
Mystic Tales : Ruined Kingdom [Draft r18+]

[Warning] this story contians sensitive , explicit , subtext and mature content with themes. Read/view at your own discretion. This is a spin-off fatnasy story from the isekai webnovel original with the protagonist Nova. This Begins in the final showdown with the Anti-Goddess , however this time its a scenario for a branch/alternative timeline if Nova , Tim and Dorothy died and didn't survive the battle.. The Focus for thsi story are the survivors Chocola and Astra. Especially Astra , the long lost triplet and identical brother of Nova. will the higher stakes motivate him for Revenge? Rather , if this new side of the story takes a turn if he stays the same way? maybe even a better change?

Mystic_Magnificous · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

The Rising Light over Shadow

Then he cries in his sleep , until the inn-keeper apologizes to wake him up during 8:00 Da.Ri with the sun shining near the window , her name is Anastasia and blush to notice his Ikemen face or his lifeless/empty blue eyes of melancholy when she set aside his mask and his luscious short (unknown to her) white dyed hair with violet shading [Astra felt awkward since he is bad at social cues Depsite been to many disguise spy missions or assassinations as ordered to kill a target] as his heart race calmly yet he doesn't know why he felt fuzzy or comfort

Astra is startled by the inn-keeper's gentle wake-up call, his eyes meeting hers. He quickly puts on his mask to hide his face, feeling a bit self-conscious about the attention. As he rises from the bed, he notices the kind smile on Anastasia's face and the warmth in her eyes.

"Good morning," she says softly. "I hope you slept well."

Astra mumbles a response, still a bit groggy from his sleep. His heart flutters slightly, a strange feeling that he can't quite explain. He's been through so much, and the simple kindness of this stranger catches him off guard.

Anastasia goes on to ask if he'd like some breakfast. Astra nods in agreement, deciding that some food would do him good. As he follows her to the inn's dining area, he can't help but wonder if this unexpected encounter will be the start of something new in his life.



Then she said if he doesn't mind her company , this aura he is sending it kinda reminds him of the warmth when he was 4 years old although vaguely recalls the time he , his brother Nova and his sister triplet named Cosmos (he is slowly recognizing it) positively and it's the same gesture for his MOTHER he forgotten the face yet recognize the aura that she is so gentle to wake him up as she chuckles in this memory of another nightmare and such a sweet crybaby compare to his other siblings

Astra feels a twinge of nostalgia as Anastasia mentions her company and the warmth of his childhood memories. He hesitates for a moment, unsure of how to react to these newfound feelings. But he decides to accept her offer, realizing that he's been alone for far too long.

"That would be nice," he replies with a hint of gratitude in his voice.

As they sit down for breakfast, Astra can't help but wonder about the family he barely remembers. He silently hopes that this chance encounter and the kindness of Anastasia might help him find some solace and answers in this unfamiliar world.

He held a necklace that oddly Chocola lend him when he was 6 years old in first kill and she uttered his family or siblings shared the same starry/comet shaped necklace as a symbol of unity and residence of Coloria from Garnet Kingdom (Violet color pathway) in Amerite village , before the events to present

The necklace in his hand brings back a rush of memories. Astra stares at it, taking in the intricate design of the starry/comet shape. It's a symbol of unity and a connection to his family and home. This small piece of jewelry carries great significance, and it reminds him of the family he longs to reunite with.

As he shares this memory with Anastasia, he can't help but feel a sense of determination. Perhaps, one day, he will find his way back to Garnet Kingdom and uncover the truth about his past. For now, though, he's grateful for the company and comfort Anastasia has provided.

Anastasia kindly ask with her starry and comforting aura "why were you crying Sir Ibis? You were grunting , whincing and even sweating in your sleep I need to use some Psyche base anonymous element to ease your mind"

Astra hesitates for a moment, unsure if he should reveal too much, but the warmth and kindness in Anastasia's aura make him open up a little. "I... I had a bad dream. Memories from the past, I think. It's just... I can't remember it all clearly," he confesses.

Anastasia nods, understanding the pain of suppressed memories. She uses her Psyche-based abilities to help ease Astra's mind, making the turmoil of his dreams subside. "Don't worry, Sir Ibis. Sometimes, memories are like stars hidden behind clouds. They may not be visible now, but they're still there. Perhaps, in time, the clouds will part, and you'll find the answers you seek."

