
Mystical Encounters

What would be the world like when humanity has supernatural abilities? This story revolved around a young girl named Irvene whose entangled in the world of magic. She strived to live and become the strongest. However, she's known to be the weakest. She's known to be an orphan, fragile, poor and a girl without knowledge Yet she goes through the forest, she builds her home and she knows alchemy. What is her true identity behind her innocent facade? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The story is a fantasy with a bit of mystery but they're still on planet Earth. The protagonist is struggling to find the truth behind the ruler's disappearance and the traitors within their country. She will be accompanied by Vaughn Estrama, Sid, Meryll and her other friends in solving their country's problems. *** Tags- Fantasy, Female Lead, mage, action, mystery, revenge, original, magic, spells -unedited (Read at your own risk :>)

ILLYAchan · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 50

Irvene's point of view

We swiftly ran towards the Essence Road. It was called like that because most of the workshops here create magic papers, spell books, potions, and other useful items. It was the most important thing a mage or even some class would need especially those that would travel outside our country.

At the same time, the Salford's manor was located near this road. It wasn't surprising at all for they sell magic papers and they were producing the best quality in our country.

Although it was called Essence Road, it was big as a town. Numerous huge workshops stayed here so the Essence Road wasn't small as its name portrayed. The road in its name came from the people calling it one because this place was one of the ways to succeed during long trips.

This place was often crowded during the day. As soon as the sun rose, those workshops would bring their stocks to the store that the people were allowed to enter and bought things.

It's still dark when we reached the last town that we need to pass before reaching Salford's place. Nonetheless, Meryll urged me to rest first because we didn't get the chance to sleep at all.

We rented a small house, enough for the two of us and arrange our things. Every town in Soul'e country would reserve houses or small rooms for anyone who wanted to stay for a few days thus we easily found a place to sleep with.

"Irvene, I'll be sleeping now. You should rest also and stop worrying about whatever's on your mind just for this time," Meryll said.

"Of course, I'll rest but let me chant some barrier spells first," I said.

Meryll wasn't able to talk since her eyes were gradually closing on its own. She only nodded and dropped herself on the bed.

I also felt sleepy but I needed to ensure our safety. My body felt the exhaustion and I was only able to chant two main barrier spells and eight sub-barrier spells.

Nonetheless, I didn't force myself. I sat on the chair with a small table in front of the two beds. What I meant in resting was not using magic and not sleeping immediately.

I missed cooking so I think I'll just do it.

I took some raw food on my infinite storage bracelet. It was two eggs, some vegetables, rice. I brought this to the small kitchen and started cooking.

The scent of stirring the vegetables into a small pan released a good smell. I added rice after it was left for minutes after being cooked and added the egg into it.

I yawned while cooking. "Finally, I'm about to finish," I uttered.

After cooking the fried rice, I placed it on the two plates I found in this house. I didn't forget to place another small serving on a plate. That's the one I would eat and leave the two large servings after our rest.

I placed a magic barrier so its heat would stay. It only required an insignificant amount of my magic so I think it wouldn't count.

After I savor the food I cooked, I cleaned my mess. Then, I walked towards the bedroom and rested on the bed.


When I opened my eyes, the sun was peeking through the curtains. I stood up and streched my arms.

I guessed that it's afternoon by now.

I shook Meryll's body slightly who's still relishing her energy despite sleeping for so long.

"Meryll, wake up now," I said.

Meryll's eyes opened and stretched her body before she stood up.

"Okay, I'm awake now. Are we leaving already?" she asked.

I shook my head. To wake her up, I released the magic barrier I made for the food and brought it to the table in the bedroom. The good scent of the food quickly went out. I heard her stomach grumbled.

"Food!" Meryll uttered.

"Let's eat now," I said.

While we're busy eating, she asked something.

"Did you cook this?" Meryll asked.

I nodded. When I did that, her brows furrowed.

"Didn't I told you to rest? We should just buy outside although I really like the food you cook. I'll tell this to Sid haha," Meryll uttered.

That made me laugh. These two have a lot to catch up on when they meet and I'm afraid that they would start to babble again on each other.

Nonetheless, they remained as good friends despite that competitive relationship with the two of them.

When we finished eating, I cleaned it up while Meryll took a bath. We took turns after. Our things were now well arranged and were ready to leave.

We only needed to wait for the man who offered us this small house. He didn't wait for us longer and took the small house's key afterward.

"Thank you for renting us the room. This is the 5 gold coins for our payment," Meryll said.

The man looked at us confusedly. "But your payment should only cost 2 gold coins," he said.

Meryll chuckled. "The remaining gold coins should be our thanks for letting us rent a vacant house in the middle of the night. Bye!" she said.

We heard him shouted thanks and waved goodbye for he didn't have the time to explain because we left quickly.

"I guess that he didn't recognize you as the Archmage," Meryll uttered.

"Well, they might have heard about me but they didn't know my face and I'm not wearing the Archmage's clothes," I explained.

Nonetheless, it was still a good thing that a few only recognize me because I'm in the middle of an important mission.

My long wait was over. We reached the tall gates of Salford's manor. The golden letters formed the word, House of Salford. Most of the family members especially from their main branch was living here with their luxurious lives.

Although I heard the news that they were quite brutal about their child's training thus it resulted in talented sons and daughters who were known at their school.

The Knight Guards suddenly appeared at the gate and questioned us. I didn't expect that someone would appear even at a far enough distance.

Were they always cautious like this?

Or because Headmaster Estrama visited?

I took out my Archmage's cloak from my bag and wore it.

"I'm Archmage Elvina and this is my associate, Miss Meryll Dellmira. We're here to visit since Headmaster Estrama came here and discuss with the Headmaster of Salford Family," I said.

The Knights seemed to be aware of my presence and already know what to do. They walked with us towards the gate and they opened it.

"Please follow us, Archmage Elvina and Miss Dellmira. We'll bring you to the hall and inform the Headmaster of your sudden visit," he said.

The long gate opened and we entered the vast garden of Salford's Manor. We strolled a long path to reach the entrance of the house and let us wait in the hall.

The two of us were sitting on the couch and Knights left us with a servant.

"Good Afternoon, Archmage Elvina, and Miss Dellmira, I'm Sedina Salford that will serve you the tea," Sedina said.

I nodded and let her leave and serve us tea. On the other hand, I don't know why a woman with the name of Salford to be a servant. I only ended up shrugging my shoulders.

"What if it has poison? Give me the antidote already," Meryll whispered.

I chuckled and gave her two kinds of antidote and Meryll hid it on her bag.

Not long after, Miss Sedina offered us the tea that we gladly drink. It was delicious. I hope it wasn't poisoned. She looked innocent to do bad things after all.

Nevertheless, we couldn't tell by their looks if someone was able or wasn't able to do horrible things.

Just like what I'm working on and finding out about someone's dark secret.