
Mystic March: Chronicles of Enchanted Warfare

"In the secluded Buena village deep in the mountains, an old couple discovers a mysterious baby named Tekashi in the woods . Years later they find out that he possesses abnormal strength and speed. Tekashi and his friends Ryonosuke, Ichigo, Josee, and Kubo, find themselves part of a ruthless military squad, Squad X, formed from gifted children forcibly taken by the empire. Haunted by a past tragedy, Tekashi unveils the empire's sinister objectives involving a girl their age and decides to escape. Together, they navigate a parallel realm of magic, seeking answers and vengeance for their losses. After the empire's raid on Buena, where 15 children were taken, only 5 remain, forming an unbreakable bond as they confront their deepest fears and uncover mysteries. Will they succeed in avenging their past and forging a new destiny in this parallel realm of magic?"

Alpha_Ex · Action
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7 Chs

Chapter Six

A span of six years had passed since that pivotal day when the military forcibly took Tekashi, who was just a twelve-year-old boy, from Buena village. During this time, he had undergone a profound transformation, evolving into a calm, resolute, and self-sufficient young man. He found himself at the helm of a remarkable team—Ichigo, Ryonosuke, Josee, and Kubo—a team they proudly called "Squad X"

Squad Shadow wasn't just a group; it was a harmonious ensemble where each member contributed their unique strengths. Tekashi's leadership guided them, with Ichigo as his capable second-in-command, Ryonosuke specializing as the group's agile assassin, Kubo displaying keen precision as their sharpshooter, and Josee proving to be a formidable close-range fighter.

At the age of sixteen, they were presented with the chance to select their weapons of choice, a crucial decision influencing their combat roles. Tekashi, Ichigo, and Josee opted for katanas, aligning with their expertise in close combat. Kubo chose a firearm due to his exceptional marksmanship, while Ryonosuke favored a pair of short dual blades, reflecting his swift and efficient fighting style.

However, the choice of weapons led to a subsequent evaluation. Some of them underwent tests to determine their natural magical attributes, while others needed magical insignias to harness magical powers. Out of the group, only four individuals—Ichigo, Tekashi, Sutan, and Mikasa—showed natural magical capabilities, setting them apart as unique assets in a world where magic held considerable power.

Two more years of unrelenting training further honed their skills, transforming the children taken from Buena village into accomplished cadets, prepared for leadership roles in the military.

Amid this grueling training regimen, there was an event that transpired three days before their official promotion. It was a poignant occasion where parents were allowed to visit their children once every three months. Families came together, sharing heartfelt but brief moments.

The parents of the children from Buena village arrived, and Tekashi fervently looked for his own. His heart sank as he realized his father's conspicuous absence, raising concerns. His search led to the revelation that only his mother was present. The reason for his father's absence was deeply unsettling.

In a private conversation, Tekashi's mother disclosed the immense burden his father had carried since their separation. Unbeknownst to Tekashi, his father had experienced debilitating headaches and persistent physical suffering, all concealed to spare his family's worry. The revelation shook Tekashi, made even more profound by his father's recent passing.

His father's farewell message emphasized that none of the misfortunes were Tekashi's fault and urged his wife to take care of herself. Despite this, Tekashi couldn't absolve himself of guilt and remorse, deepened by his father's anguish.

The official promotion ceremony was an occasion of celebration, but for Tekashi, it was overshadowed by the weight of his grief. Throughout the event, he remained silent and withdrawn, no longer engaged with his squad members or peers, and his isolation was felt by all.

In the hours following the ceremony, Tekashi sought solace beside the tent, apart from the group, allowing tears of anguish to flow freely. Unbeknownst to him, an observer drew near, choosing to respect his solitude. This observer listened as Tekashi berated himself, unleashing a torrent of self-condemnation and sorrow.

Eventually, the observer revealed himself—Ichigo. What began as reproach transformed into shared laughter, while Ryonosuke and Josee watched from a distance, labeling them as amusing yet enigmatic companions.

As days flowed into weeks, their bonds grew stronger, ultimately leading to a new mission for Squad X . Their recent successes earned them a unique opportunity. They were summoned to meet with Commander Minato, who revealed the details of an impending mission.

Commander Minato praised their accomplishments and began explaining the mission's parameters, hinting at the planned abduction of a person traveling by carriage. The mission's mention triggered a mix of excitement and apprehension within Tekashi, who longed to understand the broader purpose.

Commander Minato, however, remained steadfast in his secrecy and declined to divulge the king's intentions, emphasizing the mission's confidential nature. Despite Tekashi's persistence in seeking answers, he encountered unwavering resolve and an unyielding gaze, a stark reminder that their duty was to execute without questioning.

As Tekashi grappled with growing suspicion and the unspoken concerns surrounding their mission, uncertainty continued to loom large, ready to envelop them in its pervasive shadows.

As Tekashi stepped out of the tent, his growing suspicions about the mission assigned by Commander Minato weighed on his mind. The commander had emphasized the need for secrecy, instructing Tekashi to disclose the details only to his teammates, as the mission was a direct order from the king himself.

Upon his return to the team's tent, he was immediately greeted by a cacophony of loud voices. Inside, Ichigo and Ryonosuke were engaged in a heated dispute over a single piece of meat. Tekashi, wearing a faint smirk, approached the plate where the coveted meat lay. Without hesitation, he seized the morsel of food and devoured it.

As the last bite disappeared, a sudden hush enveloped the tent. The abrupt silence was broken by Ichigo and Ryonosuke, who lunged at Tekashi, unleashing their frustration in the form of punches and kicks. Yet, Tekashi's agility outmatched them, allowing him to effortlessly evade their attacks and overpower both of them.

In the midst of the commotion, Josee inquired about Tekashi's whereabouts. He calmly explained that he had returned from the commander's tent.

"I've got good news, guys," Tekashi announced, attempting to quell the brewing tension in the tent.

"Hmmm," echoed their collective curiosity.

"We've received a mission," he continued, anticipation in his voice.

"Hunnnn..." they responded.

"Not only that, but we have a tight deadline. The mission is scheduled to take place in just three days," Tekashi revealed.

"Hunnn... Three days from now? Are we supposed to be robots or something?" Ichigo exclaimed with exasperation.

Tekashi bid his team goodnight, leaving them in stunned amazement as he retreated to his room.

This thrilling turn of events would challenge Squad Shadow in ways they couldn't anticipate, their resilience tested as they faced the imminent mission.

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