

demi-God who fucked up time on a mission

Bizzaro · Sci-fi
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2 Chs


Name: Chal 'grut

EXP: 2300/12000

Level: 232

Class: powerhouse (B)

Title: None

HP: 14500/14500

MP: 7500/7500

STR: 1750

DEF: 1450

AGI: 2000

INT: 1500

Race: Sherud

Skills: Healing factor, freezing blood, speaking/reading every language known to mankind, superstrength, traveling at speed of sound (1,225 km/h). (Tier 1B)

I am Chal 'grut to you pitty humans I am a god, but for myself, I am a fucking moron. I was on a simple task warn Napoleon to not attack Russia! I mean it sounds simple and it should be for someone that has my powers, well it wasn't. It went kinda like this: I was in my ship which I named Pursuer, don't ask me why. I entered the date of 20.5.1812, It would give me a month to warn Napoleon to not make his biggest mistake. I landed in yes you guessed it in Cape Verde, an island off the coast of West Africa, it is mostly known to be the birthplace of Cristiano Ronaldo's mother, you know that guy who plays football. I need 10 days to get out of that place, I couldn't use my ship because it was advanced technology way out of this time. I traveled by ship to mainland Portugalia, and then I had some problems entering Spain but I resolved them. I was in France and the little guy was on the throne. I joined the army firstly hoping I would have the opportunity to speak with Napoleon, spoiler alert I didn't. After 5 days which I spent in the military, Napoleon came and spoke this his recruits, after his speech, I yelled Emperor Napoleon. He didn't hear me and I started running towards him, and since I can run up to 1,225 km/h, I caught him fast, I touched his arm and he was angry as hell and ordered his man to chop my head off instantly. Well, I kinda froze his blood, and he died. Yeah, little ups, now who would replace him on the throne, what will happen with France and the rest of Europe, How will this affect time? I didn't know what to do so I just went back to my time. Sheesh was I surprised, everything changed. Firstly only war known to mankind was The Great War and Germany won it, so the mustache man never came along, Austria absorbed Serbia. Technology speaking we were hundred years in the past. My ship was the most advanced thing at the time. There were no Nuclear weapons, heck people still haven't developed an atomic bomb. I knew I fucked up. So there was one thing left to do go back in time and fix everything, I just had a problem I had enough fuel for 2 jumps in time, but my time jump was set for 1.4.1800 and if I changed my date it would take some fuel so I couldn't come back. I went and searched up for chargers everywhere, but I couldn't find a charger for iPhone 6 and not a 60000mAh. I had to go to 1 of April 1800.