
Mystic Tales : Ruined Kingdom [Draft r18+]

[Warning] this story contians sensitive , explicit , subtext and mature content with themes. Read/view at your own discretion. This is a spin-off fatnasy story from the isekai webnovel original with the protagonist Nova. This Begins in the final showdown with the Anti-Goddess , however this time its a scenario for a branch/alternative timeline if Nova , Tim and Dorothy died and didn't survive the battle.. The Focus for thsi story are the survivors Chocola and Astra. Especially Astra , the long lost triplet and identical brother of Nova. will the higher stakes motivate him for Revenge? Rather , if this new side of the story takes a turn if he stays the same way? maybe even a better change?

Mystic_Magnificous · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Newly formed Organized group

Finally As Astra and Cheshie prepare to leave , Clifford ask if he could catch up and join them to understand that for now the rest of the 50 members left underground would be busy renovating the underground to be empty to wait for the preference of their new leader the Dark Eminence as they address him as Astra had a muffled Choking laugh of such a silly way to address him yet just shrugs "whatever , fine Cheshie..Guide Clifford to catch up with me"

With the agreement in place, it seems that Astra's new organization, "Shadow's Resurgence," is starting to take shape. Clifford's enthusiasm to join them adds an interesting dynamic to the group. As they prepare to leave, it sets the stage for further adventures and developments.

Clifford wears his mask and Assasin's old cult uniform as he asks Cheshie when did she started customizing her uniform and MANAGE to improve being an assassin

The trio, Astra, Cheshie, and now Clifford, continued on their journey. Clifford, with his bloodhound features and an air of curiosity about him, couldn't help but wonder about Cheshie's evolution as an assassin. As they walked through the dimly lit tunnels of the underground, he leaned in closer to Cheshie, his voice muffled by the mask he wore.

"So, Cheshie," Clifford began, his canine ears perking up, "when did you start customizing your uniform and manage to become such a skilled assassin?"

Cheshie chuckled softly under her mask, her feline eyes gleaming mischievously. "Well, you know, being an assassin isn't all about darkness and shadows. You must add a little personal touch to your outfit to make it feel like home."

Astra, the enigmatic leader, remained stoic, his eyes hiding behind the shadowy mask. He continued to guide them forward through the labyrinthine passages. As they ventured deeper into the underground, Cheshie began to share stories of her journey, her trials, and the moments that had led her to this point.

Clifford listened intently, his hound-like senses attuned to the secrets Cheshie revealed. In the quiet, echoing chambers of their new world, the trio moved as one, bound not only by their loyalty but by the shared experiences that had brought them together.

The Ruined Kingdom held many secrets, and with Astra, Cheshie, and now Clifford, a new chapter seemed to unfold.

They finally reach the surface back at the end borders of Coloria as Astra told them "Also don't believe it all Clifford she exaggerated things" 

As they emerged from the underground, the sun's warm rays welcomed them back to the surface. Clifford laughed, understanding the dynamics between Astra and Cheshie. "Don't worry, Shadow Knight-Senpai. I've known Cheshie long enough to differentiate between her tales and reality."

Astra nodded, his mask concealing any hint of emotion. "Good. Keep that in mind, Clifford. We have work to do."

Then Astra spoke with a Monotone voice "Clifford and Cheshie how long are you friends? " as they travel with his shadow travel to eh discreet and undetected by faction knights scouting especially at the border to the center Indigo Kingdom capital Chorite and finally sneakily entered the Inn Anastasia owned

Cheshie responded with a playful tone, "Oh, we've been friends since we were little kittens, haven't we, Clifford?"

Clifford chuckled, his canine features making him resemble a hound more than a cat. "That's right. We grew up together in the same neighborhood."

Astra remained quiet, processing this information as they continued to navigate through the shadows, approaching the inn where Anastasia awaited them. His thoughts, like his emotions, were carefully concealed beneath his mask.

Anastasia's eyes widened in surprise as she welcomed Astra and Cheshie, but when she saw Clifford, her expression shifted to a mix of curiosity and delight. She didn't expect a third guest to arrive with them, especially one who was also wearing the distinctive assassin attire. She couldn't help but ask, "Astra, who's your new companion?"

Clifford jumped in like a happy humanoid hound "Greetings Miss Inn keeper I am the second Kouhai of Shadow Knight-Senpai"


Clifford jumped in like a happy humanoid hound "Greetings Miss Inn keeper I am the second Kouhai of Shadow Knight-Senpai"


Cheshie nods to Smirk while Astra says he will rest after a long entire day to handle some revenge spree on a cult as Anastasia ask the two apprentices to enjoy her meal she made while also give the leader privacy as she knock on the room she left vacant in case he return as Astra spoke "come in Anastasia" as he took of his mask and switch his uniform outfit to a casual set he used when he disguised as a vagrant Cleric as he leans his head to the shoulder of the sweet innkeeper saying softly "Sleepy, tired and did you worry for me? And despite knowing my identity and traits..skills do you have THIS love at first sight to me?"

