for her to tell first. But it seemed she was not ready, as she kept pacing around the room getting ready.

She clad herself in black trousers, and a sleeveless shirt, combed and styled her hair in a ponytail, and stared angrily at the mirror.

"Honey, let's have breakfast and talk about your dreams."

She paused, turned, and stared at her mother.

"Mom… Mellisa is missing, and you are thinking about a tea party; Are you being serious right now?

"Heyyy…. I visited the Keller' yesterday after work. They told me the investigation is still ongoing… We just have to hold our hope and pray for her safety to return." She countered her.

"Mom… We should sit and wait for that punk to do something… He couldn't even give a reasonable explanation of Mellisa's way about it, and you are all hoping for something positive from him? It can never be me." She spat, scrambling around picking things, and stuffing them inside her bag.

"Language Riana..."

"Fine…fine…fine Mom; Here…. She patted her forehead: picked up a Chipolata from the plate, rolled her eyes for a go-ahead order from her Mother, and shoved it inside her mouth, immediately her Mother nodded at her.

"Can we talk about your dreams now?" She urges her.

"Never mind. It's just a dream." She waved her off, picking another Chipolata from the plate and grabbing her tailcoat. "See you later, Mom."

"If you are not going to talk about your dreams, at least have a proper breakfast, Ria."

"Not for all the tea in 'China." She joked, moved towards her Mother, and pecked on her cheek. "Love you, Mom." And she is gone.

Mrs. McCarthy shook her head, her heart gladdened, and she placed her hand on her chest. Riana always has a way of making her heart flutter with joy.

She understands what the Kellers are passing through right now. Looking for a grown-up daughter is something she never wishes to experience. She could feel her adrenalin zing around her at the thought of losing Riana. She understands that Ria's mind will be a complete mess, and she seriously wants to help.

Her visit to the Keller's wasn't how it used to be, as she was welcome with the glooming house. The whole house looks like someone died. Not that there are many different emotions to express between a missing child and a dead one. A loss is a loss; the only difference is that there is a tiny hope for them, and she prayed it happens so quickly.

They have been feeling miserable, and sorry for themselves for not protecting their daughter. But who is to blame? Nobody controls situations like this. Nobody prayed for the tribulation to happen to their family. Mellisa doesn't deserve what happened to her. Nobody deserves such a painful experience.

Small coffins are always the heaviest to carry.

The way her heart races when she heard news like this!

Losing a loved one generally is painful, but watching your offspring go before you is a pain she hasn't experienced and never wishes to. But she is sure there is no pain greater.

Mellisa is like a child to her. Watching Belinda weep, her eyes. She tried to control her emotions, but unfortunately, emotions seem uncontrollable sometimes, and she breaks down in tears too.

She can only imagine how devastating this period will be for the family.

"For Mellisa to be found and let everything return to normal." She prayed to the universe.