

*Rustling sound*

A man in his mid twenties bashed his way through the thick vegetation of the forest, covered in blood. His face, all bruised up and his legs covered in scars. Looking at the gaping hole at his stomach , he could only let out a sigh as he sought shelter under a tree.

Reflecting on his past, he realised how unlucky he was in life...

His parents died when he was at a young age, his only sibling was taken away by kidnappers the following year and his other family members shunned him, ignoring his pleas for shelter and food.

As such, he had to live independently, working day and night in order to get by. He thought his luck came when Aemiral Games , the biggest gaming company in the world, established a Super AI game that could run on its own called "Mystical Passage". Deciding to risk it all, he stopped working and invested all his time into the game but luck was not own his side as even though he enjoyed the game , he became an average player despite the hours and hours of grinding. But when he managed to get a Divine Sword from a hidden dungeon, word spread and he was eventually hunted down by the big guilds. Not wanting to give up the sword, the big guilds actually proceed to search for him in real life in order to capture him and get him to forcefully give them the weapon. Unfortunately for him, when escaping from his pursuers, he was shot in his stomach but through determination he ran into the nearby forest to hide from them resulting in his current situation now.

"God, Please grant me a happy next life." he pleaded as he took his last breath...