
Mystic System

Iris White lived her life in a pattern, she got up everyday headed to her boring school life and returned to her disturbingly quiet home. She thought her life was always going to be mundane, with nothing of worth ever happening in her life, nothing interesting just the same again and again, driving her crazy. However, Iris normal life was turned upside down when a robotic voice sounded in her mind. [Ding! Host has been selected to be chosen by the Mystic System!] Now armed with her system, Iris is finally seeing the world on how it truly is, with supernaturals lurking in the shadows in society. However, Iris isn't worried about that, she has a system after all. Note: This picture ain’t mine and I take no credit for it.

dox991 · Urban
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33 Chs

Chapter 10 - He is After You!

It has been a few days since Iris has awoken from her first experience with magic.

Upon awakening, she found herself with a banging headache as a result of severely draining her mana, and since then it has been rather uneventful.

Iris spent most of her times indoors as she felt that she wanted to get herself with a suitable amount of strength before she goes out again to find a quest.

Ever since finding Hope she has become increasingly paranoid about other supernaturals lurking in wait for her, seeing the best opportunity to strike.

With this scenario plaguing her thoughts, encouraged Iris to work even harder, making her train her magical skills alongside her physical attributes and abilities.

The results from these last few days of mad training have pleased Iris greatly.

Clicking onto the 'Skill' option, she soon selected the Body arts option showing how greatly her skills have increased.

[ Body Arts ] [ Skills: 4 ]

[ Low-level ]

[ Bodybuilding ] [ Level: 5]

[Athleticism] [Level 3]

[Martial Arts] [Level: 2]

[Sneak] [Level 1]

She managed to gain another level in athleticism compared to two levels in bodybuilding, as it seems the athleticism skill was many times harder to progress.

Iris managed to even level up her martial arts, by repetitively using the moves she learnt and pondering on these moves.

Whatever she did seemed to work, and the skill increased a level which made Iris feel it become much easier.

Dagger mastery is within the 'Weapon Arts' section, but she hasn't levelled up either of her new skills from her secondary class, due to the lack of opportunity to do so within her house.

However, her magical skills have additional improved thought Iris, while selecting the 'Magic Arts' option.

[ Magic Arts ] [ Skills: 5 ]

[ Low-level ]

[ Fire Manipulation ] [ Level: 4 ]

[ Dark Manipulation ] [ Level 4 ]

[Soul Manipulation] [Level 1]


[Shadow drive] [Level 2]


[Devour] [Level 1]

[Dark Soul Flame] [Level 1]

With the constant use of manipulation between fire and dark mana has made them both to level up twice in the past few days, to the delight of Iris.

Her shadow drive skill even managed to improve, also although she put less effort into it compared to the manipulation skills.

Iris found that improving both skills will make her overall efficiency in using both fire and dark affinity spells, as the further dark manipulation increased she felt shadow drive instinctively becoming more natural for her.

Iris did found it amusing with the use of shadow drive, as she constantly pranked her parents by appearing out of no were, scaring the life out of them.

It was all fun and games for Iris until she ended up becoming grounded.

However, this didn't truly affect Iris anyways as she still couldn't hold back her laughter from her Dad's expression when she frightened him to death.

Sitting within her room, Iris decided to finally see how her stats have improved over the constant amount of physical training.

[Name: Iris White]

[Age: 15]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Eranyth Warlock - Apprentice]

[Secondary Class: Shadow Hunter - Novice]

[Strength: 16]

[Dexterity: 15]

[Constitution: 13.5]

[Endurance: 15]

[Intelligence: 20]

[Mana: 21]

[Appearance: 21]

[Attribute points: 22] [System points: 5]

[Shop] [Quests] [Skills]

Looking at her stats, Iris was shocked.

Her physical stats managed to improve majorly all around with her physical training, although she knew it would likely become tough to even increase within the later stages, nonetheless she was still satisfied with the result.

Looking at her mana, Iris found that another way to improve Mana was 'meditation', but at the moment Iris didn't own a meditation method so couldn't do so.

Most mages use meditation to increase their mana due to potions being very expensive making very few being able to afford any, but that still doesn't mean their effects are not many times more outstanding while compared to meditation.

Therefore, Iris who had access to such an opportunity as she can purchase potions from the System decided to look at the different potions when she gains more system points, as she knows that the earlier she promotes her mage rank, the stronger her overall spells will be.

Iris didn't get to use her other legendary magic art yet, but she was highly anticipating how strong it is!

Iris finally decided to leave her house today, as she had grown bored by lounging around in her home just doing nothing but training these days.

Opening her window to escape her 'imprisonment' from her parents, using her new stats she impressively climbed down with ease.

Looking at how quickly she scaled down her house, Iris felt that improving her physical stats is terrific; even if she believes it doesn't compare to magic.

Iris began thinking if Hope was impressed with her master!

But, she was soon disappointed seeing it continued to sleep without even batting an eyelid!

Wondering where Hope is?

Well, for the last few days Iris discovered you could keep your 'Familiar' within your 'Soul space' which is an area within your soul which specifically inhabits a 'Magicians' Familiar.

Iris found that Hope seemed to enjoy being within her Soul space as she feels more safe and secure within, apparent signs of the poor thing being traumatised on whatever she has experienced.

Also, Iris doesn't have any real complaints about this as it keeps 'Hope' from out of sight, as bringing home a random black cat from the streets will cause Iris having to do some major explaining to her parents, which she would preferable like to avoid.

Deciding to go for a walk, Iris began strolling down the streets.

Breathing in the air, Iris felt great being in the outdoors compared to being caged in her home for the last few days.

The walk was all going fine until Iris began getting a weird tingling sensation like she is being watched.

Trying to shrug it off as just her being paranoid, her suspicions were soon confirmed when her 'Danger Sense' began going off the charts.

'Am I in some kind of danger?' Iris thought, beginning to feel this wasn't as simple as she previously expected.

She soon found a young man with a black suit approaching her, even though he tries to act casually, Iris found apparent flaws in his movements as his gaze was clearly intent on her the entire time.

Even though, the look coming of the man could be played off at a stare as a result of her being an attractive young woman.

but looking within those eyes it didn't seem like the type of look a man gives to women with those sorts of intention, and it looks more like he was inspecting her with another intention in mind.

Iris soon found her pace increasing, as she began to walk faster down the streets.

Trying to remain calm in the situation, Iris began trying to analyse a solution against whoever is after her, but just as she was about to stress even further a notification came up from the system signifying she has received a quest.

[ Quest received! Escape from the Butcher's Grasp! ]

[ Description: His anger at losing something which belonged to him, haunted his thoughts increasingly. His rage intensified at the idea of someone which dares to defy him after the many corpses littered his path to the top, no one since had the thought of ever meeting his path again. Afterall he is known as the Butcher. Run the butcher is coming for you, his goons are the first but will they be the last? ]

[ Reward: 10 Attribute points | 250 System points. ]

[ Time-limit: Until you successfully escape or the would-be captors meet their end. ]

[ Accept | Decline ]

Instantly Iris clicked 'Accept', she knew she had no choice with the quest anyways, as this 'Butchers' goons will be coming for her regardless, with or without the quest.

A haunting thought at the man she seemed to have angered being referred to as the 'Butcher' made Iris feel increasingly worried about the situation.

Her anxious thoughts soon recovered as she began to feel annoyed at the idea that someone believes they could just do whatever they want to her because she is weak, you think you can trample on her without any consequences of your actions?

Well, let's see at the end of this who will be regretful of offending who!

These thoughts continuously raged through her mind, as she became increasingly determined about changing the outcome of this situation.