
Mystic Tales : Ruined Kingdom [Draft r18+]

[Warning] this story contians sensitive , explicit , subtext and mature content with themes. Read/view at your own discretion. This is a spin-off fatnasy story from the isekai webnovel original with the protagonist Nova. This Begins in the final showdown with the Anti-Goddess , however this time its a scenario for a branch/alternative timeline if Nova , Tim and Dorothy died and didn't survive the battle.. The Focus for thsi story are the survivors Chocola and Astra. Especially Astra , the long lost triplet and identical brother of Nova. will the higher stakes motivate him for Revenge? Rather , if this new side of the story takes a turn if he stays the same way? maybe even a better change?

Mystic_Magnificous · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Vengeance' rising Barren Path

With determination and a new sense of purpose, Astra donned his special mask and hoodie, marking himself as a Shadow Knight, the Cardinal no. 0. He was a secret left-hand subordinate of Estella, but now he intended to break free from her control and never obey her again. He initiated his shadow travel and sight abilities, using them to observe the world through the perspective of shadows.

Astra's journey took him to various individuals, some already defeated but not killed by Nova and his allies, while others remained trapped in lithostasis, their lives cast into stone statues by the cursed spell of the Prime Entertainer. It was a new path, one of defiance and retribution, as he sought to make amends for the past and right the wrongs of his shadowed history.

As Astra continued to observe and gather information, he made a solemn vow never to treat the individuals he encountered as comrades but rather as pawns or potential enemies against Estella. His determination grew stronger with every revelation.

He noted the disturbing sight of Estella, her missing arm now healed but with a gaping hole in her gut. Her unusual reliance on her luscious lavender hair as tentacle-like limbs intrigued and unnerved him.

With his observations complete, Astra left the shadows, armed with his magical assassination weapons and tools, ready to embark on his revenge killing spree. His path was set, and he was determined to bring justice to those who had wronged him and his family.

Astra, the Shadow Knight, embarked on his vengeful journey, stealthily eliminating the faction knights. He used his mana-sight to detect key weak points in their defenses and observed their soul's aura light. When that light dimmed and went out, he knew they had met their end.

His path of vengeance was marked by silent but calculated strikes, as he sought to bring down those who had been complicit in his past and present suffering.

In a haunting montage, Astra executed his revenge killings with eerie precision. After each silent strike, he whispered a theatrical line, "The shadows shall pay retribution."

The air was filled with the sounds of screams, muffled agony, and the clash of weapons, a chilling symphony of retribution that echoed through the darkness. Astra's relentless quest for justice continued, each life he took a step toward avenging the past.

Astra paused for a moment, casually using a cleansing glyph hand motion to wash away the bloodstains from his outfit. His actions were a stark contrast to the violence he had just unleashed. Without missing a beat, he continued on his relentless path, determined to wipe out the order led by the Prime Entertainer, moving with deadly purpose toward his next goal.

Astra ascended to the 85th floor, where he confronted the screeching theatrical masks that were the tragic results of Estella's experiments on mana-born children, once amazing mages and magic users. They had been reduced to mindless puppets, twisted into grotesque amalgamations.

Pausing to observe the scene, Astra imitated an ingenuine chuckle, masking his true emotions with his talent for imitation and technical acting. He taunted, "Hahahaha, you don't like connecting with mortals, eh, Mad Hatter?"

His words were meant to provoke the Mad Hatter and uncover any vulnerabilities or weaknesses that could help him in his mission.

Mad Hatter: "Unfazed, are you? The precious favorite STAR of Estella, once shining brightly, has indeed become tarnished. It's almost pitiable."

Mad Hatter: "Blame not only Chocola but yourself as well. You were supposed to be the loyal instrument of her will. Yet here you stand, rebelling and failing to achieve victory, losing your precious companions."

Mad Hatter's words were filled with a sense of mockery and contempt, highlighting Astra's perceived failure and rebellion against his former allegiance to Estella.

