
Mystic Realms: The Rise of the Guardian King

The story starts in the modern world and transitions to a Murim world, a parallel universe steeped in martial arts traditions, powerful clans, ancient secrets, mystical creatures, and opportunities for kingdom-building.

Kokphai_123 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: The Unexpected Journey

Jin Lee adjusted his duffel bag, the weight of his martial arts gear a familiar comfort. The sun had dipped below the horizon, and the streetlights flickered to life as he made his way home from the tournament. Despite his exhaustion, a smile played on his lips. Winning his match had been exhilarating, but it was the thrill of the fight, the test of his skills, that truly fueled his passion.

He took a shortcut through the park, a path he had walked countless times before. Tonight, however, there was an unusual stillness in the air. The park, usually filled with the sounds of chirping crickets and rustling leaves, was eerily silent. Jin paused, a sense of unease creeping over him. He shook it off, attributing it to post-competition nerves.

Suddenly, a strange sensation washed over him. The air around him seemed to warp and twist, and before he could react, he felt a violent pull, as if he were being sucked through a vacuum. The world around him dissolved into a blur of colors and light, and Jin's heart pounded in his chest. He tried to scream, but no sound came out. Panic set in as he felt his body being stretched and compressed, the sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced.

Just as quickly as it had begun, the ordeal ended. Jin found himself sprawled on the ground, the cool earth beneath him a stark contrast to the sensation of being ripped from his world. He groaned, pushing himself up to his hands and knees. His head spun, and he blinked rapidly, trying to clear his vision.

When his eyes finally focused, Jin realized he was no longer in the park. Tall, ancient trees surrounded him, their branches entwined like a thick canopy overhead. The forest was unlike any he had seen before, with bioluminescent plants casting an eerie glow. Strange, unfamiliar sounds echoed through the air, and the scent of damp earth and exotic flora filled his nostrils.

"Where am I?" Jin muttered to himself, rising unsteadily to his feet. He looked around, trying to get his bearings, but nothing was familiar. His heart raced as the reality of his situation sank in. He had somehow been transported to another place, another world.

Suddenly, the underbrush rustled, and Jin tensed. From the shadows emerged three men, their rough attire and malicious grins marking them as bandits. They moved with predatory grace, circling Jin like wolves.

"Look what we have here," one of them sneered, his eyes gleaming with menace. "A lost little lamb, all alone in the forest."

Jin clenched his fists, his training kicking in despite his confusion and fear. "I don't want any trouble," he said, his voice steady. "Just tell me where I am, and I'll be on my way."

The bandits laughed, a harsh, mocking sound. "You're in the wrong place at the wrong time, friend," another bandit said, drawing a wicked-looking dagger. "And the only way you're leaving is if we let you."

With no other choice, Jin took a deep breath and prepared to defend himself. He remembered his training, the countless hours spent honing his skills, and channeled his fear into focus. As the first bandit lunged at him, Jin sidestepped and delivered a swift kick to his side. The bandit grunted in pain but quickly recovered, his eyes now filled with anger.

The fight was brutal. Jin's martial arts skills allowed him to hold his own, but the bandits fought with a ferocity and style he had never encountered. They moved in perfect unison, exploiting every opening, and Jin soon found himself overwhelmed.

Just as he began to falter, a figure burst from the trees with blinding speed. The newcomer moved with a fluid grace, their strikes precise and devastating. Within moments, the bandits lay on the ground, groaning in pain.

Jin looked up to see his savior. It was a young woman, her eyes sharp and her stance radiating confidence. She wore a traditional outfit that hinted at a martial arts background, and a long sword gleamed at her side.

"Who are you?" Jin asked, still catching his breath.

The woman eyed him warily. "I could ask you the same question," she replied. "But for now, follow me. It's not safe here."

With no better options and a deep sense of gratitude, Jin nodded. As he followed her through the dense forest, questions swirled in his mind. Where was he? Who was this woman? And most importantly, how would he find his way back home?

Little did Jin know, his journey had only just begun.