Astra offers a small, grateful smile. "Thank you, Anastasia. Your kindness means a lot to me."

Anastasia blinks in surprise "really? Has anyone really not mind to you? You seem like a nice person" Astra stop eating and grip his blanket as he sniffles quietly yet his expression is empty despite the tears "I don't feel or think I am a nice person , besides Let's just say it's confidential and personal sorry…and I don't think I bring comfort at all..my face scares people" touch mask

Anastasia's heart aches as she sees the pain in Astra's eyes. She gently reaches out and places a hand on his shoulder, trying to offer some comfort. "Don't say that, Sir Ibis. Everyone has their struggles and their past. Your face, your experiences, they don't define your worth. You have a kindness in your heart, and that's what truly matters."

Astra looks up at her with a mixture of gratitude and sadness. "Thank you, Anastasia. I appreciate your understanding."

She smiles warmly. "You're welcome, and if you ever need someone to talk to or just some company, I'm here for you."

Astra nods and resumes eating, feeling a glimmer of hope in this newfound connection

She uttered "still do you have a fever?" Leans with her hand to touch his head as by instinct slap her hand away while holding his superhuman strength back "No no!!! I am fine.." then he felt his body getting sick and warm as flickers of the past when Estella used to show kindness by petting his head when he was 4 years old , coaxing him to think in naivety she is his adoptive mother that now dead Anti-Goddess as Anastasia ask calmly "are you traumatized?"

Astra hesitates for a moment before answering. "Yes, I am. There are things in my past, memories that haunt me. I've done things I'm not proud of."

Anastasia nods sympathetically. "I won't pry, but I want you to know that you're safe here. Sometimes, talking about your past can help you heal."

Astra sighs and finally admits, "Maybe one day I will. But for now, I just want to forget it all."

Anastasia understands and pats his shoulder reassuringly. "That's alright. When you're ready, I'll be here to listen."

Astra appreciates her kindness, even if he's not quite ready to open up yet. He continues to eat his meal in silence, the warmth of her presence slowly helping him feel more at ease.

Then he spoke "Hey Lady Anastasia-" the girl blush as he looks away speaking "Umm-er Innkeeper Anastasia…have you seen guests staying at your inn well with secrets or distant?" She nods and mentioned mostly were adventurerers , border guards from different guards or just a common resident need a place to stay

Anastasia replies, "Yes, we do get a variety of guests here. Some carry their secrets close, while others are more open. It's a transient place, you know."

Astra nods and continues, "If I were to stay here for a while, would you mind if I kept to myself? I have some... personal matters to attend to."

She smiles kindly and says, "Of course, Sir Ibis. You're free to stay as long as you like, and you can have all the privacy you need. Just let me know if you need anything."

Astra appreciates her understanding and goes back to his meal, grateful to have found a place where he can quietly reflect on his past and the uncertain future.

.She then uttered with a witty comment "I had no right to pry as you claimed as you are a Vagrant Cleric..can you show me how you heal? Example I recently had bruises from my arms and legs from labor to renovate my Inn"

Astra considers her request and decides to demonstrate some basic healing techniques. He gently places his hand on her bruised arm and concentrates his Ecto-mana to accelerate the healing process. The bruises gradually fade, and Anastasia's arm feels much better.

He then says, "It's a simple technique that Vagrant Clerics like me use. We channel our inner energy to promote healing in the body. It's not much, but it helps."

Anastasia looks at her healed arm in amazement and says, "That's incredible, Sir Ibis. Thank you for showing me. You have a special gift."

Astra nods in acknowledgment and continues with his meal, feeling a strange mix of emotions as he begins to open up to this kind-hearted innkeeper.

Anastasia brush off the guess on point to herself he is an Ecto-mana user as usually the healers she met are Umbral or Luminous that does a different kind of method common so his method is unique as she uttered "where did you get your name?"

Astra takes a moment to think before responding, "I've had this name for as long as I can remember. It was given to me by someone who cared for me when I was very young, and I've carried it with me ever since. I don't have many memories from my past, but my name has always been a part of me."

He avoids going into too much detail about his past, wanting to keep it confidential.