Astra's glare intensified, and an ominous purple aura enveloped him as he created shadow constructs. He dashed forward with inhuman speed, attacking with determination.

Astra: "SAYS THE MAN that enjoys killing people as she asks! Compare to me, I need it to survive to her every whim!"

Mad Hatter deftly dodged and parried with his magic, a sinister grin on his face.

Mad Hatter: "It's a personal agreement and favor I have with Estella. I get what I want, and she gets her twisted pleasure."

Their battle was a clash of wills and abilities, with Astra determined to break free from the control of the Mad Hatter and Estella.

Astra: "Then you had no pity when she kidnapped, or made you kidnap, the 4-year-old me, lost in a village forest and separated from my family? Or the time she forced me to starve and deprived me of sleep in that personal chamber, all because I lacked the intent to kill at 6 years old, to be transformed into a mystical animal or person soon to become her killer slave?"

Mad Hatter: "My, my. After suppressing those emotions into detachment, making you a cold-hearted and perfect tool for killing rivals to her eminence, yet... here you are showing weakness."

Their exchange revealed the dark and twisted path that Astra had been forced to walk, his emotions now resurfacing as he confronted his tormentor. The battle was not only physical but a reckoning of his past and his struggle for freedom.

As the clash continued, Mad Hatter warned Astra with an eerie calmness, "Killing me or Estella won't bring your loved ones back."

The atmosphere crackled with tension as their battle raged on, the truth of Mad Hatter's words a stark reminder of the painful reality Astra had to face.

With a relentless determination, Astra finally landed the fatal blow on the Mad Hatter, causing excruciating pain. He twisted the enemy's limbs and aimed for a final, torturous blow, making him scream in agony.

Astra: "Don't flatter yourself. I shall relish slowly killing you, compared to the others I killed over the years, which was instant and quick."

His words were filled with a chilling resolve as he sought retribution for all the suffering he had endured.

Astra continued to methodically cut off the Mad Hatter, his expression cold and unyielding. The Mad Hatter's screams filled the room, but there was a twisted smile on his face as he managed to mutter a warning, "If I'm gone, you may regret it in the future."

Astra's actions were driven by a need for justice and revenge, and he remained resolute even in the face of his enemy's ominous words.

As the Mad Hatter drew his last breath, his final words were a plea: "Please... Don't tell Little Alice." Astra was left gasping, wondering who this "Little Alice" was and why the Mad Hatter had mentioned her.

The childlike immortal, the magical elevator operator of the palace, was a small, petite girl with a blue dress, white frills, blond hair, and blue eyes. She had only ever remembered her vow as the elevator operator for eternity, as Estella had cast immortality or frozen her natural aging, much like the faction knights.

Astra was left perplexed by the Mad Hatter's final words. What did he mean by asking not to tell "Little Alice" that he was dead or that he was the Prime Entertainer? In the midst of his thoughts, he dropped his special magical mana amplifier, <Enigma Edge>, his celestial regalia, marking the end of their confrontation.

Astra, in the aftermath of the bloodshed and the conclusion of his battle, was overcome with a sense of shock and remorse. His alter ego persona, speaking with a teen's voice and displaying emotionally sensitive mannerisms, questioned the events with genuine distress.

Alter Ego Astra: "What happened? No, no... What have I done?"

The weight of his actions and the darkness he had unleashed weighed heavily on him, leading to a moment of self-reflection and doubt.

Astra, in a moment of panic and self-doubt, momentarily shifted into his main persona. However, he quickly regained his composure and reverted to his usual demeanor, his resolve unwavering.

Astra: "Right, serves them right for serving a tyrannical queen for so long, or rather a hypocrite deity that is actually just a mortal like us."

His conviction to seek justice and bring an end to the reign of Estella remained intact, despite the emotional turmoil he had briefly experienced.

Astra, now more powerful than ever due to the souls he had consumed, stood before Estella on the 99th floor. The Empress was in a weakened state, missing arms and bearing visible injuries. Her stardust eyes bore into him as she began to speak, but Astra didn't let her finish.