Anastasia entered the room and couldn't help but smile at the sight of Astra. She moved closer, running her fingers through his hair as he leaned on her shoulder. She replied, "I can't help but worry when someone I care about is out there on a dangerous mission, Astra. And yes, it might sound strange, but from the moment I met you, there was something about you that drew me in. It's not just your skills or your enigmatic personality. It's something deeper, something I can't quite explain."

She continued, "But you don't have to share the same feelings, Astra. I'm just an innkeeper, and you're the Shadow Knight, after all. I understand the boundaries of our positions."

Astra spoke as he spoke "Don't laugh okay?" As he slowly sniffles and cried his alter ego persona slowly fusing with his main one "I just don't wanna lose another love one again because of me , I don't want to-" Anastasia hugs him close and she spoke "There there Astra…whatever names or faces you make..I knew you are the most amazing guest that entered my Inn and the Kind of person that made me felt like I want personal attachments again.." Astra ask "What attachments? But Anastasia you are always welcome in your line of work here even though it's simply why did you mean by that?"

Astra spoke as he spoke "Don't laugh okay?" As he slowly sniffles and cried his alter ego persona slowly fusing with his main one "I just don't wanna lose another love one again because of me , I don't want to-" Anastasia hugs him close and she spoke "There there Astra…whatever names or faces you make..I knew you are the most amazing guest that entered my Inn and the Kind of person that made me felt like I want personal attachments again.." Astra ask "What attachments? But Anastasia you are always welcome in your line of work here even though it's simply why did you mean by that?"

Anastasia continued to hold Astra in her comforting embrace, gently stroking his hair. She replied, "Attachments, Astra, are the connections we make with people who touch our lives in profound ways. It's not just about providing a room and food. It's about the moments we share, the conversations, and the emotions we exchange. You've been more than just a guest to me. You've become someone I genuinely care about."

She smiled warmly, wiping away a tear from Astra's face. "You don't have to understand it fully but know that you've made a difference in my life, too. And I want to be there for you, Astra, just as you've been there for me."

Astra nervously chuckles "Even though these past 4 days I have been becoming more involved you with my life? What if it's risky Or I made bad choices? Would you forgive me?"

Anastasia's smile remained, filled with genuine affection. She replied, "Astra, life is full of risks and choices. Some of them may not always be perfect, but that's part of what makes life so interesting and meaningful. If you ever make a choice I don't agree with or one that doesn't turn out as planned, I won't hold it against you. We're all Archaicans, after all. What matters most is that we learn and grow from our experiences together."

Astra finally relieved from such stress and he ask "then , if I ever get overboard or left field as let's just say the reason I did what I did to end the old Hiearchy was my personal vengeance and a way to avenge my fallen love ones I guess.."


Anastasia nodded understandingly and placed a hand on Astra's cheek. "Astra, your reasons and past are your own. I can't change what's happened, and I can't change who you are. But I can be here for you, support you, and maybe help you find a path that isn't just about revenge. It's a lot to bear, but you don't have to do it alone. We can figure things out together."

Then she spoke with a blush "Besides I dunno if I am too childish for saying such a love at first sight thing, but I want us to work out ohh right maybe we had age difference I am 20 years old..you?"

Astra smiled softly and replied, "I'm 26, so there is an age gap, but age is just a number. What matters is the connection we have and how we understand each other."

Astra then blushed "No I was lying or that's my registered age when I first rented my stay here umm..18 I am just 18 years old.."

Anastasia chuckled and playfully nudged Astra. "Well, it seems you have a mysterious side to you, Astra. Age doesn't change how I feel. I'm glad you're being honest now."

Astra blinks "Well didn't you say you had fallen for me since the strange 4 days ago when I used a cover-up identity and like my enigmatic nature? And even though the revelation isn't pretty you still don't mind loving me?"

Anastasia smiled warmly and cupped Astra's face. "Astra, it's not about your identity or your past. It's about the person you are now, the one who's right here with me. I've come to know you, and that's what matters. I don't mind loving you at all."

Astra nuzzle his nose at her as Anastasia spoke "Plus , you shown me I am not a plain woman at all…I guess you can say when I was enjoying attachment again..I guess I want some excitement to my casual routine and…Felt bad for certain guests not returning because they accidentally or NO choice to commit a taboo against the order and no idea what happened to them all"

Astra smiled at her, feeling a deeper connection with Anastasia. "Well, I'm glad to bring some excitement to your life. And as for those lost guests, perhaps we can find a way to help them too. I'd like to make sure that no one else has to go through what I did."


Anastasia then spoke "well since that is settled so tell me , the details how you and Cheshie manage to do that personal mission of your to avenge the attempted kidnapping on me by a weird cult? Also you didn't consume any souls this time? I get a vibe you didn't.."