She smiles awkwardly "right..you the aloof type anyways I shall get going Ohh-" as she notice him nuzzling to hug her as he set his tray aside "Please…stay for a moment.." groans a little as she notice he is having a fever maybe due to mana exhaustion or fatigue? (She is unaware Astra got that long 2-3 day adrenaline rush to kill too many enemies and faction knights around)

Anastasia can't help but feel a sense of concern as she sees Astra's condition. She nods and sits down beside him, saying, "Of course, I can stay for a little while. You seem like you could use some rest. Do you need anything, like medicine or water?"

She reaches out to check his forehead to confirm if he has a fever.

He has a fever , mana-based fever as she notice besides him hugging her he is shuddering badly and trying to play tough guy about it

Anastasia is genuinely worried about Astra's condition. She gently places a hand on his forehead again and says, "You have a fever, and it's quite high. You really should get some rest. I can prepare a cool compress for you and some herbal tea that might help. Would you like that?"

She tries to convey her concern in her soothing voice, hoping that Astra will accept her offer.

Astra nods as she gently lie him down and tucked him to bed and mentioned he did rent for 1-1/2 days as she left Astra tried to stand up to leave or use shadow travel yet stings as he felt a heat spike as he pants and fatigued weakly lie back down (this is bad , I am feeling for the firstitme fear? She won't kill me right? She won sniff me out? Or she won't be afraid of me? Will she run away or distance herself or use me?)

Astra's thoughts raced with uncertainty as he lay in bed, his feverish condition worsening. The fear of rejection and isolation gnawed at him. He couldn't help but wonder if revealing his true nature would drive Anastasia away or if she would accept him.

As he lay there, battling both his physical fever and the emotional turmoil within, he couldn't help but long for some form of comfort and companionship, even if it felt like an alien concept to him.

He wants for revenge yet fears to be attach again as he murmured in his half-sleep state "Dorothy..Tim..Nova and…Chocola I am sorry..I am sorry..please , Gods don't curse me I don't hate you yet I want to quench…my..feelings" delirious rambles as Anastasia overheard as she prepare the requirements for his fever

Anastasia couldn't help but overhear Astra's delirious rambles. The names he mentioned, the apologies, and his conflicted feelings left her wondering about the depths of his past and the pain he carried with him. As she prepared the remedies for his fever, she couldn't ignore the complexity of the person she had encountered.

With a gentle sigh, she resolved to provide him with care and comfort, at least during his stay at the inn, while hoping that perhaps she could help him find some solace in the midst of his inner turmoil.

Anastasia thought (he said he was a healer yet the way he acts isn't like healers even the traumatized ones , plus I never seen a guest like him before , his name is odd…also has a handsome face yet wants to hide by the mask I guess he has an eerie aura yet when I peek his face he is so handsome with a youthful charm , I wonders if we share the same age as I am 20 years old)

Anastasia's curiosity continued to grow as she pondered the enigma that was Astra Ibis. The more she observed him, the more she felt that there was a complex story hidden beneath his mask and within his persona. She couldn't help but wonder about the experiences that had shaped him and the reasons he chose to conceal his true self.

As she went about her tasks, she couldn't deny that a sense of empathy and concern for Astra was developing. She resolved to be patient and understanding, offering him a space where he might eventually feel safe enough to reveal the secrets he kept hidden behind that mask.

Anastasia couldn't help but overhear the local gossip about the recent upheaval in the Faction Knights. It seemed that the deaths of Equinox, the Prime Entertainer, and some rebels had created a power vacuum and left the knights in disarray. But what piqued her interest the most was the mention of a true goddess taking the lead, and the explanation that this was the intention of the deities above.

This information only deepened the mystery surrounding Astra, as she wondered how he might be connected to these events and what role he played in the changing landscape of Mythlandia. She knew that there was more to his story than met the eye, and she was determined to uncover the truth.

Hesu, Cardinal no. 17 of the Faction Knights, approached Anastasia and inquired about any suspicious guests at her inn from the previous night. Anastasia hesitated for a moment, torn between her desire to protect Astra and the obligation to answer the knight's questions truthfully.

She decided to choose her words carefully, "There was a guest who arrived last night. A Vagrant Cleric named Astra Ibis. He seemed a bit... different, but I couldn't say for sure if he was suspicious. He's currently resting upstairs."

