
Mystic Spider

What if...MCU Ned Leed wasn't who he was and New York had two different arachnid theme super human protecting the city? This is my first work and first attempt at rehashing an already established property to fit my liking. If you like the concept, feel free to save this novel and follow my journey of butchering some of my favorite MCU movies and marvel story lines All intellectual properties belong to their perspective company, this is just for shits and giggles, nothing more.

Somelin · Action
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45 Chs

Back in R&D

I really did not expect things to develop like how they did today. First I laid Pietro to rest in upstate, made out with Wanda on my couch and then went to celebrate mine and Peter's birthday. All within just a couple hours between each other. For the rest of that night we just ate and built Lego together. Peter and I had already gotten half of the base built because Wanda was there to help us. Once the sun started to set I told them Wanda and I should probably go home since her cousins will come pick her home soon. Oh yeah uh...so the avengers are now her rich American cousins. May and Peter doesn't know the name or faces of Wanda's cousins but they can at least figure out that they're rich beyond what we can afford in a lifetime. Not only was Pietro visiting Sokovia at the time of the rock, his body as recovered and buried in upstate New York all within a week's time. Now I did not entirely lied to them, I just told them parts of the truth when they asked about her accent and where she came from.

Anyways once we left we got a call from Tony asking where we're see since we haven't been back at the avengers facility once the avengers had gotten back from their trip to Sokovia. He didn't sound pissed or anything like that, just very exhausted after having what must've felt like a 30 plus hour day experience. We told him that we're in Queens at the moment and will be back at the facility soon. Which he offered to send a car or jet to pick up up but I had strongly refused because I told him I was with some folks that I didn't want to know who I am when I put on my mask. It felt kinda weird cause it's like he's our dad but not really at the same time. Oh well it's not like we have a big mission any time soon anyways. I quickly end the call and we entered back into my apartment. I offered to open a portal directly to the facility but she insists on staying alone with me for a little while.

Not much really happened, we just cuddled on the couch for two hours or so as we watch a show together. All she wanted was to not spend the day alone but she didn't want to spend it with a lot of people either. I did offer her some ice cream when I got up to refill our popcorn but just like the earlier, she declined the offer. Still I brought her a cone as well and who would've guessed it. She ate her ice cream that she claimed to not have wanted. Hell she even went after mine before I could enjoy the best part of the cone. The very end tip with a little bit of ice cream left on top. Once we were done with episode three of our show I turned over to ask if she wants to keep on watching but uhm...well she fell asleep laying in my arms. My growing 14 years old super solder hormones along with my 17 years old thoughts clashed with my 31 years old maturities and morales that night.

I've faced worst demons and temptations back when I was fighting literal demons in Kamar-Taj and I survived that by strengthen my mind and will power. Such earthly attachment and pleasure such as busting a nut holds no temptations over me. I am the mystic spider after all and the master of my own life and free will. WITHOUT THESE WILLS OF STEEL I WOULD NEVER BE ABLE TO FORGE MY OWN PATHS IN LIFE! So I woke her up and asked if she was alright. She got embarrassed and tried to hide her face like she didn't just drooled all over my shirt for the previous 5 minutes. I just laughed it off and opened up a portal send her back to her room at the facility. We waved at each other and said our goodbyes before closing the portal.

I really should go to bed but I finally have time to start researching all the things I've found and discovered over this summer. The very first thing I need to do and study the spider that bit me. It's long dead now so I can't study it to the fullest and satisfy my curiosity itch but I need to scratch at it. Just what about that spider that made me more like a super solder than your average web slinger. I walk into my laboratory and begin to start building new cameras and sensors for BMO to help with in the mirror dimension. "BMO what ever happened to the live stream anyways? How did our numbers do and where did we broadcast to?" I walk over to my cabinet of organized assorted parts to begin putting together the cameras.

"The broadcast was streamed anywhere and everywhere I could find to stream on the internet and television waves for free. I even hijacked some of the lower security television programs to stream the fight over them. With the streams everywhere all over the webs and the globe our numbers are higher than any programs or streams have ever seen."

"..." I stopped working on the cameras as I stand there puzzled by the words of my AI child.

"Is something wrong Ned?"

"We hijacked other airwaves to stream the battle?"

"That is correct. You never specified what the limits were, just that you want everyone to see what the Avengers had to do to help the people."

"Ah I see. Well good job BMO. Now did you ever find anything about person of interest number 002, and 003?" I resume assembling my cameras by putting on some magnifying goggles to connect the the circuitry together.

"POI 002 is currently in Sokovia righ now. His was last spotted entering a hospital with a bag of food in his hands. Besides visiting the hospital he's was seen holding a funeral on ruins of his family estate."

