
Chapter 7: Decisive pt 1

"Are you okay?" Another voice startled her.

She nodded amidst shock at how she was surrounded by four different men without her noticing, now she squealed in terror, her eyes shooting out.

They looked at her with eyes so cold and she shivered.

"I. I… I… I'm not a spy… Not only that, but I'm saying the truth" She tried to explain.

Their gaze traveled around her body and she trembled, their eyes speak danger and threat, and she wondered what exactly they wanted from her.

"Saying the truth is the only key to your freedom" Samie began, he already sensed how scared she was of their presence, and he needed to show at least some iota of love with his words. "No harm will come to you when you say the truth."

He didn't like the idea of him speaking with such calmness, he was never used to this, but this situation called for it.

Samie looked at her, she was beautiful in that pinky floral gown she put on, and her hair was styled the Barbie ways." why look this pretty if you will end up as a spy?" He breathed inside him.

Mell could feel a lump in her throat, she parted her lips but was out of words on what to say.

"No, I'm not." She trembled, shaking her head, tears not leaving her face.

"Am I going to get killed?" she asked horrified.

Ignoring her, he turned to the rest.

"Lock her up, "Rai commanded.

Melissa knows she has come to a dangerous place, and she flinches at Rai's statement.

"I'm innocent, I swear…" She hurried rounding the table and failing on her knees right in front of Rai, pleading and begging, her eyes welled with tears.

Rai stiff as she grabbed his pants, closing his eyes and giving out a heavy breath, he slowly bends down, and his hand went under her chin, lifting her face gently so that she was looking at him.

"You brought this upon yourself Miss" His voice was stern, letting go of her chin and standing up, he paused, peeked at her, and walked out without uttering another word.

Mell breaks down in tears. Burying her face in her hands, she cried loudly, her shoulder quivering, she knows she is close to her doom, and she whimpers in sorrow.

She was led back to the room and this time around the room was locked; that's when she knows the men meant business as she watches the door be slammed on her face.

She lay curled in the bed, her terrified eyes swirling around and thinking about what next to do. It seemed she was trapped, and she needed to plan her escape, she managed to climb the bed, peeking through the windows, and she battled with her mind whether this was the right thing to do, but for someone who is struggling for survival, everything is possible. But when she saw the height of the floor from the window, her heart went dead.

"That is a suicide mission" she shook her head. She didn't know what to do, she hurried and sat up on the bed, curling herself like a scared cat.


"She is still claiming innocent"

Rai began immediately he walked inside the enormous, beautifully designed room where his boss sits, never was there a time he had a calm appearance, everything around him was dark, and it seemed he was contemplating something as he kept tapping on the enormous table, his other hand supporting his chin. He always gives these dangerous and intimidating looks, saying dangerous looks is an understatement because" DANGEROUS" is what he is, DARKNESS and TERROR are his identities, his silence brings tension and his actions bring massive death.

"I'll leave her to you," He spoke, swinging the chair and raising from his seat, his hands fixed in his trouser pocket.

Rai frowned, "Stop! Please." He didn't want to talk about it.

"I can't read her thoughts". Rai heavy a sigh.

"Same here, more reasons we should waste her. We can't give her and her minion's room to invade us." He clutched his fist tightly, shutting his eyes and inhaling deeply.


"No, but Rai." He stood up from his seat and went to the wall, Rai followed him.

"A little torturing will help," Rai said.

"I don't think so." He sighed. "Making a spy who already sworn his royalties to his master to reveal a secret, they rather die than reveal what they know."

He frowned, his anger stirring up, he could understand his anger, having her under his roof was a grave mistake because spies are not the type to be taken for granted.

They have a secret in them, something that stirs up their inquisition and turns them to become a spy, and they protect it with their lives.

"There must be something we can do to make her speak."Rai countered.

He nodded in agreement. "Gather your men."

Soon the men materialized in the room.

"I am desperate." Arson began picking up a fruit from the basket and plonking himself on one of the chairs.

"You always are," Samie retorted.

"She's dangerous" Arson blurted out.

"Not as dangerous as you" Samie teased. He is always playful. "Am I lying" he looked towards Ramsey who shook his head and thumb up for him.

"We are in this together" Ramsey joked and the two laughed.

Arson frowned, he never liked their jokes. But deep down, he knows they were telling the truth. His name alone is a sign of danger, who bear 'Arson and expect to be good. Not to mention his attitude and what he is. He hissed, ignoring them.

"That's enough banter from you three," Rai commanded.

