
Mystica: The story of the reincarnated god

Img made with ai A total jerk who was reincarnated into a new world as a second chance.

ThatwriterRIN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

An understanding.

[if mission is not completed conse...]

``I get it, so I have to do missions and hunt down animals to eat, but why a worm ew..?``

Shin had no idea where he would even find a croissant? Cresin? Cres... Something worm but he was desperate to find food even though he'd never imagine eating a damn worm, he wasn't gonna sleep without food today it was no time for complaining.

He decided to walk further into the forest and look for a Cresent worm even though he had no idea what they look like.

``I wonder if they're small or big...``

Shin continued his search and after 1 or 2 hours he had spotted something big, long and blue moving behind some bushes.

Shin decided to go look at what it was because it might have been an an animal.

He ran towards it and it resembled a worm so Shin was sure this was a Cresent worm and he wanted to eat it up almost instantly, he was salivating, he couldn't help but salivate as saliva dripped from his mouth.

It looked like it was the most plump, juiciest, most biggest and probably the most savory worm he'd ever seen in his whole lifetime.

``what is even happening to me, it looks so... Yummy...I never imagined thinking this way`` He said while drooling over the worm.


[Cresent worm: Lvl 1]

Shin attacked the benild worm right then.

[Skill clash used]

[Skill clash: Lvl 1]

Shin now knew that when he uses a skill the system tells him, he found it slightly annoying but he just needed to eat right now.

``I.. will devour you..`` he said out of control.

The attack wounded the worm but shin wasn't gonna stop right there, he decided to bite the worm. He felt like he had so much killing intent.

[Skill bite used]

[Skill bite: lvl 1]

This attack did critical damage to the Cresent worm and it was almost dead this time, Shin was drooling even more over the worm as the fresh smell of flesh went up his nose, he was getting so impatient now. Shin decided to end it off with one more attack.

[Skill clash used]

[Skill clash usage: 2]

This time, the worm completely worn out and collapsed, Shin immediately bit into the worm, it was surprisingly tasty, so tasty in fact that Shin soon ate the whole worm in just 3 minutes because he was that hungry.



[New skill obtained: Dash]

``That was easier than i thought`` shin said out loud.

Shin was really happy he got rewarded for his first hunt, at least he wasn't only doing it for the sake of food now.

Shin had never imagined himself doing anything like this before.

``what kind of human would think this anyway... haha, not like I'm a human anymore. imagine that``

Now that Shin thought of it, walking on four paws was hella weird, it felt so wrong to walk like that. at least he wasn't too slow, he was pretty fast.

He wanted to explore some more around the forest, maybe he'd meet some other wolves or animals, not like he really looked forward to meeting anyone.

He was still wondering why he was being called your majesty earlier though, he's never been anything close to royalty before since he probably really was it was cool and weird, looks like he was a wolf with a high title. Not like he could know how it really was because his whole pack/clan wolf group thing was probably wiped out by now.

After a long time of walking around, there was no sign of anything or anyone, shin decided to rest by some shade from a tree for a while since he had nothing better to do.

He fell into a deep sleep for a few hours. Shin woke up without opening his eyes yet because he felt like keeping them closed as he didn't want to wake up.

By the time Shin had woken up it was already dark.

``ouch! What the heck?! Why is the ground so hot it burns!``

Shin opened his eyes immediately and what he saw was that he was completely surrounded by fire!

``now I know why its so hot.. those imbecile. humans probably did it``

How was he gonna save himself this time?

``Uhm.. my stomach hurts...``

He felt a sudden pain in his stomach and all of his paws were hurting him as he stood on the burning hot ground.

He decided to risk it, he was gonna attempt jumping over the flames as even though they seemed too high. He began to run with all his might despite his pain he jump at his highest failing into the burning hot flames. He felt no pain as he went through the flames.

No damage was done at all and he began running, he was a bit slower as his stomach was in a lot of pain.

``What the fuck.. those flames did nothing? Wasn't the ground just burning my paws?``

There was a lake up ahead of him and he jumped into it because that would protect him from the fire.

Shin successfully made it into the water and he remembered he couldn't swim, he didn't panic and and calmly let his body get used to the water doing slow movements until soon he got the hang of it, it was pretty easy though his stomach was still in a lot of pain.

After a while of swimming Yu Shin looked at the other side and there was a ferocious bear up on the land.

Shin tried to change directions but he unfortunately failed and had to face it when a system notification came up.


[Luminous Bear spotted]

[New mission]

[Hunt Luminous Bear]

[Time to achieve: 5 days, 5 hours, 55 minutes 08 seconds]


This got Shin really angry because he was injured somehow and was in a lot of pain, he could barely even run and now he had to hunt a bear.

Yu was getting a little relaxed when he noticed the amount of time he had, his wounds would have healed a bit in 3 or 4 days and the fifth he'd hunt the bears, this made Shin feel relieved, not that he knew when he learned how to tell when a wound would heal.

He had to make a run for it as soon as he reached the land so he doesn't get ripped apart or something.

To be continued.....