
Mystical Encounters

What would be the world like when humanity has supernatural abilities? This story revolved around a young girl named Irvene whose entangled in the world of magic. She strived to live and become the strongest. However, she's known to be the weakest. She's known to be an orphan, fragile, poor and a girl without knowledge Yet she goes through the forest, she builds her home and she knows alchemy. What is her true identity behind her innocent facade? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The story is a fantasy with a bit of mystery but they're still on planet Earth. The protagonist is struggling to find the truth behind the ruler's disappearance and the traitors within their country. She will be accompanied by Vaughn Estrama, Sid, Meryll and her other friends in solving their country's problems. *** Tags- Fantasy, Female Lead, mage, action, mystery, revenge, original, magic, spells -unedited (Read at your own risk :>)

ILLYAchan · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 16

Irvene's point of view

I never thought that this silver ring would hinder me on manipulating magic a lot than I ever expected. It sucks when everyone forbids me in using my magic that I often feels very feeble and that made me sighed deeply.

We have no classes today because it's weekend, so I decided to stroll down at the capital city of Soul'e. The busy crowd of the city is boundless and the clamor at the Spirit park caught my attention. The people are in a circled position, and they're listening to someone in the center. I reckoned that it's not something good based on their furrowed eyebrows and furious reactions.

I joined to the commotion and listened to them but I'm stunned about what he is saying. The old man who is standing in the center has been babbling about the higher ups of the Spirit Mining Company and how they were treated as lowly persons. If this continues, I would not question how our country's economy goes down a hundred times.

Father had ensured a good relationship to the miners that caused them to work hard but I didn't know what happened after father's death. I won't let father's tribulations go to waste.

"Excuse me, may I know who is the current leaders of Spirit Mining Company?" I asked a person beside me whose paying attention to that old man.

He looked at me as if I don't know anything. "Are you kidding me? Everyone in Soul'e country knew that the Estrama Family had taken full authority to the Spirit mountain when it comes to mining and other related activities since the death of Ruler Timothy Elvina. Their ways of handling miners is harsh and only cared about their fortunes. I don't know why Ruler Mavien Elvina doesn't warn them. He would not become a good leader because of his actions," he said.

I understand his hatred towards the Estrama Family, but he shouldn't judge Brother Mavien as a bad leader. I know that Brother Mavien is doing his best to rule a country and maintain its harmony, even though brother didn't want that position.

Estrama family is one of the richest family in Soul'e country and I didn't know how they run their businesses. Based on the noisy crowd here and their headmaster's attitude, I guessed that they're hiding something, although I didn't have the slightest idea what is it about.

I walked away from them and came back to the castle. I wanted to hear from Brother Mavien about what's happening to the Spirit Mining Company.

"Irvene, do you need something?" I turned my body and saw sister Adelaine.

"I want to talk to Brother Mavien, sister." I said to her, but she shook her head slowly.

"You couldn't enter there for now. Brother Mavien and Maven are in a meeting with the councilors and generals," Sister Adelaine said.

"Okay, maybe next time," I said. Brother Mavien is slowly fixing the country's problems, and he has his own ways and I decided not to interfere with his work.

I'm walking outside the castle when I saw two bodies from afar. They're knights but their actions seemed suspicious.

"Remember, it's name is the Secrets of Spells book. It's the only one with the former ruler's name," a knight said.

My eyes widen when I heard what they're talking about.

"Intruder!" I made huge ice spikes at their positions, but only one of them was imprisoned by my ice spikes. I tried many times but it won't work! I let the other one to escape because of my faulty spells.

I hate this ring!

I stepped near the man that I successfully imprisoned. "I heard what you're talking about earlier. Why do you want to steal the former ruler's own book? Who commanded you to do that?" I looked at him with a lot of resentment on my face.

No one should steal my father's possession, especially that book.

"Talk!" I shouted. He won't say anything. I don't have a choice but to bring you to brother Mavien. Good luck!

"Blazing fire and deadly earth, pair of vigorous entities, I summon thee!" I chanted.

I waited for Elis and Ivy to appear but nothing happened and I heard something breaking. It's the ice spikes! He's trying to escape. Okay, focus Irvene and try one more time.

"Blazing fire and deadly earth, pair of vigorous entities, I summon thee!" I chanted again and fire and thorns started to form into humans.

"Master!" They both said and asked me what they would do. I pointed the man that I caught and ordered them to tie him. They're right in time because he managed to escape from my ice spikes. I really needed to practice spells that didn't use too much mana.

Elis knocked him down while Ivy tied him with her plants. We made our way inside the castle and I saw Vaughn and Sid.

"Who is that?" Sid asked me while he's looking at the tied man.

"An intruder," I said. I saw their eyes widen.

"Did you saw sister Adelaine? I remembered that Brother Mavien and Maven are busy, so I should talk to her first," I explained.

"I'll call her," Vaughn said. He walked upstairs while we waited for him.

Afterwards, we saw Vaughn walking downstairs with Sister Adelaine. Her face showed a calm expression, yet it changed when she glanced at this unconscious man.

"Irvene, will you let Elis bring him to the prison in underground? Brother Maven will deal with that man later," Sister Adelaine said.

"Okay," I answered.

Elis brought him underground while I let Ivy rest.

"We should be wary of the people here in the castle. There might be another intruder," Vaughn said.

He's right and I'm lucky enough to catch that man before anything would happen. The three of us went outside the castle to breathe some fresh air.

"Irvene, did you see Meryll outside? She said that she will be back early but many hours had passed already," Sid said.

Suddenly, we saw her walking inside and I didn't fail to saw her injuries.

"What happened to you!"