Hesu nodded and thanked Anastasia for her information. He made a mental note of Astra's name and headed back to his fellow knights to share this newfound information. The situation in Mythlandia was becoming increasingly complex, and Astra's presence had certainly caught the attention of the Faction Knights.

Anastasia, alarmed by the sound of a commotion, rushed to Astra's room to find him attempting to leave through the window. She knew he was still weakened and fatigued, and she couldn't allow him to leave in such a condition.

She pleaded with him, "Wait! Astra, please don't go like this. You're not well, and it's dangerous. You can rest here for as long as you need."

Astra, his face still hidden behind the mask, paused for a moment, considering her words. His internal struggle between his desire to flee and the need to recover was evident. He finally sighed and nodded, sinking back onto the bed.

Anastasia was relieved that he had agreed to stay and gently helped him get comfortable. She prepared the remedies for his fever and sat by his side, keeping a watchful eye on him as he drifted back into sleep. She couldn't help but wonder about this mysterious guest, Astra, and what had led him to such a dire state.



He utters "You told one of those faction Knights of the order right? Did they interrogate you somewhat?"

Anastasia, who had been sitting beside Astra, shook her head and replied softly, "I didn't tell them anything, and they didn't interrogate me. They were just asking if I had any suspicious guests. I didn't mention you at all, don't worry."

Astra let out a sigh of relief, his feverish state making him look even more vulnerable. "Thank you, Anastasia. I appreciate your discretion," he said, his voice tinged with gratitude.

She smiled warmly and placed a cool cloth on his forehead to help ease his fever. "Rest now, Astra. You'll feel better after some sleep."

He closed his eyes and drifted back into slumber, trusting the kind innkeeper to watch over him.

Anastasia then spoke as she is curious noticing his half-asleep state and always seem tense despite lying down "You didn't believe me don't you?" Astra chuckles even though it's natural as he coughs a little with a feverish tense expression as Anastasia took of his mask gently to see his full face feverishly pale with the cold cloth on his forehead "you caught me , so that's why I need to leave you be Innkeeper…I can't stay if you had lingering suspicious thoughts around me , the cause of my my fatigue and fever is my own responsibility.."

Anastasia examined his face with a mix of concern and understanding. "I may have my suspicions, but I won't force you to reveal anything you're not comfortable with. If you ever need help, though, don't hesitate to ask," she said kindly, placing his mask back on his face. "Rest now, Astra. I'll make sure no one disturbs you."

Astra nodded weakly, still battling his feverish state, and closed his eyes to rest. Anastasia continued to care for him, hoping that he would recover soon.

Then she blushed how charming his tone was like compare when he spoke in his persona for the night , his feverish state made him more emotive? Like some sort of broken troubled person and she wish with respect with the Sacred Context (theocratic laws of this Nation of Coloria of all 7 Kingdoms) yet with a new ruler an actual deity she ponders her own moral values and oddly she kinda got that lvoe in first sight her brush it off as she is unaware of his age and him as a person.

As Anastasia continued to care for Astra, she couldn't help but be drawn to his vulnerability and the genuine side he was showing in his feverish state. It was a side of him that she found oddly intriguing, and she couldn't deny that there was a certain charm to it. However, she knew that her role as an innkeeper was to provide care and not delve into the personal lives of her guests.

Anastasia remained by his side, ensuring he was comfortable and well-attended, all the while pondering the changes happening in the world around her. The presence of a true deity as the ruler of Coloria had certainly shifted the balance of power, and she couldn't help but wonder how this would affect her life and the lives of those around her.

She also ponders how pretty his white bedhair with purple shading that she just wants to fantasize what would happen if he were a normal person and an adventurer..

As she continued to care for Astra, Anastasia found herself lost in her thoughts, admiring his white hair with violet shading. It was a unique and captivating feature, and she couldn't help but imagine what his life would be like if he were a regular adventurer or a traveler passing through.

Her mind wandered, creating fantasies of adventures they could embark on together, but she knew that the reality was quite different. Astra was far from an ordinary traveler, and the events surrounding him were shrouded in mystery and danger. Despite her fantasies, she remained focused on providing the care and comfort he needed in his current state.