
Mystic Starlight

Jazza the eldest daughter of the Lor family, a family of medical merchants. Was just helping he father like any other day, running a stall in the busy harbor marketplace. The a commotion caused her to be caught up in a whirlwind of trouble.. Mystery, adventure, drama and romance awaits beyond these pages.

Ahvi_Carnival · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Sundrin watches the human girl finish setting up her stall. Her long black hair almost looked like it had a hue of blue to it once in the sun. Her father approached a smaller statue man, not what he had expected. "We have to head back home," Noris stated "What's wrong Papa?"Jazza asked concerned. "They raised the market fee. We don't have enough." "It's more than 1 silver?" "3 silver, I didn't bring extra coin.. If I paid that we'd not have any money to make change with…" Noris started to pack up. Jazza paused pulling out the coin from her pouch, Sundrin smiled glade his coin would come in handy for them. However she hide it away, "Then let's give them the three silver we have. We shall adjust the prices of the herbs to lower cost for a short time then raise it back up after noon when it gets busier." Sundrin was confused.

The father listened to her which was also unusual. "Smart girl, since it's slowest and many people in the mornings ask for discounts why not try it." He left again to pay the fee. Both stood doing their best to sell their goods, many poor came walking through and seemed surprised at the discounted medicines buying. Jazza knew many languages that he hadn't expected. She would translate, and father would sell, and her speaking travelers languages helped get more people buying from them. Sundrin recognized the upper hand they had here.

"May I pay for your daughter?" A man approached asking, Sundrin's eyes narrowed, the father didn't seem bothered he smiled. "Buy such a strange phrase, borrow for one of your customers?'' He asked a confused Sundrin more. "A man is getting upset that I will not sell him goods, but he won't pay.. I just need her for a moment. I'll pay 5 copper.'' Noris nodded looking to his daughter. "Can you assist Yamesh at his stall for a moment?" She nodded following the order of the merchant man. Sundrin followed the man, didn't speak to her, and just led her to a larger stall with many jewels. A man seemed quite upset holding up a bracelet, shouting in a different language. Jazza listened to him for a moment. Sundrin knew this was a rarer language to encounter in this country..

Jazza stepped forward bowing her heard to the man, ~Hello my friend.~ she took a moment slowly speaking to him back into his language ~I am here to help, what seems to be the issue?~ she switched to his language, not perfect but understandable a few pauses to say words clearly. The man still angry shouts ~I just want to buy this, and that man insulted me not wanting to sell to me.!~ Jazzza nodded then looked to Yamesh, "How much for the bracelet?" "5 gold," Sundrin didn't understand if he could sell for such a high price why pay her to help so little.. ~They didn't reach out to take it back, they were trying to take your payment. Five gold.~ the man seemed to have calmed down. ~Then here is the 5 gold~ handed it to Jazza she handed it over to Yamesh. "Thank him and apologize for the misunderstanding," Jazza nodded ~Yamesh thanks you for your purchase and apologizes for the misunderstanding.~ the man nods taking the bracelet about to leave then pauses. ~Girl.. would you be able to translate for me? Or do I need to speak with this man, Yamesh?~

Jazza smiled, ~I work with my father at a herbal, and medical stall. I'm just here to help Yamesh. I need to also return to help my father.~ Yamesh looked annoyed seeing them chat. The man nodded, ~I need to buy a dress for my wife, for an event. Can you take her to a dress shop and have them dress her accordingly?~ Jazza bowed ~I'd be honored, please bring her to our stall just over there at the entrance to the market. I will inform my father and help.~ the man smiled, ~Thank you, I am Radviki. I shall go fetch her. Your name?~ ~Jazza Lor and my fathers name is Noris Lor. I shall wait for you and your wife Radviki.~ Jazza turned to Yamesh.

"He is pleased, and any misunderstandings have been cleared up." "Thank your father, here is you coin." Handed her three pieces of copper, she bowed heading back to her father, giving him the coin. Sundrin was amused by her, and the way she carried herself. So eager to help no matter if she earned a coin or not. 'I think traveling with her to be more honest and safe..' plus he liked the idea of getting to spend time with her.

Rama had located the two men, Gabriel leading the dwarf to a brothel. "Shall we celebrate my friend?" "Who were those men?" Gabriel shrugged, "No clue, all I know is it worked out for me on both sides.." "Both?" Oddie asked confused, Gabriel laughed while heading into the brothel "I mean for both of us! Now let's enjoy ourselves." Rama definitely could tell there was something up with this Gabriel character.

He slipped into the room that Gabriel and his lady had entered. Hiding himself behind a thick wall of curtains, sometimes he hated parts of his job. The woman left after a few hours, and Rama sensed another presence in the room. ~Gabriel.. enjoying yourself..?~ an elvish voice called out in a whisper.. Gabriel stood quickly looking about the room. A figure stepped out of the smoking shadows, ~I have done what you have asked of me. Just enjoying the fruits of my labor.~ the figure slowly walked over to him. Rama couldn't see who it was them wearing a white mask with black markings, hooded. ~Half your reward now, the other half once we verify they have taken the path..~ he was handed a small chest full of platinum containing more than 200 coins. ~Thank you,~ the figure disappeared.

Rama watched as Gabriel stood looking at the coin, "Paid to tell them about the northern path and say it was a safe travel route, and paid by them for that very information. How lucky am I.. and if things don't go well I can blame Oddie.." Rama had all he needed now.. but he needed to know who was behind the payment to try to kill them.. Since Prince Sundrin's life was on the line and it could lead to war. He readied his daggers taking a quick rush, he appeared behind the man's blade pressed against the human's neck. ~So you can speak elvish.. You've no clue who you have lied to… Know if you value your life you'll tell me who that person is.~ Rama's words live venom he wasn't going to allow anything to happen to the Prince as his personal guard and more importantly his friend.

Gabriel felt a cold chill run down his back, the sharpness of the blade made him fearful to even breathe.. The money sounded too good to be true but he had thought he had been smart about everything. Then he paused thinking.. 'How is this.. must be one of the two hooded men.. How did they know he had lied and where had he been hiding..? Did he follow me..?' He froze, recalling looking back and seeing a familiar girl talking to the two men.. 'I thought she was trying to sell them things.. The girl knows many languages.. Damn her! Putting her nose in his business.' A tight pull on his hair caused him to snap back into reality ~Speak! Who was that person? Who paid you?!~ Rama, growing impatient, yelled while waiting for a response.

~If I tell you what I know will you spare me? I'll give you all the money too!~ Gabriel valued his life more than anything and he could earn it back.. probably just not like this ever again.. Rama saw no harm as long as he got what information he needed.. ~Fine who was the mask person?~ Gabriel honestly didn't know, but he had traveled often and had picked up a few cues that right now could save his life.. ~It was a woman, of one I do not know her name or face. However, however she is from an eastern country, she has pale blue skin and speaks like nobility. Her perfume is also very rare, made of Moonglow flowers that alone cost over 1000 platinum. That is all I know.~ he now would pray that that was enough to buy him his life..