Astra began to recount the mission with Cheshie, sharing the details of how they infiltrated the cult's hideout, eliminated the key members, and secured Anastasia's safety. "You're right," he admitted. "I didn't consume any souls this time. It felt different. Perhaps the presence of my new allies made a difference. And, well, the thought of you being in danger was a strong motivator too."


Anastasia teased "What are you? Like the generational traditional Hero I heard influence all parts of this world (Mythlandia)" Astra shook his head rapidly as he spoke in emotiveness "I don't see myself as a hero…I think my..brother would." As he pauses, then Anastasia asks as she stops playing with his hair "What is it? You brother?"

Astra looked a bit pained as he continued, "My brother, Nova, he saw the world differently. He believed in making things better, not just for himself, but for everyone. He was a true hero in every sense. And... he died because of that belief. I couldn't save him, and that's a pain I carry with me."

Anastasia listened with empathy and gently held him. "I'm so sorry to hear that. It must be tough for you."

Astra nodded, appreciating her understanding. "It is. But I'll carry his legacy and continue his fight in my way."

Astra spoke "I think, what's worse we're separated since my age of 4 You could say I was kidnapped and brainwashed from the very centuries-old Equinox before a new ruler which is an ally that survived in that battle came in after I did things solo….Plus I had this weird feeling despite me being alienated and emotionally detached from others and even after realizing my family survives in some very miraculous quirky way and let's just say he loves me unconditionally and platonically like a true family…"

Anastasia could sense the complexity of Astra's past and his emotions. She gently held him closer and said, "Family is important, Astra. You've been through so much, and I'm glad you had someone who cared for you unconditionally. It's okay to have complicated feelings about it all."

Astra nodded, a mix of emotions in his eyes. "I'm trying to make sense of it all, Anastasia, and maybe find a way to heal and move forward."

Anastasia smiled softly. "You're not alone in this, Astra. I'm here for you, and I'll support you in any way I can."

Astra asks "Hey, what was your family like Anastasia before you started working on your own? I guess I want to get to know you better like you told me for our relationship to work"

Anastasia took a moment to think, a distant look in her eyes as she remembered. "Well, my family was quite traditional. My parents ran a small inn in a peaceful village. I have a younger sister, Isabella. We lived a simple life, and my parents were wonderful people. They taught me the innkeeping business, and I learned to love it."

She continued with a warm smile, "Isabella and I used to dream of going on adventures, but I ended up running the inn after our parents passed away. She's out there somewhere, pursuing her dreams. We write to each other now and then, and I hope to see her again someday."

Astra nodded, appreciating the glimpse into Anastasia's past. "Your family sounds lovely. I hope you get to reunite with your sister one day."

Anastasia's smile grew warmer as she looked at Astra. "Thank you, Astra. I do too. It's one of the things I'm looking forward to."

As they shared their personal stories, their connection deepened, and the bond between them grew stronger.

Astra then froze and realized Chocola's words not to lose hope as he awkwardly retracted his head from her side "Umm, Anastasia I forgot to mention...Nova isn't just any brother he is my twin identically...Plus, I haven't met her yet vaguely I had a triplet sister technically I am siblings with triplets..one identical and one fraternal sister named Cosmos I think…..Yet I wonder if I can meet my separated parents after so long and my sister I never met yet just learn it from someone that inform me they are alright."

Anastasia listened attentively, her heart going out to Astra as he revealed more about his family. She gently placed a hand on his shoulder, offering comfort. "Astra, that's a lot to carry. It must be tough to be separated from your family for so long. But perhaps one day, you'll have the chance to reunite with them. It's never too late."

Astra nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of hope and uncertainty. "Yeah, I hope so. It's been a long journey, but maybe one day I'll find my family again."

Anastasia smiled reassuringly. "I believe in you, Astra. You've already overcome so much. I'm sure you can face whatever the future holds."

They shared a moment of understanding and support, their bond growing stronger with each conversation.

Then they chuckle as Astra speaks, "Anyways what did you think of that new set of ahem…allies that worship or look up to me of such a new organization named Shadow's Resurgence?"

Anastasia considered the question for a moment before responding, "Well, it's quite a unique group you're forming, Astra. I can tell they admire you a lot. The name 'Shadow's Resurgence' has a mysterious and intriguing ring to it. Just be careful and make sure they understand your intentions and goals clearly. It's an interesting journey you're on."

Astra nodded in agreement. "I'll do my best to lead them well and ensure that our actions align with our objectives."

With that, they continued their conversation, discussing the challenges and potential rewards of Astra's new role as the leader of this growing organization.

Anastasia heard some noises and stood up "Right, I let Clifford and Cheshie enjoy themselves downstairs in the kitchen hehe anyways we shall probably check on them-" then gasped as Astra did the imitative to kiss her cheek before going again with a poker face yet lively blue eyes.

Anastasia blushed and chuckled at Astra's unexpected gesture. "You're full of surprises, Astra. Let's go check on them, but I must admit, you do keep me on my toes."

With that, they headed downstairs to join Clifford and Cheshie, leaving behind a room filled with warmth and a hint of newfound affection.