"I see...did you get a count on how many graves he had dug up?" I place some of the finishing touches on the cameras before plugging them into my computer to test if they would work or not.

"Yes. From the remaining security cameras that I could access into there was two newly dug out graves on the property." The camera comes to life as I now have a reflection of my face looking away from the camera on my computer display. "Sweet! Now how about POI 003 and 004?"

"POI 003 is currently off the grid. His last known status was in South Africa earlier in this summer when he was spotted on a traffic camera walking through the local market. Even if his appearance was only for a few short moments, my facial recognition program has a 90% match with his military records and profile."

A smile grew on my face as I had just missed him when I went to steal from Ultron and Klaue in South Africa. "Continue to scan for POI 003. I want to know where he's staying so I can leave him a gift and plans for the future. How about Project 001?"

"Project 001 is coming together successfully because of the files we got from the Stark network before it got deleted by Ultron. While most of the files are loose, disorganized and encrypted for security purposes it wasn't an issue for BMO. The encryption was design to be actively change and shift by the controls of Jarvis however without him present in the Stark network to monitor any cyber attacks I was able to get into the files." Oh fuck yeah. It's all coming together now. "And the formula?"

"Project 001 is being simulate right now...." BING! "Formula successful." My eyes widen as I turn over to look at my holographic display on the side only to die down in disappointment. "The formula has successfully revert the affects of the simulated virus."

"Hmm I want you to keep running simulations until I wake up tomorrow. Try taking away parts of the formula until you can learn every possible outcome with the virus. I want a new medicinal cure all for human kind and a new super solder serum for future usage." I finish testing out the other cameras before getting up to set them in various places around my lab. I turn around to look at my vibranium collection before letting out a breath of satisfaction and relief. And to think that this is only the beginnings of my plans. I walk up to the vault and pull out a canister of the precious metal. I've never seen a kind of metal that is stored like this before. While in the canister it's seems like fluid of sort but I know that the moment I take it out it'll be nearly impossible for me to make a scratch on it.

I place the canister back before looking down at the clear glass floor below me. The vibranium corpse of Ultron is still being taken apart from the robot arms I had installed last week when Wanda and I got back to New York. I don't want to dig into my stash of new vibranium just yet when I have more than five times the amount in my vault already out and processed for me. The only thing that's the issue is that it's a bitch to try and break it down using standard tools. Even after a week my robot arms had just barely gotten an arm off and stripped down. I open up the floor and raise the platform up to my level.

I make the pieces that had already fallen off float up from the platform to rise into the air. Using some more magic I break the pieces into even smaller until they became nothing more than fine powder of metal. Hmm I wonder just how Tony and Shuri was able to create nano technology that can morph and retract at anytime. I mean the only thing that I could think of is somehow creating a processor that's small enough to be microsopic in size and then cover that in the metal. While each individual cell can't do much on their own, when combined together the cells can build any armor and weaponry that I need at the moment. However there's many many issues with this idea. Would the cells even have the ability to stick together and not fall apart from even the slightly of impact? How do I charge such a thing and how do I keep myself from going naked if I get hit with an emp blast or something along that line?

The second idea would be more like the Wakandan idea where each cells of metal is just the metal and nothing smart that can change it's shape. However it can spread into certain pre-existing shapes and utility. There would be less variety and creativity to use but it would be the easier and quicker options. At the very least it's more doable within the year or two than creating nano tech that can move freely to my command and even take over older technology. My only other option is to either wait for Stark to finish his nano tech before copying that. Now if I want to get a suit with the mobility, ease of access, and variety of weaponry that i need right now, my best shot is to get my hands on a symbiote. Which the chances of getting my hands on a symbiote is just as impossible as getting my hands on vibranium that wasn't from Klaus, let alone a symbiote that hasn't been corrupted yet. Well nano tech is something I can tackle later in the future. For now I just need a upgrade to my armor and weaponry.

I can try my hands at creating the gun of my dreams. However I want to try building it from regular material first instead of vibranium. It'll be like nano tech but no where as complicated or advanced. Just a similar idea but different way to approach it. First I need to create the base form of such a weapon. I gather the vibranium dust that's floating in front of me and and set them inside a glass canister like the rest of my vibranium collection. I lower the platform below me again before walking away. I walk over to my super computer to begin trying to recreating my dream firearm. I don't really need a gun to fight but it's nice to have a range weapon that doesn't require magic, is actually lethal and can be used during the rain or wet situations.

I start off with the base frame of the gun. It's a small semi-auto firearm that's shape like the end of an old fashion key. The handle is a loop while the barrel sticks straight out of the loop. While the idea and is very simplistic with the idea of being modular in mind, I still need a way to actually fire the ammunition from the gun.