
Garen was escorted by four Black Fire Guards away from the Royal Library, towards Black Fire Palace.

It was completely dark in the Black Fire Palace; dark red patterns permeated the dark hall.

From a bird’s eye view, the room looked like a right-angled triangle, surrounded by round, dark red pillars, and on those pillars were inscriptions of different large black symbols with unknown meaning.

Opposite the Black Fire Palace was the Eleventh Palace of the Eleven Princesses. Twin statues stood towering against each other.

Garen left the administrative area, past the public area, and walked up towards the little stone bridge at the Black Fire Palace. Four Black Fire guards followed him from behind, all in heavy battle hoods which gave off a cold, stern air.

The guards and maids along the way all gave their respects to Garen.

To enter the Black Fire Palace proper, he had to pass through the Eleventh Palace first.