
Mystical Encounters

What would be the world like when humanity has supernatural abilities? This story revolved around a young girl named Irvene whose entangled in the world of magic. She strived to live and become the strongest. However, she's known to be the weakest. She's known to be an orphan, fragile, poor and a girl without knowledge Yet she goes through the forest, she builds her home and she knows alchemy. What is her true identity behind her innocent facade? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The story is a fantasy with a bit of mystery but they're still on planet Earth. The protagonist is struggling to find the truth behind the ruler's disappearance and the traitors within their country. She will be accompanied by Vaughn Estrama, Sid, Meryll and her other friends in solving their country's problems. *** Tags- Fantasy, Female Lead, mage, action, mystery, revenge, original, magic, spells -unedited (Read at your own risk :>)

ILLYAchan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter 3

Irvene started to stretch her arms after a good sleep. She slowly rose from the couch, still adjusting herself from the numbness she felt after sleeping.

The curtains were left opened and Irvene saw the bright crescent moon from the sky along with its stars.

'It's evening already huh?' Irvene thought.

Irvene remembered that she has something to do. She picked up the Eternal Black Lotus resting on the table and walked with hurried steps to the backyard.

When she reached her backyard, she sat on the wooden bench and looked around.

'Where should I place this?' Irvene thought.

Her garden was surrounded by a variety of flowers especially roses. It was her favorite kind of flower after all.

Some of it was rare and no one would think that those flowers were planted in the same area. Its rarity was enough to be traded for a few bars of gold so the ruckus it could cause must be great. Nonetheless, she would not let them knew about it.

When her gaze reached the small pond peacefully lying on the right corner of her garden, she stood up and went near it.

'This must be the right place!' Irvene thought.

Irvene really didn't mind the pond she created months ago as she has no use of it. Its purpose was just to serve as a decoration. Fortunately, she didn't remove it or else, she would spend hours to create one again.

Irvene carefully removed it from the glass case and placed it on the water.

The lotus was faintly glowing with black air and quietly stayed on the pond.

The Eternal Black Lotus' purpose isn't a decoration like a pond she created otherwise, she wouldn't have wasted her time if that was her reason.

Unknown to most people, one of its uses was to summon a living monster element. A plant type one for the lotus was a plant. On the other hand, knowing that the Eternal Black Lotus was material for summoning wasn't enough.

The most important one should be the capability of one to be a master and its knowledge about summoning otherwise, no living element would appear.

Furthermore, the summoned living element's appearance would not be the same for everyone no matter how similar the used material is. It was completely dependent on a person's character.

This would be the second time that Irvene would attempt to summon again. The first one was a fire living element which was Elis. A talented creature although she wouldn't say it out loud.

'His ego would just get bigger,' Irvene thought.

Sometimes, Irvene would have second thoughts about whether Elis was a suitable living element for her. She almost shook her head when she remembered how Elis was giving her constant headaches.

After placing the lotus in the pond, she stood up and went towards the kitchen after hearing her stomach grumbled.

Irvene prepared the ingredients and sliced it up with her knife skillfully. Since she couldn't use fire magic, she normally put up a small fire enough for the food to be cooked.

The smell of food being cooked always made her stomach grumbled although she patiently waited until it's finally cooked.

Irvene's food wasn't a normal dish for it contained special herbs that would help Elis to improve his abilities. It couldn't improve herself though but she liked its taste so she didn't mind.

"Living monster fire as fiery as its name, summon!" Irvene chanted.

Irvene's living element appeared quickly.

Elis' appearance was different when he wasn't fighting. His hair that was usually on fire was only in crimson color and his clothes were plain shirt and pants.

Normally, a living element wouldn't bother changing his appearance except when his master asked for it. The first time Elis did that, Irvene had to endure hearing his constant babble.

When Elis saw the food on the table that was just placed in the dining room, he swiftly ran towards the table. His body began to glow while eating for it because it improved his body once more.

When Irvene saw this, her eyes widen. She's afraid that her house might be burned down with his raging fire.

"Control your fire," Irvene said.

"But I'm not yet done! I'll finish this first," Elis said.

His mouth was still stuffed with food but he made sure that his words were clearly heard for he didn't want to experience his master's wrath.

While he's eating at a fast pace, Irvene's patience also quickly diminished. She raised her hand with her fingers ready to snap when Elis stopped him with words.

"O-okay," he answered.

Elis' body returned to normal and quietly eat while paying attention to his glowing body. He just didn't want to experience being splashed by water.

'Of course, I'll not let it occur,' Elis thought.

After a while, they both finish their meal. Irvene let Elis wander around while she took care of her plants and sleep after.

The next day, Irvene prepared a lot of things because she would go outdoors.

"I'll definitely own infinite storage in the future!" Irvene uttered.

When Irvene was ready, she walked towards the town with her old bag. It was good that no one caused her trouble and immediately reached the forest.