He threw a kunai with deadly precision, cutting her off, and replied with a cold and resolute tone:

Astra: "Your lies and manipulations end here, Estella. I'll no longer be your pawn, and your reign of terror is over."

His words were filled with determination, and he was ready to confront the one who had caused him so much pain and suffering.


As Estella attempted to gaslight Astra, she mocked his past emotional self that had ceased at the age of six, a transformation she believed was necessary for her rule. They began to approach each other, and she asked him what he was feeling right now.

Astra remained unfazed by her taunts, his eyes locked onto hers with a cold, steely resolve.

Astra: "What am I feeling? I'm feeling a profound desire for justice and a longing to free myself from your chains. Your games and lies won't work on me anymore, Estella."

His words were delivered with a tone of unwavering determination, as he readied himself for the final confrontation.

Estella's smirk remained, and she continued to taunt Astra.

Estella: "Hehe, justice, yet your expression and tone say otherwise, boy. A flickering star, was that the word? Vengeance? You think killing me could end suffering?"

Astra's resolve only grew stronger, and he replied with conviction.

Astra: "No, it won't end all suffering, but it will end yours. It's a start, Estella, and a necessary one."

His determination to bring her to justice was unwavering, and he was ready to face the final battle.

Estella's lavender hair transformed into a rapier, and both Astra and Estella assumed duel stances, ready for their final showdown.

The air was charged with tension as the two adversaries faced each other, their fates entwined in this climactic battle. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the first move in this long-anticipated confrontation.

Astra and Estella remained locked in their duel stances, circling each other with intensity. Estella, with a hint of curiosity, decided to probe Astra's emotions.

Estella: "What did you see in me, Astra? What feelings did I evoke in you?"

Astra's eyes were unwavering, his grip on his weapon firm, as he spoke:

Astra: "I saw a deceiver, a manipulator who tore my family apart. I felt anger, betrayal, and a burning desire for justice."

Their battle began with a clash of blades and the release of powerful magic. Sparks flew as they fought, each blow and strike resonating with their history of pain and betrayal. The room was filled with the echoes of their conflict, and it was clear that this was a battle neither of them would walk away from unscathed.

As their duel raged on, Astra's determination to end Estella's reign grew even stronger, and he fought with every ounce of his being. He was determined to bring an end to the suffering she had caused, no matter the cost.

Estella's words echoed in the midst of their fierce battle, her voice revealing a shared hatred.

Estella: "Good. You hate the gods too, right? I hate them too for not rewarding me with godhood, despite being a powerful magic user and having one of their blood."

Astra's eyes remained locked on her, his determination unyielding.

Astra: "Hating the gods won't absolve you of your crimes, Estella. You've caused too much pain."

Their conflict continued, both fueled by their shared resentment toward the divine beings, but also driven by their own personal motives and history. The battle showed no signs of ending as they clashed with all their might, their fates intertwined in this final duel.

Until he finally behead her as he doesn't there to look and extract her hear that has the ki (spirit core) the soul and separates the avatar of the other half of Chocola's goddess spirit and the other half is Estella's true appearance as her physical body rotted into an old baggy lady


In the midst of their grueling battle, Astra's determination prevailed as he finally beheaded Estella. He didn't stay to look at the aftermath, instead swiftly extracting her heart, which contained the ki, or spirit core, and separating the avatar of the other half of Chocola's goddess spirit.

As Estella's physical body withered into an old, decrepit form, the battle came to a dramatic and decisive end. Astra's quest for justice was fulfilled, and the reign of the tyrannical Empress was no more. The room was filled with an eerie silence, marking the conclusion of this long and intense battle.


Astra, panting from mana exhaustion, consumed the mortal soul and witnessed Chocola, the Indigo Goddess Spinel, magically summon her awakened form. She appeared before him as her true self, though there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Chocola: "It is done. The goal has been achieved, but I cannot return with my full power. I must go back to the Divine realm for a discussion. There's a god above who can turn back time."

