
Mystic:trials of gods

"We took it for granted now we are left alone! " God is finally dead and the creatures of the void have come upon us.

Cyner_Hundris · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 : Authority

<BLESSINGS> gifts given to people once the protector fell.

most start to receive from an early age, geniuses from birth. people stop amass blessings in different ways doing a good deed or evil deed sometimes they just receive it randomly no one chooses the gifts they receive it is entirely random, you could receive a gift so powerful to make a world tremble at your feet or so useless you are slightly stronger than the average man but everyone receives a gift.

"but what the fuck is an authority ?


I have been here for a week after waking up, at first the doctors were surprised how I awakened so soon and how I healed so fast, same as me I have no bloody idea what the hell is going on. all I know is that after I woke up this useless prompt showing I acquired an authority has been Infront of me.

at first I tried alot of stuff but I still can't seem to understand what it means.

Knock Knock

"who is it ?

Jonathan: yo it's me

Cyril: oh hey Jonathan,come in

Jonathan sits on the chair next to the bed.

Jonathan: you feeling alright dude the doctor says you have no problems, but you have to stay a few more days to run some tests.

Cyril: I'm fine, you know what I feel better than fine I feel great.

Jonathan : soooo how'd it feel ?

Cyril : how'd what feel ?

Jonathan: death dude, like doctors said you died and shit next thing your heart just restarted and stuff. real creepy shit right there . WAIT!! are you like a zombie right now ? are you going to eat my brains?

Cyril: pfft


they both burst into laughter

Jonathan: dude alot of shit happened while you were in a coma .

Cyril: like what?

Jonathan: check this out

he pulls out a silver helmet with a black lense from his backpack

Cyril: wait is that ?

Jonathan: yup the BRX215 the best shit in the whole world absolute gaming heaven. and guess what I managed to snag an extra pair just for you.

Cyril: damn! thanks man I owe you one.

Jonathan: oh and Sophia said I should hand you this also.

he hands a gift card to Cyril

Cyril: wait Sophia!! the same Sophia class 3A beauty.

Jonathan: yup.

Cyril: wait how did she know I was in the hospital?

Jonathan: dude, everyone knows you are in the hospital you were all over the news, apparently the truck that ran you over belonged to the white feather guild, they were transporting ores for the next ship to planet NOAH.

Cyril: seriously ?

Jonathan: ya, and to not sue they credit your account with 5million rudes and paid your medical expenses. you became rich overnight bra, I wish I was the one that got run over.

Cyril: did you just say 5 million?

Jonathan: ya, well I have to get going my parents wouldn't like it if I am late, tonight is movie night, bye

Cyril: bye


Cyril: now back to understanding what the hell this thing is


he taps the prompt a few times but nothing happens


"if only this Authority would just open"


changes began to appear on the prompt.

[Authority: rights given to *;";";!"!+$- so they can. √|^`°`°`^¢. over $+_:_!_+;_: giving them greater abilities.

Acquired Authorities: exponential growth]

"What the hell's wrong with this thing ? most of it is unreadable. hmmm authority open "

[EXPONENTIAL GROWTH: unlike the BLESSING (growth) this authority allows one to grow ten times as fast ]

" isn't it normally meant to be twice as fast for the BLESSING growth, doesn't this mean I can literally put less effort and still grow as fast as the top rankers "

" now that I'm awakened I should have a status like the rest "

"STATUS open "

{ Name : Cyril

Race : :human, (bhgv_+$;8;)


health : 5



Authorities: exponential growth (c)


"how come I have 2 races? and, the other one is in a mess, and what's with the number beside the authority?


"I just seem to have more questions the more I feel I'm getting somewhere"