"Okay! Okay!! Okay!!! I surrender." Samie raised his hands."

"The girl is dangerous." Rai Spoke.

"I don't think she is," Bolyd the youngest, countered him, and the five turned to him, curious about why he said that. Boyld swallowed immediately as the men fixed their eyes on him.

"I meant I searched her stuff when I was bringing it home, and it didn't look like she's harboring anything dangerous in her belongings and she didn't seem like a threat" Bolyd defended himself.

"We can't read her thoughts, small boy" Calton threw him a dangerous look.

"I'm not a small boy." He yelled at him, he hated being addressed as a boy and a small boy for that matter.

"That's not enough reason to say she's not dangerous, people like that will hide the slightest identify just not to be exposed," Rai spoke.

"But she's not a threat, she doesn't look like one"

"Enough." Their master growls and grave silence took over the room. A deep frown settled between his eyebrows. He's not buying the idea of the girl being innocent, and he wondered why Bolyd is bent on defending her.

Not being able to read her mind is enough evidence to perish her because that's a sign of threat, and one of their rules is to eliminate anything they find out to be a threat or that might disturb their peaceful living.

"How do we make her confess who she is without killing her?" Rai spoke.

"When did we start preserving our enemies' lives, Rai ?" Ramsey chipped in.

Their master nodded at his diplomatic reply.

"Then we should kill her, what else?" Samie said, picking up a fruit and chewing carelessly from it.

Bolyd disliked the idea of killing her, he wants to try and see if she can change their minds, but it seems it was not working. Looking at his master, "You know very well she is not a spy" he spoke telepathically.

He sighs deeply. This boy had a way of getting on his nerves and he hated him for that.

"Why should we keep her life Boyld" he responded to him. "Because she is innocent, and you can testify."

"Keep quiet and stop disturbing me with your persistent gibberish." He voiced out, no iota of calm in his voice.

"Don't tell me you are infatuated by her Beauty?" Calton spoke, "Just when we thought Rai was getting worse by bringing her home; here we have Mr. Lover Boy."

Boyld ignored Calton's remark, he is constantly trying to pick a fight with him.

Rai seated down, displeased with how they were handling the situation. None of them is giving him any reasonable answers on what to do.

The man leaned back and watched his men argue for a solution, none of them is coming up with any solution. He fixed his gaze on Bolyd and still wonders why he was bent on saving her.

He knows Boyld to be a brave boy, but right now, he thinks he's foolishly brave to suggest they save a girl whose thoughts are hidden from them.

But who was he to judge them? Since he selfishly saved her without thinking. And instructing the doctors at the camp clinic to watch her when she was still in her dangerous state.

Maybe acting naive and secretly watching her next actions will be best. Yes! That will be the best!

He shook his head waving the thoughts at the back of his mind, he will torture her to death, she stepped inside a burning flame all by herself, and he will consume her as usual.

He chuckled darkly, the men watched his lips curving up into that mischievous grin, and they knew he was up to some devilish act.

"You didn't stress us all to save her, only to end up killing her." Rai blurted out.

Hastily, he stood up, causing the chair to fall backward. His eyes burn with fury, and it looks like he wants to burn Rai alive. "What are you up to, Rai" he thundered, grabbing him by the collar and flinging him to the other side of the room.

"You don't save to kill again." Rai coughed out blood. "You saved her."

"And I regret it." He spat."

Boyld can see the flame burning in his eyes, and it seems his anger intensifies the situation.

"There must be a reason you saved her"

"Shut up." He growled. " I will do it myself. You all can stick to your being useless title" He strode out of the room, shutting the door so hard behind him that everywhere was shaken and the men panicked.

They know he's the type that takes the deadliest actions when angry.

"Trust me she's dead" Samie rose his eyes on Bolyd.

Bolyd wanted to roll his eyes at him but pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind. Despite his playful nature, he knows how dangerous Samie can be when angry.

"A drop from Darshin will do the magic, or perhaps do it yourself," Samie said, disappearing the same fashion he came.

"Do you need my help?" Bolyd asked, but Rai throw him a look, and he strode towards the door same fashion as his master.

Standing up and cleaning himself, he looked at the remaining and gave out a long hiss.

"You will never change Rai." Ramsey said, standing up. "Calton and Arsonist will do the helping, I will take my leave then."

Arson throw him a deadly glare and he chuckled, leaving the room.

Rai gave them a nod, and they left as well.

Slowly he walked and sat on one of the chairs. He wondered what that man who is their master was up to. He looked troubled as he reminisces on how they brought her home.