
Mystic Tales : Ruined Kingdom [Draft r18+]

[Warning] this story contians sensitive , explicit , subtext and mature content with themes. Read/view at your own discretion. This is a spin-off fatnasy story from the isekai webnovel original with the protagonist Nova. This Begins in the final showdown with the Anti-Goddess , however this time its a scenario for a branch/alternative timeline if Nova , Tim and Dorothy died and didn't survive the battle.. The Focus for thsi story are the survivors Chocola and Astra. Especially Astra , the long lost triplet and identical brother of Nova. will the higher stakes motivate him for Revenge? Rather , if this new side of the story takes a turn if he stays the same way? maybe even a better change?

Mystic_Magnificous · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Another mission/quest endowed

The operation proceeded smoothly as Astra and his Ombré squad infiltrated the cult bases, silently taking down associates and rescuing the trapped members. Meanwhile, Special Unit Nebulis was assisting the squad tasked with subduing the Ruby Cult sect.

Astra's approach was methodical, and he efficiently eliminated the threats while leaving the cult leaders for later interrogation. The Amethyst sect, however, presented a different challenge. The associates there showed greater combat skills, suggesting they were more experienced.

As the mission unfolded, Astra and Ombré faced off against the Amethyst cult associates, who put up a fierce fight. It was clear that these adversaries were well-trained assassins. The battle was intense, and both sides pushed their limits.

Special Unit Nebulis, on the other hand, continued their efforts to assist the squad in dealing with the Ruby Cult sect, ensuring that their mission was executed with precision.

Amid the chaos, Astra's focus remained unwavering as he moved through the shadows, a relentless force on a mission to eliminate the cult leaders and unravel the mysteries behind these two remaining branches.

Then he split up for his squad to handle the associated as he used his shadow abilities to travel smoothly and tail the leader Vespera as she cackles in ecstasy "Ohh "Ho ho ho ho."it's the traitor Shadow Knight, no you other code name is Astra right? I am aware of your reputation as her best faction knight yet also the time you killed her! Hehe…I was an assassin too or rather I was researching how she trained you so well….Do you like it?"

Astra kept to the shadows, inching closer to Vespera as she continued to taunt him. He could hear the arrogance in her voice as she mentioned his past as her faction knight and his role in Estella's demise. But he remained silent, his shadowy form barely visible as he listened carefully.

Vespera seemed to revel in her power, believing that she could outwit him. Her arrogance was palpable, and Astra knew that her overconfidence might be her downfall. He waited for the right moment to strike, ready to bring her to justice.

Then he chuckled a bit and spoke "what makes you so different from the main cult that turns out to idolize me or the other branches I eliminated? Plus, you seem devoted to studying not only Estella but also how she raised me.."


Astra's voice emerged from the shadows, filled with an air of mystery. Vespera's words intrigued him, and he wanted to probe her further.

Vespera, still overconfident, responded, "Oh, I'm not like those fools in the other branches. I've seen your potential, your power. I wanted to understand it, and harness it. You were Estella's finest creation, and I wanted to know how to recreate it for my purposes."

Her words revealed her ambition, and Astra kept this information in mind as he prepared to make his move.

He then tried to use his shadow familiars/constructs to fight her as she summoned her undead minions that managed to effect some damage to the caster Astra he winced and left the shadows to reveal himself with his dual swords that turned into a giant scissor (fusing his main magical amplifier katana and his dead brother's magical anti-magic sword) as he breathes, his eyes glimmer a bit of purple color as he spoke "Creation? I wasn't created by her I am an Archaican (human) like everyone else or rather a mortal like everyone else!!!" He says a bit emotive despite his poker face.

As Astra revealed himself, his scissor-like weapon in hand, he declared his humanity and unleashed his fury. The clash between his shadow constructs and Vespera's undead minions intensified, creating a chaotic battle within the dark chamber. Astra's eyes glimmered with a hint of emotion as he fought.

Vespera, startled by his revelation, continued to taunt him, "Oh, but your power, your skills, they are something beyond ordinary mortals. Don't you want to unlock your full potential, Astra?"

Their battle raged on, filled with tension and unanswered questions.

Then he spoke "I don't want power or rather I am not like you delusional followers of that Anti-Goddess!!" He says angrily yet composes as Vespera happily cackles as she flick her fingers , preparing her staff that can be a king sword if unsheathed to make them both vanish their summon to preserve half of their remaining mana she spoke "Aww, Tell me why don't you have a Cardinal Number like all faction knights of rank? Even the veterans had a rank label of lower numbers yet you..I can tell your young yet so powerful…I want that. Meaning she loves you she OWN you…Your Cardinal Number is 0…"

Astra's eyes gleamed with intensity as Vespera continued to provoke him. He replied with determination, "I don't need a Cardinal Number to define me. I have my own identity, and I won't be owned by anyone, especially not by someone who worships an 'Anti-Goddess.'"