However, it's like uncommon monsters were waiting for her entrance. They started appearing even though, it was just the entrance of the forest.

"Those monsters were supposed to be found in the middle of the forest!" Irvene said.

Her brows furrowed and readied herself to fight. Her sliver staff appeared once again.

'Well, it couldn't be helped. I just needed to finish them,' she thought.

The monsters with black fur looked at her with red glowing eyes and started to growl.

Irvene made the first move before they would surround her. She moved at her fastest speed to increase their distance and chanted a spell.

"Iron chains mixed with poison, encircle the monsters and make them suffer!" Irvene shouted.

Her staff's golden marks glowed and iron chains slowly appeared into the monsters' body. It moved as if it has a life of its own.

The monsters began to howl in pain as the chains encircled its limbs and stomach thus blood came out of their bodies.

Irvene stopped moving and breathed hard. After that, she left them and started walking like nothing happened.

"Where should I start?" Irvene uttered.

Her reason for entering the forest which was the monsters' home was to find a spring. It was a spring that only a few could see because it created an illusion to protect itself from greedy people.

Meanwhile, Irvene couldn't decide where she would start so she only strolled the forest.

However, an hour had passed but she couldn't see a spring. She also killed monsters along her way although some of them ran away when they saw her.

Irvene rested for a while and closed her eyes.

Irvene opened her eyes when she heard something moving on the bushes. She stood up and walked towards it. Her eyes widened when she saw what was towards the tall bushes.

"A spring!" she shouted.

Her body seemed to refresh after seeing the beautiful spring in front. Irvene quickly ran and felt the cold, water from her hands

Not forgetting her purpose, she opened her bag and took an empty jar made out of glass.

'I finally obtained a jar of water from the spring of truth,' Irvene thought.

Irvene decided to rest here for a while. It's not every day that she could see this spring so she stayed here for a while. Furthermore, her feet still ached from continuous walking.

She stared at it until she saw a creature appeared. It was a very small creature that seemed not dangerous so she didn't interfere although its appearance was very attractive for a monster.

Its small round body slowly walked to the spring. A small amount of water floated into its mouth. It was a peaceful sight to see until that creature was on the brink of falling.

Irvene ran towards it but it worsened the situation.

That creature was startled and it really fell to the water. It was slowly falling on the depths of the spring.

Before that happened, Irvene used her powers to lift it up from the water. She could control water after all.

'Only once,' she said.

She really could control water but she limited the use of it because she needed to save magic to safely exit this forest.

When Irvene finally saved that creature, she opened her bag and used her towel to dry that creature. She also made the creature drink the potion that could improve one's condition.

Its snow-white fur was finally dried up and also its wings on its back. The small creature got better than before.

Irvene took it and place it on her lap.

"What creature are you?" Irvene asked.

Irvene couldn't identify this kind of monster. It wasn't even wild and hostile.

Irvene looked from above and remembered that she needed to come back home.

"Goodbye, little creature. Maybe we'll see again each other," Irvene said.

She stood up and walked towards the tall bushed. When walking, she sensed that something was following her and she wasn't wrong. The small creature was doing its best to follow her pace.

Irvene bent her body and looked at it. Although she didn't know if it could understand her, she started talking.

"You want to go with me," Irvene asked.

It jumped happily and flew towards her as a response. Irvene's eyes widened.

'It could fly?' she thought.

"If it really could fly then why did it let itself get drowned?" Irvene uttered.

Then, Irvene saw that its wings seemed to grow bigger. She quickly remembered that the potion she gave to it was the reason.

Since it was willing to go with her, Irvene raised her finger and two magic circles formed within them. She uttered some words and the magic circle became one. It disappeared after.

The process that she did was a contract towards a monster which was more common than summoning one since it was easier than the latter. Nonetheless, it could only be formed when both of them were willing thus it was also difficult especially when monsters were hostile to humans.

Irvene felt happy creating a contract towards this creature. It was the first time she decided to form a contract that wasn't a living element.

She started walking happily when she heard a loud howl that indicated how huge a monster it could come from.

"Living monster fire, as fiery as its name, I summon thee!" Irvene shouted.

Elis quickly appeared in front of her.

"I think that there might be a huge monster approaching and I need your help," Irvene said.

"Hmm, so can I burn it with all my might?" Elis asked.

His body was burning with fire and he wanted to try his powers after his body improved from that food.

"Okay, do whatever you want," Irvene answered.

She knew how he was desperate to use his powers. Suddenly, her eyes widened when she saw a gigantic monster. 

The monster was tall enough to stomp trees without efforts.

"Little one, stay beside me alright? We should get rid of this troublesome monster before we go home," Irvene said.

Although it couldn't understand her words, she still chose to speak.

"Master, it was quite a huge one!" Elis shouted.

Then his fire started to form into both his hands which were big enough to attack that huge monster.

"Be prepared. Find out its weak points and stay at a long distance," Irvene said.

'Why do I encounter strong monsters every time I went into this forest!' she said miserably.