
Mystic Woods: Hogwarts and Marvel

"Mystic Woods: Hogwarts and Marvel" is a thrilling tale of magic, heroism, and self-discovery, blending the enchanting elements of Hogwarts with the dynamic adventures of the Marvel universe. An ordinary person is reincarnated with the extraordinary opportunity to traverse both the magical world of Hogwarts and the superhero-filled universe of Marvel. Guided by a mysterious holographic entity, He undergo a meticulous character creation process, selecting abilities and traits from many realms. NOTE-It’s my very first time writing or posting anywhere. Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the universe created by JK Rowling. The original characters, settings, and other elements belong to JK Rowling and their respective copyright holders. This story is not endorsed by JK Rowling or any associated parties. It is created purely for entertainment and personal enjoyment.

ELEVENWORKS · Book&Literature
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Chapter 5 – The Random Coincidence

After 1 Year

Main Character's POV

It has been a year since I started meditating and doing a bit of yoga, and the results were surprisingly good. At first, I thought it was easy, but after some reflection, I realized it shouldn't be this easy. So, after checking my status, I found the reason for connecting to nature so easily. It came down to one of my perks:

Sage Body: High chakra storage capacity, high nature affinity, peak physique. Can awaken special chakra skills – Instant Healing (only for Senju bloodline), Healing Bite (only for Uzumaki bloodline), Mind of Kagura (40% chance to awaken for Senju bloodline, 60% chance to awaken for Uzumaki bloodline).

Although it has not been awakened due to the ninja class being locked, it still provides me with enough buffs. Now I can clearly say that I am in tune with nature. Not only that, but I also seem to resonate with life forms. Maybe it's like how Aang from "Avatar: The Last Airbender" felt when he unlocked his chakra. I can feel the chakra.

[Achievement: Jedi Section Unlocked]

[Achievement Points for Jedi Section: 2 points – for unlocking the Force]

What the hell? Where is my chakra? Why is the Force unlocked? What the hell is the Force now? Is it supposed to be vector manipulation? If it is not, then why am I doing so many calculations every day? It got to the point that even my dreams came in the form of numbers.

And if the Force is like this, then what is chakra? It feels like my initial assumptions are wrong. Why does the ninja class Sage Body have nature affinity if it has nothing to do with chakra? No, it feels like I am shooting an arrow forward, and it hits the back target.

From a General POV

Mother: "What happened, sweetie? You ended the meditation early."

Ash: "Nothing, mom. I don't feel like doing it."

Mother: "Did something happen? You never give up on meditation."

Ash: "I don't think it is helpful anymore."

Mother: "Why, sweetie?"

Ash: "I think I was wrong. I need to change my approach."

Mother: "But will you stop meditating after thinking?"

Ash: "Maybe not, but I will do this session in the afternoon."

Mother: "Okay, but don't stop meditating. It may be useful in future magic education."

Ash: "Okay, mom."

Main Character's POV

Now let's see what the Force is.

[Force: The Force is a mystical energy field generated by all living things that binds the galaxy together.]

Now for my status.


Status *Notice

Name: Ash Rowanwood


Primary: Wizard [Locked]

Secondary: Ninja [Locked]

*Secondary: Jedi [Unlocked]

Magical Energy: 5


Wizard: N.A.

Ninja: N.A.

Jedi: 2


Senju Bloodline – Wood

Sage Body

Chakra Control

Nature Energy Proficiency

Iryōjutsu Proficiency

Force Control Proficiency

Sense Proficiency

Innate Ability: Psychometry

Eidetic Memory

Equipment (From Legendary Magic Pack):

Perfectly compatible wand

Legendary Magical Beast Egg

Grimoire (blank)

Legendary level unique magic generation ticket



Congrats on making your first achievement. Here are the rules for the achievement points:

- Achievement points are used for the lottery.

- The lottery function is only available for those classes in which you are not currently residing, regardless of achievement points in the class whose world you are in. In your case, since you are in your training world, the lottery function for the primary class is locked.

- If achievement points for the main class are obtained in the training world, they can be used in the main world after the tutorial is complete.

- The lottery consists of 2 types:

- 1 point = 1 lottery draw, in which the lottery item can be of any category, but the lower limit generally corresponds to the host's status.

-10 points = 1 lottery draw, in which the item obtained is of rare quality, generally useful or needed for the user.

- Only items can be obtained from the lottery; no abilities or people will be granted.

- It is not forbidden to give lottery items to others, but it is not advisable or encouraged.


So, I can't gain knowledge and become a powerful wizard by sitting at home. I have to go to the outside world where a war is going on at this moment. Maybe it will be resolved by the time I go to school.