Their battle reached a critical point as their powers clashed. Astra's determination and resistance to being controlled by any label or power shone through. The two opponents were locked in a fierce struggle, neither willing to back down.

Then they are at stalemate of their blades crossing (Scissor fused dual swords clash with a long sword), Vespera blushes out of joy "No no, Unlike those useless pawns of blind followers…I worship both you and Estella..I wonder why she adores you so..You love her once right? come on Enigmatic Shadow Knight beneath that mask you are grateful to be so powerful it's because she raised you the way you are now!!"

Astra's grip tightened on his fused scissor swords as he struggled with the conflicting emotions stirred by Vespera's words. He whispered through clenched teeth, "I did admire her once, but she betrayed me and my family. She took everything from me. I'll never love her again."

Their weapons remained locked, both combatants pushing their powers to the limit. Astra's resolve to free himself from Estella's influence and the cult's worship was unwavering. He knew that he had to end this once and for all.

Then Vespera spoke as they partied close "Yet there's some change in you that upsets me..my intel tells me..there's a random Colorian (term for citizen of Coloria) that influenced you after you did Kill Estella and her Order..even the Prime Entertainer - right hand..you the left hand manages to well..you don't want to kill me…You need me alive I can see it in your eyes"


Astra's eyes held a mixture of emotions, but he remained resolute. "You're right. I don't want to kill you. I don't want to follow the same path of destruction that Estella did. I want to end this cycle, not perpetuate it."

With a sudden, swift motion, Astra disarmed Vespera and held her at swordpoint. He spoke firmly, "Your time as a cult leader ends now. It's over, Vespera."

As he moved to apprehend her, he couldn't help but wonder about the influence of Anastasia and how it had started to change his perspective on the world.

She smirks "what if I tell you as I can guess you already defeated the branch where that darn flaming oaf (Ruby sect cult leader)…that I had some assassins keeping an eye out for this HOSTAGE?" Astra grip his sword as he split them into separate blades (use his dead brother's sword to drain mana of Vespera) "Don't test me , I have my reasons to spare you out of all the cult branches and main one so far due you had secret information that the rest may not have…and don't you dare treat Anastasia as leverage" intense tone with a bluish to purple eye color glare


Astra's glare remained unyielding. "Anastasia is not a pawn in your game. I won't let you use her or any innocent person for your purposes. You've already crossed the line too many times, Vespera. It's time to end this."

With a swift strike, he used his dead brother's sword to drain Vespera's mana, leaving her weakened and unable to cast her spells. He then disarmed her and bound her with shadow restraints. Vespera was left powerless, and her reign as a cult leader was over.

Astra turned away from her, his expression a mix of relief and determination. He had more work to do, but one branch of the cult had been extinguished, and he was one step closer to his goal.

Then she act like a Masochist "Whatever dear Shadow Knight, the sword you held right there..I can tell it's still brand new yet tainted by the blood of its wielded tell me…your family? Haha, Estella saved you from your family? Don't you see? Will you-" hushed by the shadows on her mouth as Astra felt he was reaching his limit then notified by Silhouette they successfully dealt with all their squad roles and saved a lot of members back in base yet asked as she restrained Ignatius and confiscated his magic relic to wait if Astra wanted to place both leaders in one place to interrogate them.

Astra couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger at Vespera's words, but he knew better than to let her taunts get to him. He signaled to Silhouette to secure the leaders in a specific location back at their base, where he could interrogate them.

After ensuring that both Vespera and Ignatius were securely restrained and without their magical relics, Astra headed back to the base, where he would question them and gather any remaining information about the cult's operations. This was a significant step forward in dismantling the cult, and he was determined to see it through to the end.

Meanwhile, Taelin was babysat by my Mere-folk Finn making healing potions for the new refugees or members injured (then, Ignatius and Vespera are in one smaller room that was dark and singularly lit letting them still be restrained by special shadowy chains) and Ignatius crept out why Vespera is in such a good mood


As Taelin worked on making healing potions with the Mere-folk Finn, he couldn't help but overhear hushed voices coming from the room where Ignatius and Vespera were restrained. Ignatius seemed visibly disturbed, and Taelin couldn't figure out why Vespera appeared to be in such a good mood despite the situation. It piqued his curiosity, but he focused on his task, knowing that the leader, Astra, would handle things accordingly.