Astra nodded, acknowledging the need for Chocola to fulfill her divine duties. The room was filled with a sense of accomplishment and a shared understanding that their actions had far-reaching consequences.

Astra bid farewell to the Indigo Goddess Spinel and then turned his attention to the lifeless forms within the chamber. He knelt in silent mourning, a heavy weight in his heart as he looked upon the corpses of his former companions and the ashes of Estella, the once-powerful Equinox.

There were no tears, only a deep sense of closure and reflection on the events that had unfolded. The room held the echoes of their tumultuous journey, and Astra paid his respects to the fallen, his resolve to bring justice and end the suffering stronger than ever.

As Astra knelt in the chamber, an eerie feeling overcame him. In his mindscape, something extraordinary occurred. Instead of merging both of his identities into one, the alter ego began to fade, vanishing into the depths of his consciousness. It was as if a part of him had died, and the change was accompanied by a mysterious reaction.

In the center of the chamber, a holy altar emitted a powerful sonic wave that overwhelmed him. Astra's vision blurred, and he fell unconscious, leaving questions about the implications of this transformation.

As Astra experienced intense internal pain, he panted subconsciously, unable to fully comprehend the changes happening to him. He then fainted once more.

His shadow trails moved with purpose, gently sinking the corpses of his former companions into an underground grave, granting them a respectful resting place.

A transformation was taking place. Astra's outfit underwent an avatar awakening, and his physical appearance shifted. His black hair now bore blue galactic highlights, and his eyes transformed into black starry orbs with a purple hue and violet lining. His distinctive antlers were now grey and horned, and an extra thread-like appendage emerged, resembling arms, from his belt that had a comet-like design.

The room remained shrouded in an air of mystery as Astra underwent these profound changes, his fate and identity taking on new dimensions.

Astra took a deep breath, and as he did, his transformation continued. He now possessed a set of demonebeast-like teeth, and his outfit had undergone a dramatic change. It resembled a shredded cloak, revealing his chest with a black star-like pattern and a swirling black hole on his back. His pants now featured a fishnet design, and his torso displayed a lean, muscular build with a touch of bulkiness.

His appearance had been altered significantly, and he now bore a more otherworldly and powerful presence. The room held an air of intrigue and uncertainty as he adjusted to this new form.


As Astra panted, feeling the immense power coursing through his new form, an aching feeling in his heart gave rise to uncertainty. His long black nails lightly touched his face as he contemplated his existence.

He uttered questions that swirled in his mind: "Who am I? Is the Mad Hatter right? Am I empty with my revenge? And what happened to my body?"

His transformation had left him with a sense of emptiness, and he was grappling with both the changes to his physical form and the deeper questions about his identity and purpose. The room remained silent, offering no immediate answers to his inner turmoil.

Astra coughed and looked around in alarm. The mirrored walls of the chamber reflected his new appearance, and the sight of himself with his altered form, including the fossil-like crown, sent shivers down his spine.

Mesmerized and uncomfortable, he began to experience hallucinations. In his mind, he heard an echoing voice, reminiscent of Estella's, saying, "I raised you so you're going to end up just like me."

These unsettling visions and the echoes of Estella's words added to the turmoil in his mind, making him question the path he had chosen and the consequences of his actions. The room felt like a place of reflection and inner conflict, where his transformation had left him with a profound sense of uncertainty.

Astra couldn't bear the unsettling reflections any longer, and with determination, he shattered them using his comet-belted tail. As he did so, a searing headache and a wave of heat washed over him.

Reverting back to his usual form, with starry black eyes still, he uttered a solemn oath: "No, I don't regret this. I shall make sure to torture anyone that gets in my way or tries to ruin my revenge."

His resolve remained unshaken, and his path toward vengeance was unwavering. The room, once filled with reflections of his altered self, was now clear, and Astra was prepared to continue his quest.

 Along with his original form reverted with his usual shadow knight look , black hair , blue eyes, fair skin with the aura of lifelessness yet filled with that motive of revenge.